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单词 appreciation
释义 appreciation noun¹ 1understanding and enjoyment of sth欣赏;鉴赏adjective | verb + appreciation | preposition adjective➤deep, great, real极度的鉴赏;非常欣赏;十分欣赏▸➤aesthetic审美➤art, music艺术/音乐鉴赏➤new, new-found新的赏识;新发现的魅力◆his new-found appreciation for art他新近才有的对艺术的欣赏➤renewed重新欣赏◆a renewed appreciation of traditions once branded as primitive重新欣赏曾被打上“原始”烙印的传统➤public大众的鉴赏力◆the organization aims to promote public appreciation of photography.该机构旨在提高公众对摄影的欣赏水平。verb + appreciation➤have有鉴赏力◆they have little appreciation of the arts.他们对艺术几乎没有鉴赏力。➤share赞同欣赏◆he doesn't share my appreciation for opera.他不赞同我对歌剧的欣赏。➤show显示出鉴赏力▸➤develop, gain培养/获得鉴赏力◆i have now developed an appreciation of poetry.我现在会欣赏诗歌了。➤foster培养鉴赏力◆we hope the course will help foster a lifelong appreciation of music.我们希望这门课能有助于培养起大家对音乐的终生欣赏能力。➤enhance, increase提高/增加鉴赏力preposition➤in appreciation赞赏地◆she gazed in appreciation at the scene.她赞赏地看着这景色。➤appreciation for, appreciation of对⋯的鉴赏力;⋯的鉴赏力◆they had a new-found appreciation for japanese music.他们新近开始欣赏起日本音乐。appreciation noun² 2feeling of being grateful for sth感激;感谢adjective | verb + appreciation | preposition | phrases adjective➤deep, genuine, heartfelt, sincere深深的谢意;真诚的感激;衷心的感谢;诚挚的谢意verb + appreciation➤express, show表示感激;表示感谢◆i would like to express my appreciation and thanks to you all.我想对你们所有人表达我的感激和谢意。➤extend (formal, especially name) 谨致谢忱◆the authors extend their sincere appreciation to everyone who contributed to the book.作者向对促成该书的所有人致以诚挚的谢意。preposition➤in appreciation (of)为了感谢(⋯)◆i'll be sending them a donation in appreciation of their help.我将送给他们一笔捐款以感谢他们的帮助。➤with appreciation怀有感激之情◆'thank you,' she murmured, with heartfelt appreciation.“谢谢。”她喃喃地说道,语气中充满了由衷的感激。➤appreciation for对⋯的感谢◆his appreciation for all the work she had done他对她所做的一切的感谢phrases➤a lack of appreciation缺乏感激之情▸➤a token of your appreciation感激的表示◆as a token of our appreciation we would like to offer you this small gift.我们想送给你这个小礼物以表达我们的感激之情。appreciation noun³ 3understanding of what sth involves了解所涉及的东西adjective | verb + appreciation | preposition adjective➤better, clear, deep, full, great, keen, real, true, wider更好的/清楚的/深入的/全面的/深切的/敏锐的/真实的/真正的/更广泛的了解▸➤growing越来越多的了解◆there is a growing appreciation of the need for change.改革的迫切性愈来愈为人们所知。➤new新的认识◆the article gave me a new appreciation for the work which went into the album.这篇文章使我对制作这张专辑所付出的努力有了新的了解。verb + appreciation➤have(对⋯)有了解▸➤gain理解◆the course helped me to gain a deeper appreciation of what scientific research involves.这门课程帮助我更深入地了解科学研究所包含的内容。preposition➤appreciation of对⋯的了解◆she had no appreciation of the difficulties we were facing.她不了解我们所面临的困难。 appreciation /əˌpriːʃieɪʃn/ noun [uncountable; singular] (economics 经济学) increase in value over a period of time 升值;增值◆share price appreciation 股票价格上扬◆an appreciation in the value of land 土地的升值◆an appreciation of the euro against sterling 欧元对英镑的升值 opp depreciation asset appreciation ◇ capital appreciation ☞ appreciation appreciation /əpriːʃieɪʃn/ [uncountable] the good feeling that you have when you recognize and enjoy the good qualities of sb/sth欣赏;赏识◆she shows little appreciation of good music.她不太会欣赏美好的音乐。◆the crowd murmured in appreciation.人群低声赞叹着。  ➡ see also appreciate → appreciate appreciation /əpriːʃieɪʃn/ [uncountable] (rather formal) the feeling of being grateful for sth and wanting to express your thanks感激之情;感谢◆please accept this gift in appreciation of all you've done for us.承蒙鼎力相助,不胜感激,谨备薄礼,敬请笑纳。  ➡ see also appreciate → welcome , appreciative → grateful note 辨析 gratitude or appreciation? gratitude can be a more general feeling of being grateful. appreciation is the act of reconginizing a particular thing that sb has done and being grateful for it. * gratitude 可以是较一般的感激之情。appreciation 是认可某人所做的具体事情并心存感激◆i feel a deep sense of appreciation to her. appreciation /əpriːʃieɪʃn/ [uncountable, singular] (rather formal) a full or sympathetic understanding of a situation, problem or subject理解;体谅;同情◆i had no appreciation of the problems they faced.我没有体谅到他们所面临的问题。◆candidates should have a broad appreciation of contemporary issues.候选人对当代问题应该要有广泛的理解。 ➡ see also appreciate → know 1 appreciation/əˌpri:ʃiˈeɪʃn ||; əˌpriʃɪˈeʃən/noun1. [u] understanding and enjoyment of the value of sth 欣赏;鉴赏;赏识: ◇i'm afraid i have little appreciation of modern architecture. 我恐怕欣赏不了现代建筑。 2. [u] the feeling of being grateful for sth 感激;感谢: ◇we bought him a present to show our appreciation for all the work he had done. 我们买了一份礼物送给他,对他出力表示感谢。 3. [u] [sing] understanding of a situation, problem, etc (对情况、问题等的)明白,了解 4. [u] [sing] an increase in value 增值;升值 appreciationsee ⇨ thank 3     • • •• ⇨ show your appreciation ap·pre·ci·a·tion /əˏpriʃɪ`eʃən; əˌpriːʃiˈeɪʃən/n [u] 1. a feeling of being grateful to someone 感激:◇show your appreciation a small gift to show our appreciation for all your hard work 一份小礼物以示我们对你付出的一切努力的感激 2. an understanding of a difficult situation or problem [对困境、问题的]领会,体会:◇you just have no appreciation of how serious this all is! 你根本没有领会这一切有多严重! 3. the enjoyment you feel when you recognize the good qualities of something 欣赏; 赏识:◇as he grew older, his appreciation for his home town grew. 当他年纪渐长,他对家乡越来越欣赏。




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