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单词 conspicuous
释义 conspicuous adjectiveverbs | adverb | phrases verbs➤be, feel, look, seem惹人注目;觉得惹人注目;显眼;似乎显眼▸➤become变得惹人注目▸➤make sb使某人惹人注目◆its yellow skin makes it highly conspicuous.那婴儿的黄皮肤格外惹人注目。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常显眼◆the new building was rather conspicuous.这座新楼相当显眼。➤highly非常惹人注目phrases➤conspicuous by your absence (= not present in a situation or place, when it is obvious that you should be there) (本应在场却)因缺席而引起注意 conspicuous /kənspɪkjuəs/ easy to see or notice; likely to attract attention by being unusual or different显而易见的;明显的;惹人注意的◆i felt very conspicuous in my new car.开着新车,我觉得十分惹眼。◆bay windows are a conspicuous feature of his architecture.凸窗是他的建筑设计的一个显著特征。opp inconspicuous → invisible ▸ conspicuously adverb◆women were conspicuously absent from the planning committee.引人注意的是,规划委员会里没有一个女性委员。conspicuous/kənˈspɪkjuəs ||; kənˈspɪkjυəs/adj easily seen or noticed 显著的;明显的 [opp] inconspicuous 反义词为inconspicuous➔conspicuously advconspicuoussee ⇨ notice/not notice 4 ⇨ obvious 1 con·spic·u·ous /kən`spɪkjəs; kənˈspɪkjəs/adjvery easy to notice because of being different from other people or things [由于与其他人或物不同而]显眼的; 显而易见的:◇being so tall makes him very conspicuous. 长得这么高使他很惹人注目。




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