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单词 harmony
释义 harmony noun¹ 1state of agreement一致adjective | verb + harmony | preposition | phrases adjective➤complete, perfect完全融洽;十分和谐▸➤relative比较融洽◆they've lived together in reasonable harmony for many years.他们在一起还算和睦地生活了很多年。➤domestic, political, racial, social家庭和睦;政治和谐;种族融洽;社会和谐◆on the surface their life was a model of domestic harmony.表面上,他们的生活似乎是家庭和睦的典范。verb + harmony➤achieve达到和睦状态➤bring, create带来/创造和谐▸➤maintain, preserve保持和谐◆they try to maintain harmony between the two communities.他们试图维持两个社团之间的和睦。➤restore重塑和谐▸➤foster, promote促进和谐关系;增进和睦◆the church tries to promote racial harmony.教会试图促进种族和睦。➤live in和睦地生活preposition➤in harmony和睦地◆they work together in harmony.他们一起融洽地工作。➤harmony between⋯之间的和谐◆they try to foster harmony between different groups of people.他们试图促进不同群体之间的和谐。➤harmony with与⋯的协调◆people living in perfect harmony with nature与自然完美和谐地共存的人们phrases➤a sense of harmony和睦感◆a new sense of harmony developed in the community.该社区形成了一种新的和谐氛围。harmony noun² 2pleasant combination of different musical notes和声adjective | preposition adjective➤musical音乐和声➤vocal和声演唱➤beautiful美妙的和声▸➤five-part, four-part, etc.五声部、四声部等和声◆an arrangement with four-part harmony四声部和声改编曲preposition➤in harmony用和声◆to sing in harmony用和声唱harmony [uncountable] a state of peaceful existence and agreement融洽;和睦◆these communities lived in greater harmony with the environment than modern urban societies.与现代都市社会相比,这些群落生活与环境更加和谐。◆the measures are designed to promote racial harmony (= the peaceful coexistence of people of different races).这些措施旨在促进种族和睦。harmony /hɑːməni; name hɑːrməni/ [uncountable, countable] the way in which different notes that are played or sung at the same time combine to make a pleasing sound和声◆they began to sing in perfect four-part harmony.他们开始以完美的四部和声演唱。◆with their tight vocal harmonies it is easy to understand the group's appeal.这支合唱组合的和声演唱紧密契合,不难理解他们为何如此受欢迎。harmony/ˈhɑ:məni ||; ˈhɑrmənɪ/noun (plural harmonies) 1. [u] a state of agreement or of peaceful existence together 和谐;一致: ◇we need to live more in harmony with our environment. 我们要跟环境相处得更和谐。 2. [c,u] a pleasing combination of musical notes, colours, etc (音调)悦耳;(颜色等)协调: ◇there are some beautiful harmonies in that music. 那首乐曲有好几段动人的和声。 harmonysee ⇨ music 1 har·mo·ny /`hɑrmənɪ; ˈhɑːməni/n 1. [u] when people are not arguing, fighting, or disagreeing 和睦,一致,融洽:◇people of many races live here in harmony. 许多不同种族的人在此和睦相处。 2. [c,u] combinations of musical notes that sound good together 和声




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