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单词 emphasis
释义 emphasis noun¹ 1special importance/attention特殊的重要性或关注adjective | verb + emphasis | emphasis + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤big (informal) , considerable, great, heavy, huge非常重视;高度重视;极其重视◆schools that put a heavy emphasis on sporting achievement非常重视体育成绩的学校➤strong着重强调➤little几乎不重视◆little emphasis was placed on educating people about the dangers.几乎不重视教育人们如何应对危险。➤growing, increasing逐渐关注➤continued持续关注➤renewed再次强调➤current, new, recent当前的重点;新的重点;近期的重点◆with the new emphasis on individuality and creative expression把新重点放在个性和创新性表达上➤traditional传统的重点▸➤main, major, primary主要的重点◆we discussed where the main emphasis should be placed.我们讨论了主要的重点应放在哪里。➤particular, special, specific特别的重点◆examine the events leading to the war, with particular emphasis on france's role in them.研究导致战争的事件,重点关注法国在这些事件中扮演的角色。➤exclusive唯一的重点➤equal同等的重视◆both subjects should be given equal emphasis.应给予两门课程同等的重视。➤added, extra, increased新增的/额外的/强化的重点➤excessive, undue过分强调;过度重视◆i believe the education system places undue emphasis on exam results.我认为这个教育制度过分重视考试成绩。➤cultural文化上的重点◆a cultural emphasis on educational achievement注重教育成果的文化verb + emphasis➤give, lay, place, put强调;重视◆the company lays great emphasis on customer care.公司非常重视对顾客的关怀。➤have, receive有重点;受重视◆education received special emphasis.教育受到了特别重视。➤change, shift改变/转移重点◆the democrats shifted the emphasis away from direct taxation.民主党人不再强调直接征税。➤add强调emphasis + verb➤move, shift重点转移◆in recent years, the emphasis has moved away from punishing drug addicts towards / toward helping them.近几年,重点已从惩罚吸毒者转为帮助他们。➤fall on sth重点落在⋯preposition➤emphasis on, emphasis upon重点在于⋯◆the emphasis is on keeping fit rather than developing lots of muscles.重点是保持健康而不是练出一身肌肉。phrases➤a change of emphasis, a shift of emphasis重点的改变/转移emphasis noun² 2stress on a word/phrase加强词语或短语的语气adjective | verb + emphasis | preposition adjective➤great特别强调◆'i', he said with great emphasis, 'was the one.'“我,”他特别强调说,“就是那个人。”➤slight略微的强调◆his slight emphasis on the word 'lady' was definitely mocking.他稍稍强调“女士”一词,这无疑是一种讽刺。➤extra额外强调◆he put extra emphasis on the word 'never'.他额外强调“绝不”这个词。verb + emphasis➤put强调preposition➤with emphasis强调地◆she repeated the question with emphasis.她强调地重复了问题。➤emphasis on重音在⋯上◆put the emphasis on the second syllable.重读第二个音节。 emphasis /emfəsɪs/ (plural emphases /emfəsiːz/ ) [uncountable, countable] special importance that is given to sth强调;重视;重要性◆the emphasis is very much on learning the spoken language.重点大多放在学习口语上。◆there has been a shift of emphasis from manufacturing to service industries.重点已经从制造业向服务业转移。◆the classes have a vocational emphasis.这些课强调职业技能。 ➡ see also emphasize → stress verb emphasis/ˈemfəsɪs ||; ˈɛmfəˌsɪs/noun [c,u] (plural emphases /-si:z ||; -ˌsiz/) 1. emphasis (on sth) (giving) special importance or attention (to sth) 强调;注重: ◇there's a lot of emphasis on science at our school. 我们学校很注重理科教育。 [c,u] ◇you should put a greater emphasison quality rather than quantity when you write. 写作的时候要多注重质量而不是数量。 2. the force that you give to a word or phrase when you are speaking; a way of writing a word to show that it is important (说话时对某些词语的)强调;(写作时)强调词语的方式: ◇in the word ‘photographer’ the emphasis is on the second syllable. photographer 这个词的重音在第二个音节。◇i underlined the key phrases of my letter for emphasis. 我在信中关键的话语下面画线,以示强调。 [syn] stress ¹ 同义词为 stress^1 em·pha·sis /`ɛmfəsɪs; ˈemfəsɪs/n [c,u], plural 复数 emphases /-siz; -siːz/ 1. the special importance that you give to something 强调,重点:◇place/put emphasis on most schools do not place enough emphasis on health education. 大多数学校对健康教育都未给予足够重视。 2. if you put emphasis on a particular word, you say it louder to show that it is important [单词的]强调音,重音 ☞ emphasis




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