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单词 ration
释义 ration nounadjective | verb + ration | ration + noun | preposition adjective➤daily, monthly日配给量;月配给量➤full全部配给▸➤double, extra双份/额外配给◆pregnant women received a double ration of milk.怀孕妇女得到两份牛奶的配给。➤meagre/meager少量配给◆the refugees waited for their meagre / meager rations of soup.难民们等待着少得可怜的配给汤。➤emergency, humanitarian, short, starvation, wartime rations紧急/人道主义/不足定量的/饥馑/战时配给◆we've been put on short rations.我们的配给口粮一直不足。➤food, gasoline, petrol, water, etc.食物、汽油、水等配给verb + ration➤give sb, hand out, provide (sb with)给某人定量配给;(给某人) 提供配给▸➤get, receive得到配给▸➤consume, eat, have, use, use up消耗配给;使用配给;用完配额◆you've had your ration of chocolate for the day!你今天的巧克力已经吃得够多的了!➤cut, reduce减少配给◆the guards are going to cut our rations again.看守又要克扣我们的配给了。ration + noun➤book, card, coupon配给票证簿;配给票证卡;配给券preposition➤on a/the ration靠定量配给◆they are living on starvation rations.他们靠饥馑配给过活。➤ration of⋯的定量配给◆our daily ration of bread我们每天定量配给的面包ration verbadverb | preposition adverb➤strictly严格配给◆these foods had to be strictly rationed.这些食物必须严格地定量供应。preposition➤to配给限定为⋯◆they were rationed to one bottle of water each per day.他们每人每天分配到 1 瓶水。ration /ræʃn/ [countable] a fixed amount of sth, especially food, that you are officially allowed to have when there is not enough for everyone to have as much as they want, for example during a war(食品等短缺时的)配给量,定量◆i gave him my butter ration at breakfast one morning.有一天早餐时我把我那份黄油给了他。◆a ration book / card / coupon (= allowing you to claim a ration of sth) 定量供给簿;定量供应卡;配给券ⓘ a ration [singular] is also an amount of sth that is thought to be normal or acceptable for one person. * ration 也可表示一个人的正常或合理的量◆as part of the diet, allow yourself a small daily ration of sugar.作为饮食的一部份,你每天要摄取少量的糖。 ➡ see also rations → supplies ▸ ration verb [transitive, often passive] ◆eggs were rationed during the war.战争期间鸡蛋限量供应。◆the villagers are rationed to two litres of water a day.村民每天的用水量限定为 2 升。note 辨析 share, quota or ration?these words can all be used to mean 'an amount of sth that is thought to be normal or acceptable for one person'. share and quota can both be used to talk about pleasant or unpleasant things such as luck, laughs, work or blame. share is much more frequent; quota is only used in this meaning in more formal or written language. ration is used to talk about food, or about sth nice that you must not have or expect too much of.这三个词都可表示一个人的正常或合理的量。share 和 quota 都可用于愉快或不愉快的事物,如 luck、laugh、work 或 blame。share 要常用得多,quota 表达此义时仅作较正式用语或书面语。ration 用于食物,或用于不应有太多或不能期盼太多的好东西。rationverb [transitive, often passive] ◆eggs were rationed during the war.战争期间鸡蛋限量供应。◆the villagers are rationed to two litres of water a day.村民每天的用水量限定为 2 升。rationverb [transitive, often passive] ◆eggs were rationed during the war.战争期间鸡蛋限量供应。◆the villagers are rationed to two litres of water a day.村民每天的用水量限定为 2 升。ration/ˈræʃn ||; ˈræʃən/noun [c] a limited amount of food, petrol, etc that you are allowed to have when there is not enough for everyone to have as much as he/she wants 配给量 ration verb · ◇in the desert water is strictly rationed. 在沙漠,水严格限量配给。 ➔rationing noun [u]☞ ration¹☞ ration²




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