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单词 bake
释义 bake verbphrases➤freshly baked, newly baked新鲜/刚刚烘烤出炉的◆the house was filled with the scent of freshly baked bread.房子里飘着新鲜出炉的烤面包的香味。 bake verb  ➡ see also the entry for cook另见 cook 条bake ♦︎ fry ♦︎ roast ♦︎ grill ♦︎ broil ♦︎ toast ♦︎ barbecuethese are all words for ways of cooking food.这些词均表示烹调食物的方式。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to fry / roast / grill / broil / barbecue chicken◆to fry / grill / barbecue a steak◆to fry / grill / barbecue sausages◆to bake / fry / grill / broil fish◆to fry / grill bacon◆to bake / fry / roast potatoes◆to bake / fry / toast bread◆to roast / toast nuts■ bake [transitive, intransitive] to cook food, especially bread, cakes and potatoes, in an oven without extra fat or liquid; to be cooked in this way(在烤炉里)烘烤;焙◆baked potatoes烤土豆◆i'm baking a birthday cake for alex.我在给亚历克斯烤生日蛋糕。◆i'm baking alex a cake.我在给亚历克斯烤蛋糕。ⓘ bake is not used about cooking meat; use roast instead.烹烤肉类不用 bake,用 roast。  ➡ see also baking → cooking ■ fry [transitive, intransitive] to cook sth in hot fat or oil; to be cooked in this way油炸;油煎;油炒◆fried fish / eggs炸鱼;煎鸡蛋◆i woke up to the smell of bacon frying.煎熏咸肉的气味把我唤醒了。■ roast [transitive, intransitive] to cook meat without liquid in an oven or over a fire; to cook vegetables in oil or fat in an oven; to cook nuts or beans in order to dry them and turn them brown; to be cooked in any of these ways烘,烤,焙(肉);烤,焙(蔬菜);烘烤,焙,炒(坚果或豆子)◆you should boil the potatoes for a little before you roast them.土豆在烤之前,应该稍微煮一下。◆the smell of roasting meat came from the kitchen.厨房里飘来烤肉的香味。ⓘ the past participle of roast is usually roasted, except when it is used before a noun, when roast is usually used. * roast 的过去分词通常是 roasted,但在名词前通常用 roast◆roast beef / chicken / potatoes / parsnips烤牛肉;烤鸡;烤土豆;烤萝卜◆roasted beef/chicken/potatoes/parsnips however, roasted is used to describe nuts and beans.不过,描述坚果和豆子则用 roasted◆roasted chestnuts / coffee beans / peanuts炒栗子;烘过的咖啡豆;炒花生■ grill [transitive] to cook food under or over a very strong heat(在高热下方或上方)烧烤,炙烤◆grill the sausages for ten minutes, turning occasionally.把香肠烤十分钟,时而翻转一下。◆at night we used to grill steaks over charcoal in the open air.我们以前晚上常常露天在炭火上烤牛排。ⓘ food can be grilled in an oven under the grill (bre) or broiler (name) , or outdoors over a fire; however, it is even more frequent to talk about barbecuing food that is cooked outdoors. * grill 可以指把食物放在烤箱里的烤架(英式英语用 grill,美式英语用 broiler)下方烤,也可以指户外火上烧烤。不过,表示在户外烧烤食物更常用 barbecue。■ broil [transitive] (name) to cook meat or fish under direct heat烤,焙(肉或鱼)◆we ate broiled chicken with vegetables.我们吃了烤鸡配蔬菜。ⓘ in british english use grill for this.在英式英语中用 grill 表示此义。■ toast [transitive, intransitive] to make sth, especially bread, turn brown by heating it in a toaster or close to heat; to turn brown in this way烤(尤指面包);把⋯烤得焦黄◆a toasted sandwich烤过的三明治◆place under a hot grill until the nuts have toasted.把这些坚果放在高温烤架下面烤熟。■ barbecue /bɑːbɪkjuː; name bɑːrbɪkjuː/ [transitive] to cook food on a barbecue (= a metal frame on or over an open fire outdoors) (在烤架上)烤;户外烧烤◆barbecued chicken烤鸡bake [transitive, intransitive] to cook food, especially bread, cakes and potatoes, in an oven without extra fat or liquid; to be cooked in this way(在烤炉里)烘烤;焙◆baked potatoes烤土豆◆i'm baking a birthday cake for alex.我在给亚历克斯烤生日蛋糕。◆i'm baking alex a cake.我在给亚历克斯烤蛋糕。ⓘ bake is not used about cooking meat; use roast instead.烹烤肉类不用 bake,用 roast。  ➡ see also baking → cooking bake/beɪk ||; bek/verb[i,t] 1. to cook or be cooked in an oven in dry heat 烘;烤烘;烤: ◇i could smell bread baking in the oven. 我闻得到烤炉里的烘面包味。◇on his birthday she baked him a cake. 他生日那天,她为他烤了一个蛋糕。 ☞look at the note at cook. 参看 cook 的注释。 2. to become or to make sth hard by heating it (使)因受热变硬;烘焙: ◇the hot sun baked the earth. 烈日把土壤烤得又干又硬。 bakesee ⇨ cook 2 bake /bek; beɪk/v [i,t]to make things such as bread and cakes 烘,烤,焙:◇i'm baking a cake for laurie. 我正在为劳里烘制蛋糕。 ☞ bake




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