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单词 doom
释义 doom nounadjective | verb + doom | phrases adjective➤impending即将到来的厄运➤certain注定的命运verb + doom➤spell意味着终结◆fuel shortages spelled the doom of such huge gas-guzzling cars.燃油短缺宣告了这类耗油量大的大型轿车的末日。phrases➤doom and gloom前景暗淡◆it's not all doom and gloom and there is lots to look forward to.前景并非一片惨淡,仍然还有很多期待。➤a feeling of doom, a sense of doom末日感◆as i approached the exam room, i had a feeling of impending doom.我走近考场时,觉得末日就要来临。➤meet your doom走向灭亡◆prepare to meet your doom (= die).准备迎接你们的末日吧。➤seal sb's doom决定某人的失败命运◆he sealed his own doom by having an affair with another woman.他与另一个女人有染,毁了自己。doom [uncountable] (literary) death or destruction; any terrible event that you cannot avoid死亡;毁灭;厄运;劫数◆the ordinary soldiers went to meet their doom with great bravery.普通士兵英勇赴死。◆she had a sense of impending doom (= felt that sth very bad was going to happen soon).她预感到厄运已经逼近。◆fuel shortages spelt doom (= meant the end) for such huge gas-guzzling cars.燃料短缺对这种油耗高的大型车来说是个劫数。▸ doomed adjective [not before noun] ◆the plan was doomed to failure.这个计划注定要失败。◆the marriage was doomed from the start.这桩婚姻从一开始就注定要破裂。doom/du:m ||; dum/noun [u] death or a terrible event in the future which you cannot avoid 死亡;厄运: ◇a sense of impending doom (= that something bad is going to happen) 不祥的预感◇don't listen to her. she's always full of doom and gloom (= expecting bad things to happen). 别听她的。她老是觉得要发生倒霉的事。 ➔doomed adj ◇the plan was doomed from the start. 这个计划从开始就注定要失败。 ☞ doom¹☞ doom²




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