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单词 isolation
释义 isolation nounadjective | verb + isolation | isolation + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤complete, total完全的孤立;彻底的隔绝➤relative相对的孤立▸➤enforced (especially bre) 被迫的隔离◆the enforced isolation of life in an arctic weather station被迫在北极气象站里过的与世隔绝的生活➤self-imposed自我孤立◆he lived in a state of self-imposed isolation.他生活在自我孤立的状态中。➤cultural, diplomatic, geographic, geographical, political文化上的孤立;外交上的孤立;地理位置的隔绝;政治上的孤立▸➤international国际社会的孤立◆the country could face international isolation if it does not withdraw its troops.该国若不撤军就会面临国际社会的孤立。➤emotional, social情感上的孤独;社会的隔绝◆the social isolation of single mothers at home with their babies在家带孩子的单身母亲与社会的隔绝verb + isolation➤experience, suffer, suffer from经受隔绝;遭受孤立◆many immigrants experience isolation.许多移民都有被孤立的感觉。➤end结束孤立isolation + noun➤hospital, room, ward (especially bre) 隔离医院;隔离室;隔离病房preposition➤in isolation孤立地◆the figures should not be looked at in isolation but as part of a pattern.不应孤立地去看待这些数字,而应该将其视为一个数列的一部份。phrases➤in splendid isolation (especially bre) 巍然独立◆the tower stands in splendid isolation on the cliff edge.这座塔巍然矗立在悬崖边上。isolation /aɪsəleɪʃn/ [uncountable] complete separation from other people, groups or things隔离;孤立◆the country has been threatened with complete isolation from the international community unless the atrocities stop.这个国家已经受到了完全被国际社会孤立的威胁,除非其暴行得以遏止。◆he lives in splendid isolation (= far from, or in a superior position to, everyone else).他过着超然不群的生活。 ➡ see also isolate → isolate note 辨析 separation or isolation? separation is the more general of these words. isolation is used when discussing a country or its politics: collocates include diplomatic, geographical, political and international. this kind of isolation is usually seen as a bad thing; separation (for example between church and state or between the executive and the judiciary in government) is often seen as a good thing. isolation is also used in the context of preventing the spread of infectious diseases.这两个词中 separation 较为宽泛; isolation 用来谈论国家或政治,搭配词包括 diplomatic、geographical、political 和 international。isolation 用于此义时通常被看作是坏事; separation between church and state (政教分离)或 separation between the executive and the judiciary (行政与司法分离)等则常被看作是好事。isolation 也指隔离以防传染病扩散◆an isolation hospital / ward隔离医院/病房isolation /aɪsəleɪʃn/ [uncountable] (written, disapproving) the state of feeling alone and without friends or help孤独;孤立状态◆isolation from family and friends also contributes to their problems.家人和朋友不在身边的孤寂感也是导致他们出现问题的原因。◆her social isolation was made worse by her inability to drive.不会开车更加深了她的社会孤独感。 ➡ see also isolated → lonely note 辨析 privacy, loneliness, solitude, seclusion or isolation? privacy is considered a good thing, when you can be in your home or some other place that allows you to do things without being watched or disturbed by other people. seclusion has a similar meaning but there is a stronger sense of being far away from other people and so protected from being disturbed. solitude is even more positive, often suggesting peace and quiet as well as being away from other people. loneliness has a negative meaning, suggesting feelings of unhappiness because you are on your own and have no contact with others. the emphasis with isolation is on being in a situation where you have no one to talk to or ask for help. * privacy 指在家中或其他地方不会被人监视或打扰,是件好事。seclusion 的词义相近,但更多远离尘嚣的意味。solitude 正面含义更强,常指远离他人时得到的宁静。loneliness 含有负面意义,指孑然一身,与他人没有往来时的孤独感。isolation 强调无人可说话、无人可求助的孤立状况。isolation/ˌaɪsəˈleɪʃn ||; ˌaɪsḷˈeʃən/noun [u]: isolation (from sb/sth) the state of being separate and alone; the act of separating sb/sth 孤立;隔离: ◇he lived in complete isolationfrom the outside world. 他过着与世隔绝的生活。◇ in isolation each problem does not seem bad, but together they are quite daunting. 单独来看,每个问题似乎并不严重,但加在一起就相当吓人了。 ☞compare loneliness and solitude. 与loneliness及solitude比较。 i·so·la·tion /ˏaɪsḷ`eʃən; ˌaɪsəˈleɪʃən/n 1. [u] when someone or something is alone and separate from other people or places 隔绝,孤立:◇because of its isolation, the island developed its own culture. 这座岛屿由于与外界隔绝,因而逐渐形成了其独特的文化。 2. in isolation happening or existing separately from other things 孤立地,分开地:◇these events cannot be examined in isolation from one another. 这些事件不可一件件孤立地审查。 3. [u] a feeling of being lonely 孤独(感)




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