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单词 term
释义 term noun¹ 1word or group of words词;词组adjective | verb + term | term + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤specific特定用语▸➤blanket, broad, general, generic, umbrella概括性用语;泛称;笼统的用语;总称;通称▸➤descriptive描述性术语▸➤common常用术语▸➤basic, key基本/关键术语➤correct, preferred正确/首选术语▸➤precise精确的术语▸➤ambiguous, vague模棱两可的/模糊的用语▸➤mild, strong温和的/强硬的措辞◆his objection was couched in the strongest terms.他用最强烈的措辞表达了他的反对意见。➤colloquial, slang口语/俚语说法▸➤derogatory, pejorative贬称;蔑称◆'nerd' is a pejorative term for someone who likes computers.nerd 是对电脑迷的蔑称。➤technical术语▸➤search搜索条目◆try entering the search term 'classical music'.尝试输入“古典音乐”这个搜索条目。➤clinical, legal, medical, musical, etc.临床、法律、医学、音乐等术语verb + term➤use使用术语▸➤be couched in用⋯言辞表达▸➤define, explain定义/解释术语▸➤coin, introduce, invent创造术语;引入术语◆the term 'acid rain' was coined in the 19th century.acid rain (酸雨)这个术语是 19 世纪创造出来的。➤borrow借用术语▸➤prefer更喜欢⋯术语◆i prefer the term 'network' to 'community'.network 和 community 这两个说法我比较喜欢前者。➤apply应用说法◆i think we can apply the term 'genius' to the painter.我认为我们可以称这位画家为“天才” 。term + verb➤connote sth, denote sth, describe sth, mean sth说法有⋯含义;术语意指⋯▸➤apply to sth, be applied to sth, cover sth, refer to sth说法适用于⋯;术语应用于⋯;术语涵盖⋯;术语指⋯◆the term 'renewable energy' is applied, for example, to energy deriving from solar radiation.renewable energy (可再生能源)这个术语,举个例子,可以指太阳辐射产生的能量。preposition➤term for指⋯的用语◆'old man' is a slang term for 'father'.old man 是 father 的俚语说法。➤term of表达⋯的用语◆a term of abuse / endearment骂人的字眼;亲昵的说法phrases➤in glowing terms热情洋溢地◆the chairman spoke of the achievements of the company in glowing terms.董事长对公司取得的成就大加赞誉。➤in no uncertain terms毫不含糊地◆i let them know in no uncertain terms how disappointed i was.我明确地让他们知道我是多么失望。➤in simple terms以简单的说法➤in the following terms用以下说法;用下列术语term noun² 2in... terms showing what aspect of something you are considering从⋯方面说adjective➤absolute, material, practical, real按绝对数值说;就物质方面而言;从实际角度说;真正说来◆income has increased in real terms by 5%.收入实际增长了 5%。➤relative相对而言◆iceland has had a mild winter, in relative terms.相对而言,冰岛今年的冬天比较暖和。➤broad, general一般来说;总体而言▸➤clear, concrete用清楚的词语来说;具体来说◆the law should be set out in clear terms.法律应该用明晰的语言来表达。➤abstract从抽象的角度▸➤international从国际的角度▸➤negative从消极的角度◆she tends to perceive herself in purely negative terms.她往往从完全消极的角度看自己。➤cultural, economic, financial, historical, money, political, scientific, social, etc.从文化、经济、金融、历史、金钱、政治、科学、社会等角度◆in money terms, the event was a disaster.从钱财的角度而言,这件事是一场灾难。term noun³ 3(usually terms) of an agreement/a relationship协议;关系adjective | verb + term | preposition | phrases adjective➤favourable/favorable, unfavourable/unfavorable优惠条件;不优惠条件▸➤express, implied (both bre, law法律) 明确的/暗示的规定◆the breach of an express term in the contract对合同中一项明确条款的违反➤contract, credit, peace合同条款;信贷条款;和平条件verb + term➤dictate, negotiate, set规定条件;协商条款;设定条件◆our opponents set the terms of the debate.我们的对手规定了辩论的规则。➤accept, agree on, agree to接受条件;就条款达成一致;同意条件▸➤violate违反条款▸➤extend延长条款preposition➤under the terms of根据⋯条款的规定◆under the terms of the alliance, japan was not obliged to enter the war.根据盟约规定,日本没有义务参战。phrases➤on amicable terms, on friendly terms, on good terms关系友善/友好/良好◆the dispute was resolved on amicable terms.争端在友好的气氛中得以解决。➤on equal terms处于平等的地位◆it is a sport in which the top men and women can compete on equal terms.这是一项男女顶尖运动员可以平等竞争的体育运动。➤on familiar terms, on first-name terms关系熟络/密切◆i'm on first-name terms with my boss.我和老板关系不错,彼此可以直呼其名。➤on speaking terms能彼此说话的交情◆they haven't been on speaking terms since they had that big row.他们自从那次激烈争吵之后还没有说过话。➤terms and conditions条款◆a wide range of accounts are available, with varying terms and conditions.可以选择的账户很多,条款各异。term noun⁴ 4 (especially bre) period of a school/university year学期  ➡ see also semester adjective | term + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤college, school, university (bre) 学院的/学校的/大学的学期▸➤spring, summer, etc.春季、夏季等学期term + noun➤paper (name) 学期论文◆i was working on a term paper for a geography class.我正在写地理课的学期论文。preposition➤during (the) term在学期期间◆it's hard to get away during term.学期中间很难脱身。➤in the term在学期中◆we have exams in the summer term.我们在夏季学期有考试。phrases➤the beginning of (the) term, the end of (the) term学期开头/末尾◆it's the end of term. (bre) 期末了。◆it's the end of the term. (name) 期末了。term noun⁵ 5period of time时间段adjective | verb + term | term + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤long, short长期;短期◆a long term of imprisonment长期监禁➤full (medical医学) 满期◆the pregnancy went to full term (= lasted the normal length of time).妊娠足月了。➤fixed固定期限◆the contract was for a fixed term of five years.合同为 5 年固定期限。➤jail, prison监禁期;服刑期▸➤presidential总统任期➤first, second第一个/第二个任期◆the president wants to make tax reform a top priority during his second term.总统想把税制改革作为他第二个任期的重中之重。verb + term➤serve度过期限◆he served a five-year prison term.他服了 5 年徒刑。➤seek谋求任期◆she is now seeking her second term in the senate.她正在谋求在参议院的第二个任期。➤win赢得任期◆blair won a third term of office.布莱尔赢得第三个任期。➤begin, complete开始/完成任期term + verb➤run任期持续◆her current term runs until january 2014.她目前的任期到 2014 年 1 月结束。➤expire, run out期满;到期◆his term expires at the end of may.他的任期到 5 月底届满。preposition➤at term (medical医学) 按期◆her baby was born at term.她的宝宝足月降生了。phrases➤in the long term, in the medium term, in the near term, in the short term从长期/从中期/从近期/从短期来看◆in the long term, our efforts will pay off.从长远来看,我们的努力会得到回报。➤a term of imprisonment, a term of office刑期;任期◆the president was sworn in for his second term of office.总统宣誓就职,开始第二个任期。➤a term of years年期◆the lease is granted for a set term of years.租约按约定为固定年期。term verb be termed adverb | preposition adverb➤aptly被恰当地称作▸➤accurately被准确地称作▸➤broadly, loosely被宽泛地/被不严谨地称作▸➤commonly, generally, often通常/一般/经常被称作▸➤variously名称不一◆this material is variously termed ash, clinker, cinders or slag.这种材料有多种叫法:灰、煤渣、炉渣或矿渣。➤collectively被统称为▸➤euphemistically (especially bre) 被委婉地称作➤hereafter (formal) 以下被称为◆the sampling units (hereafter termed 'local areas') are towns.抽样单位(以下称为“地方”)为城镇。preposition➤as被称作⋯◆his condition would be more accurately termed as 'chronic fatigue'.更准确地说,他的病叫作“慢性疲劳”。term /tɜːm; name tɜːrm/ noun1. [countable] a word or phrase used as the name of sth, especially one connected with a particular type of language 术语◆‘recovery’ is a technical term for the period following a recession. “复苏”为专业术语,指衰退之后的一段时期。⨁ business / legal / scientific / technical terms商业/法律/科学/专业术语 2. [countable, usually singular] a period of time for which sth lasts; a fixed or limited time 期限;期间◆if you hold the loan for the full term, you will pay more interest. 如果持有贷款直至期满,就要支付更多的利息。◆during his second term as chairman, the company expanded into food and drink. 在他担任董事长的第二个任期内,公司扩展至食品和饮料业。◆a five-year term of office 五年任期⨁ a fixed / long / short term固定/长/短期 ⨁ a term runs out / ends / expires期满 3. [singular] the end of a particular period of time, especially one for which an agreement, etc. lasts 限期;最后期限◆the research programme will reach its term at the end of this month. 这个研究项目将于本月底到期。 (finance 金融) [singular] the length of time stated on a bill of exchange , etc. before it becomes due for payment (汇票等的)期限◆the term of the bill 票据期限 syn tenor  ➡  terms ●in/over the long/medium/short/far/near termused to describe what will happen a long, short, etc. time in the future 长/中/短/远/近期◆the deal might be more expensive in the short term, but it would offer shareholders better value in the longer term. 这笔交易从短期来看可能较贵,但是从长期来看会给股东带来更大的价值。 fixed term ◇ long-term ◇ medium-term ◇ near-term ◇ short-term term /tɜːm; name tɜːrm/ verb [transitive] to use a particular name or word to describe sb/sth 把…称为;把…叫做◆management and union leaders held what was termed a ‘crisis meeting’. 管理层和工会领导人举行了所谓的“危机会议”。☞ term☞ termterm [transitive, usually passive] (formal) to use a particular name or word to describe sb/sth, especially in scientific and technical contexts把⋯称为,把⋯叫做(尤用于科技领域)◆at his age, he can hardly be termed a young man.到了这个年纪,他称不上是年轻人了。◆rem sleep is termed 'active' sleep.快速眼动睡眠称作“主动”睡眠。 ➡ see also term → word term [countable] a period during which sth lasts; a fixed or limited period of time期;期限;任期◆during the president's first term of / in office在总统的首届任期内◆he faces a maximum prison / jail term of 25 years.他面临 25 年的最高刑期。◆the term of agreement can be for either two or three years.该协议的期限可为两年或三年。term [countable] (rather formal) a word or phrase used as the name of sth, especially one connected with a particular type of language词语;术语◆technical / legal / scientific terms专业/法律/科学术语◆'register' is the term commonly used to describe different levels of formality in language.“语域”是一个描述语言正式程度的常用术语。 ➡ see also term → call verb 1 , terms → language 2 term¹/tɜ:m ||; tɝm/noun1. [c] a word or group of words with a particular meaning 词语;术语;专门用语: ◇what exactly do you mean by the term ‘racist’? 你用racist这个词的确切意义是什么?◇a technical term in computing 计算机技术术语 2. terms [pl] in terms of ...;in ... terms used for showing which particular way you are thinking about sth or from which point of view (指从某方面或角度看): ◇the flat would be ideal in terms of size, but it is very expensive. 这公寓的面积很理想,但是价钱太贵了。 3. terms [pl] the conditions of an agreement (协议中的)规定;条款: ◇ under the terms of the contract you must give a week's notice. 按照合约规定,你必须在一星期前发出通知。◇both sides agreed to the peace terms. 双方都接受和平条款。 4. [c] a period of time into which a school or university year is divided 学期: ◇the autumn/spring/summer term 秋╱春╱夏季学期◇an end-of-term test 期末考试 5. [c] a period of time for which sth lasts 期限;任期: ◇the us president is now in his second term of office. 现在的美国总统是第二届连任。 be on equal terms (with sb)→equal¹be on good, friendly, etc terms (with sb) to have a friendly relationship with sb (与某人)关系好,友好 come to terms with sth to accept sth unpleasant or difficult 屈从;妥协;让步 in the long/short term over a long/short period of time in the future 长远╱短期而言term²/tɜ:m ||; tɝm/verb [t] to describe sb/sth by using a particular word or expression 把…称为: ◇the period of history that is often termed the ‘dark ages’ 经常被称为“黑暗时代”的那段历史时期 termsee ⇨ school/university 6 ⇨ time 12 ⇨ word/phrase/sentence 1     • • •• ⇨ in the long/short/medium term☞ term¹☞ term²




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