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单词 hobble
释义 hobble [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to walk with difficulty, especially because your feet or legs hurt or are injured(尤指因腿脚不便)蹒跚,跛行◆he used to hobble around the yard on crutches.过去他经常拄着腋杖在院里一瘸一拐地走。◆she hobbled painfully back to the hut.她忍着痛跛行回到棚屋里。hobble/ˈhɒbl ||; ˈhɑbḷ/verb [i] to walk with difficulty because your feet or legs are hurt 跛行: ◇he hobbled home on his twisted ankle. 他扭伤了脚踝,一瘸一拐地走回家去。 hobblesee ⇨ walk 5 hob·ble /`hɑbḷ; ˈhɒbəl/v [i]to walk with difficulty, taking small steps, because you are injured 跛行,一瘸一拐地走




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