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单词 rating
释义 rating noun¹ 1measurement of how good sb/sth is程度adjective | verb + rating | rating + verb | rating + noun | preposition adjective➤high, top高级;顶级▸➤low, poor低等;低级▸➤overall总体等级◆the overall performance rating puts the new model well ahead of its main rivals.这个新型号的总体性能评定远远高于其主要竞争产品。➤favourable/favorable, unfavourable/unfavorable (both especially name) 有利的/不利的评定◆he's currently enjoying a favourable / favorable rating with more than 50% of the electorate.他目前以赢得过半数选民的选票而居优势。➤approval, favorability, opinion-poll, poll, popularity支持率;赞同率;民意测评;受欢迎程度◆he has the highest opinion-poll rating of any president this century.在民意调查中,他的受欢迎程度在本世纪的总统中是最高的。➤performance性能等级➤two-star, three-star, etc. * 2 星级、3 星级等的评定◆the hotel achieved a four-star rating.该宾馆达到了 4 星级。◆the hospital has retained its top three-star rating. (bre) 该医院保住了其顶级的 3 星评级。➤credit信用等级评定◆most countries try to preserve their international credit rating in order to secure necessary loans.大多数国家都努力维护国际信用等级以确保得到必要的贷款。➤personal, subjective个人信用等级;主观评分verb + rating➤have拥有信誉▸➤assign (sb/sth), give (sb/sth)(给⋯)评定等级▸➤achieve, earn, get, obtain, receive, score得到⋯评定◆the university scored a top rating among students.这所大学在学生中最受欢迎。➤preserve保持信誉▸➤improve提高信誉➤downgrade, lower (business商业) 降低信誉◆standard & poor's lowered its credit rating for the company from a to bbb.标准普尔将该公司的信用等级从 a 级降至 bbb 级。rating + verb➤climb, improve, rise, rocket, soar等级攀升;等级提高;信誉迅速提高◆the president's ratings have suddenly rocketed.总统的支持率飙升。➤drop, fall, plummet等级下降;信誉骤降rating + noun➤scale, system信用等级/体系preposition➤in a/the rating在信用等级上◆a drop of 50 points in her personal rating她个人信用等级降低 50 分➤rating for⋯的等级◆the resort got a low rating for children's facilities.这个旅游点的儿童设施等级不高。➤rating on⋯的级别◆the judges gave her the maximum rating on style.裁判们给她的风度打了最高分。rating noun² 2ratings number of tv viewers, etc.收视率adjective | verb + ratings | ratings + verb | ratings + noun | preposition adjective➤good, high高收视率▸➤low, poor低收视率▸➤audience, tv收听率;收视率➤prime-time (especially name) 黄金时间收视率◆the network's prime-time ratings are up 150%.该电视网的黄金时间收视率上升了 150%。verb + ratings➤garner, get, have有收视率◆the show continues to garner high ratings.该节目持续拥有很高的收视率。◆at this stage the series was getting good ratings.现阶段这部连续剧收视率很高。➤boost提高收视率◆bringing her on the show was a cynical attempt to boost the ratings.让她上节目纯粹就是想提高收视率。ratings + verb➤go up, improve, pick up, shoot up, soar收视率提高;收视率飙升◆the ratings went shooting up overnight.收视率一夜之间飙升。➤dip, drop, fall, go down收视率降低;收视率下降◆the show's ratings have dipped sharply.这个节目的收视率锐减。ratings + noun➤battle, war收视率竞争;收视大战➤success收视率的成功◆his new sitcom was a ratings success.从收视率看,他的新情景喜剧很成功。preposition➤in the ratings在排行榜上◆it has been ousted from top spot in the tv ratings.它已不再位居电视排行榜首位了。rating /reɪtɪŋ/ noun1. [countable] a measurement of how good, popular, important, etc. sb/sth is, especially in relation to other people or things 等级;级别◆the publishers claim that the new magazine had an approval rating of 85% of all readers questioned. 出版商声称新杂志在所有被访读者中的认同率为 85%。◆the directors were told how their skills were rated and how it compared to the average rating of all the other directors. 已告知各位董事如何评定其技能的方法,以及如何与其他所有董事的平均评分比较。⨁ a high / low / poor / top rating高/低/差/最高评级 ⨁ to achieve / get / have / receive a rating达到/得到/具有/取得某种评级 ⨁ to give sth a rating对…进行评级 ⨁ a rating climbs / falls / improves / rises评级攀升/下降/提高/上升 (finance 金融) [countable, uncountable] = credit rating (finance 金融) [countable, uncountable] a measurement of whether shares, bonds, etc. are a good or bad investment because of the level of risk (对股票、债券等的)评级◆merrill lynch has raised its rating on the stock to ‘buy’ from ‘neutral’. 美林证券将其对这支股票的评级从“中性”调高到“买入”。⨁ to have / put a rating on sth对…进行/作出评级 ⨁ to raise / review / upgrade a rating提高/修正/提升评级 ⨁ to cut / downgrade / lower a rating调低/降低/下调评级 ratings [plural] a set of figures that show how many people watch or listen to a particular television or radio programme, used to show how popular a programme is 收视率;收听率◆the station is trying to improve ratings and increase advertising sales. 广播电台正努力提高收听率并增加广告销售。◆the show has gone up in the ratings. 这个节目的收视率上升了。⨁ good / poor ratings良好的/不佳的收视率 ⨁ to get / have ratings得到/拥有收视率 ⨁ ratings decline / go up / go down / improve收视率下降/上升/下滑/提高 ⨁ a ratings battle / war收视率大战 (insurance 保险) (also insurance rating) [countable] a measurement of the risk involved in giving sb insurance, used to calculate how much they must pay 保险费率◆this rating will apply until your next birthday. 这一保险费率将适用至你下一个生日。⨁ to calculate / have / receive a rating计算/有/得到保险费率 aa rating ◇ average audience rating ◇ bond rating ◇ buy rating ◇ credit rating ◇ debt rating ◇ hold rating ◇ nielsen rating ◇ security rating ◇ sell rating ◇ supplier rating ◇ television rating ◇ vendor rating ☞ ratingrating/ˈreɪtɪŋ ||; ˈretɪŋ/noun[c] 1. a measurement of how popular, important, good, etc sth is 受欢迎的程度;质量的等级 2. usuallythe ratings a set of figures showing the number of people who watch a particular television programme, etc, used to show how popular the programme is (电视节目等的)收视率,收听率 rat·ing /`retɪŋ; ˈreɪtɪŋ/n 1. [c] a measurement of how popular, good, important etc someone or something is [某人或某事物的受欢迎、重要等的]程度,评分:◇the president's popularity rating has fallen. 总统的支持率下降了。 2. the ratings a list that shows which films, television programmes etc are the most popular [电影、电视节目等的]排行榜:◇her show is at the top of the ratings. 她的节目居排行榜的榜首。




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