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单词 epitome
释义 epitome /ɪpɪtəmi/ [singular] (formal, especially written) a perfect example of a person or quality(人或品质的)典型,典范◆her clothes are the epitome of good taste.她的衣着体现了高品味。ⓘ epitome is almost always used in the phrase the epitome of sb/sth. it is often used to talk about how people look or behave. although many examples of epitome show good qualities, this is not always the case: a common phrase is the epitome of evil. * epitome 几乎总是用于短语 the epitome of sb/sth 中,常指外表或行为的典范。尽管许多 epitome 的例句显示为好品质的典范,但是也有例外,常用的短语 the epitome of evil 就是一例。  ➡ see also epitomize → represent 2 epitome/ɪˈpɪtəmi ||; ɪˈpɪtəmɪ/noun [sing] the epitome (of sth) a perfect example of sth 典型: ◇her clothes are the epitome of good taste. 她的衣着体现了高尚的品味。 epitome• ⇨ be the epitome of e·pit·o·me /ɪ`pɪtəmɪ; ɪˈpɪtəmi/n be the epitome of to be a very typical example of something 是…的典型:◇lord soames was the epitome of a true gentleman. 索姆斯勋爵是真正的绅士的典型。




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