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单词 harm
释义 harm nounadjective | verb + harm | harm + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤considerable, great, serious, untold (especially bre) 巨大的伤害;严重的损害;难以估计的损害◆he was clearly intent on inflicting serious harm on someone.他显然是存心严重伤害他人。➤irreparable, lasting, permanent无法弥补的伤害;永久的伤害▸➤emotional, mental, physical, psychological情感上的/精神上的/身体上的/心理上的伤害◆elderly people in danger of physical or emotional harm身心可能受到伤害的老人➤economic, environmental经济损害;环境危害verb + harm➤cause, do, inflict造成伤害;使遭受伤害◆the huge fall in exports has done a great deal of harm to the economy.出口的大幅下滑已经给经济造成了极大的损害。➤mean (sb), wish sb有意伤害 ( 某人 ) ;希望某人受到伤害◆i'm sorry if i upset you-i didn't mean any harm.很抱歉令你生气 - 不过我没有恶意。◆no one wishes you harm.没人想伤害你。➤come to, suffer受到伤害◆i don't think he'll come to any harm if his mother is with him.如果有他妈妈相陪,我想他不会受到任何伤害。➤keep sb from, prevent, protect sb from, shield sb from使某人免受伤害;防止损害;保护某人免受伤害◆the children were removed from their parents to prevent harm to them.这些孩子被带离了父母,以防受到伤害。◆she tried to shield her child from harm.她尽力保护自己的孩子免受伤害。harm + verb➤come to sb/sth损害到⋯◆i don't want any harm to come to these pictures.我不想这些画有任何闪失。preposition➤harm from来自⋯的伤害◆babies at risk of serious harm from their parents有可能受到父母严重伤害的婴儿➤harm to对⋯的损害◆the harm done to the environment对环境造成的危害phrases➤more harm than good弊大于利◆the drugs he was prescribed did him more harm than good.给他开的药对他来说是弊大于利。➤out of harm's way在安全地带◆the younger children were kept out of harm's way.年龄较小的孩子已经安排在安全的地方。harm verbadverb | verb + harm adverb➤seriously严重伤害◆misusing drugs in pregnancy can seriously harm your baby.妊娠期间误用药物会严重伤害胎儿。➤deliberately故意损害▸➤physically人身伤害verb + harm➤intend to, want to意图伤害◆he claimed that he had not intended to harm the girl.他声称自己无意伤害那个女孩。➤try to试图伤害harm [uncountable] damage or suffering caused to sb/sth伤害;损害◆the accident could have been worse; luckily no harm was done.这次事故本来可能糟糕得多,所幸没有造成损伤。◆the treatment they gave him did him more harm than good.他们的治疗反而使他病情加重了。◆hard work never did anyone any harm.努力工作对任何人都绝无害处。◆he may look fierce, but he means no harm.他也许看上去很凶,但并无恶意。◆don't worry, we'll see that the children come to no harm.别担心,我们会保证孩子们安然无恙。◆i prefer the children to play in the garden where they're out of harm's way.我比较喜欢让孩子在花园里玩耍,因为那里安全。  ➡ see also harmful → harmful note 辨析 damage or harm?use damage to talk about the effects of storms, floods, fire, etc. on buildings and other objects.表示暴风雨、洪水、火灾等给建筑物或其他物体造成的破坏用 damage◆storm / flood / fire / smoke / bomb / structural damage暴风雨/洪水破坏;火灾损失;烟雾熏坏;炸弹毁坏;结构破坏use damage to talk about the physical state of unhealthy organs in the body.表示体内器官受损用 damage◆liver / kidney / lung / brain damage肝/肾/肺/脑损伤use damage or harm to talk about mental or emotional suffering.表示精神或感情上受伤害用 damage 或 harm◆emotional / psychological / social damage / harm感情/心理/社会伤害use harm in a number of fixed phrases (see above) to express opinions about what or who may cause harm, or whether harm has been caused. * harm 用于一些固定短语(如上),表达认为什么(或谁)可能造成伤害,或是否已经造成伤害等。harm [transitive] to hurt sb/sth伤害;损害◆pollution can harm marine life.污染会危及海洋生物。◆these revelations will harm her chances of winning the election.这些揭露的事实将削弱她在选举中的胜算。  ➡ see also harmful → harmful note 辨析 damage, hurt or harm? hurt is slightly less formal than damage or harm, especially when it is used in negative statements.与 damage 或 harm 相比,hurt 稍显非正式,特别是用于否定陈述时◆it won't hurt him to have to wait a bit.等一小会儿对他不会有什么损害。◆these prices won't hurt your wallet.这些价格不会令你的荷包大出血。◆it won't damage/harm him to have to wait a bit. ◆these prices won't damage/harm your wallet. harm is also often used to talk about ways in which things in the natural world such as birds, animals, wildlife and the environment are affected by human activity; people also talk about how an action may harm an unborn child/baby or a foetus. * harm 后常接 bird、animal、wildlife 和 environment 等词,表示人类活动对自然界中生物和环境的影响,也可接 unborn child/baby 或 foetus 等词,表示某种行为危害胎儿。harm¹/hɑ:m ||; hɑrm/noun [u] damage or injury 损害;伤害: ◇peter ate some of those berries but they didn't do him any harm. 那些浆果彼得吃了几个,可他什么事也没有。◇experienced staff watch over the children to make sure they don't come to any harm. 经验丰富的员工照管着孩子们,确保他们安然无事。 no harm done(informal 非正式) used to tell sb that he/she has not caused any damage or injury (用于告诉某人他没有造成损害): ◇‘sorry about what i said to you last night.’‘that's all right, jack, no harm done!’ “对不起,我昨天晚上对你说那种话。”“没关系,杰克,不要紧!” out of harm's way in a safe place 在安全的地方: ◇put the medicine out of harm's way where the children can't reach it. 把药物放在孩子够不着的安全地方。 there is no harm in doing sth;it does no harm (for sb) to do sth there's nothing wrong in doing sth (and sth good may result) (做某事)不会有坏处(也许还会有好处): ◇i'm sure he'll say no, but there's no harm in asking. 我知道他会说不,不过问问也没坏处。 harm²/hɑ:m ||; hɑrm/verb [t] to cause injury or damage; hurt 损害;伤害: ◇too much sunshine can harm your skin. 暴晒可能伤害皮肤。 harm1 to harm a person, group, country etc2 to harm yourself by your own actions3 harming something or someone4 likely to harm people's health or the environment5 not harming anything or anyonerelated wordsdo physical harm to someone 伤害某人的身体 attack,, hurt/injure,see alsodamage,destroy,break,spoil,suffer,1. to harm a person, group, country etc 危害个人、群体、国家等 harm /hɑːʳm/ [transitive verb] to have a bad effect on something, in a way that makes it weaker, less effective, or less successful 损害,危害,伤害 walking out without giving any notice will only harm your career. 事先不作任何通知就擅离职守只会损害自己的前程。 any scandal will certainly harm the company's reputation. 任何丑闻都必将破坏公司的声誉。 these new export restrictions are sure to harm the economy. 这些新的出口限制必将对经济造成损害。 the most important consideration is that the environment is not harmed. 最重要的考虑因素是不破坏环境。 damage /ˈdæmɪdʒ/ [transitive verb] to permanently harm something such as the success, health, or image of a person, organization etc so that they are not as effective as before [永久地]损害;破坏[成就、健康、个人或组织形象等] several recent events have damaged the government's public image. 最近的几起事件损害了政府的公众形象。 this is likely to damage scott's reputation even more. 这可能会对斯科特的名誉造成更大的损害。seriously/badly damage something smoking can seriously damage your health. 吸烟会严重损害健康。 the company's future prospects will be badly damaged if this deal falls through. 如果这桩交易做不成,公司的前途将受到严重的损害。 be bad for/have a bad effect on /biː ˈbæd fɔːʳ, hæv ə ˌbæd ɪˈfekt ɒn/ [verb phrase] to change or effect something in a harmful way 对…有害/有坏影响 drinking so much is bound to have a bad effect on your health. 喝这么多酒必定会损害你的健康。 an increase in interest rates at the present time would definitely be bad for business. 现在这个时候调高利率必定会影响商业。 hit /hɪt/ [transitive verb] to have a sudden bad effect on someone or something, harming them badly [突然地]打击;损害 a sudden rise in inflation always hits living standards. 通货膨胀突然上升总是会影响生活水平。be badly hit southern england has been badly hit by flooding, and many homes are now without power. 英格兰南部地区遭受严重水患,许多人家现在都断电了。hit something/somebody hard elderly people were the hardest hit by the increase in tax on fuel. 燃油税上涨,老年人受影响最严重。 hurt /hɜːʳt/ [transitive verb] to have a bad effect on an organization or activity, by making it less successful or effective 对…造成损害,对…产生不良影响 most companies have been hurt by the economic slowdown. 经济放缓,大多数公司都受到了影响。 this is mainly going to hurt those who already have least. 这将主要影响本来就是最穷的人。 be/deal a blow to /biː, ˌdiːl ə ˈbləʊ tuː/ [verb phrase] to harm the plans, chances, confidence etc of a person or organization 打击[计划、机会、信心等] it would be stupid to pretend this was anything but a blow to the prime minister. 自欺欺人地以为这事绝不会对首相造成打击是愚蠢的。be a big/serious/severe etc blow the incident was a severe blow to un peace efforts. 这一事件对于联合国就和平作出的努力是一个严重的打击。 losing the match against rumania, dealt a huge blow to the team. 比赛输给了罗马尼亚对于这支球队是一个沉重的打击。 impair /ɪmˈpeəʳ/ [transitive verb] to harm something such as an ability or the way a body or system works - use this especially in medical or technical contexts 损害,损坏[尤用于医学或技术方面] if a witness is allowed to withhold evidence, it impairs the legal process. 如果允许证人隐瞒证据,就破坏了司法程序。 alcohol significantly impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery. 酒精会严重影响你驾驶汽车或操作机器的能力。 impaired [adjective] rubella infection can lead to impaired hearing. 感染德国麻疹会导致听力受损。 be detrimental to /biː ˌdetrə̇ˈmentl tuː/ [verb phrase] formal to be likely to harm something 【正式】对…有害 working in front of a computer all day may be detrimental to your eyesight. 整天在电脑前面工作会损害视力。 any further housing development will be detrimental to the character of this small town. 继续进行住房开发将会破坏这个小镇的特色。 at the expense of something /ət ði ɪkˈspens əv something/ [preposition] if you do something at the expense of someone or something else, you do it in order to gain an advantage, even if it harms them or has a bad effect on them 以[损害]某事物为代价 cigarette manufacturers continue to pursue profit at the expense of our children. 香烟生产商继续以我们的孩子为代价追求利润。 many people are now working a fifty or sixty hour week, at the expense of their family life. 许多人现在都牺牲家庭生活,一周工作五六十个小时。 wreak havoc/play havoc /ˌriːk ˈhævək, ˌpleɪ ˈhævək/ [verb phrase] to seriously harm something by causing a lot of harm and confusion 对…造成严重破坏;干扰,扰乱 a major computer failure wrought havoc on the new york subway last night. 昨天晚上电脑出现大故障,严重扰乱了纽约的地铁系统。wreak havoc/play havoc with working so late is starting to play havoc with her social life. 工作到那么晚开始扰乱她的社交生活。2. to harm yourself by your own actions 因自己的所作所为而伤害自己 harm yourself /ˈhɑːʳm jɔːʳself/ [verb phrase] only harm yourself they'll only harm themselves if they decide to leave the association. 如果他们决定离开协会,吃亏的只会是他们自己。 by making the complaint the only person he harmed was himself. 他提出投诉只会对自己不利。 cut your own throat /ˌkʌt jɔːr ˌəʊn ˈθrəʊt/ [verb phrase] to behave in a way that is certain to cause you harm, especially because of pride or anger [尤指因骄傲或愤怒而]自己害自己;作法自毙 it would be silly to give up your job now -- you'd just be cutting your own throat. 你现在辞职是很愚蠢的一—这样只有对你自己不好。 be your own worst enemy /biː jɔːr ˌəʊn wɜːʳst ˈenəmi/ [verb phrase] to continuously behave in a stupid way that results in you being harmed 自作自受,自讨苦吃 my mother was her own worst enemy. she knew she was ill but she did nothing to help herself. 我母亲是自讨苦吃,明明知道自己有病,却一点也不去管它。 many drivers are their own worst enemy -- driving too close, driving too fast, all the usual faults. 许多司机都是咎由自取——追得太近,开得太快,这些都是常犯的毛病。 shoot yourself in the foot /ˌʃuːt jɔːʳself ɪn ðə ˈfʊt/ [verb phrase] to stupidly do something that seriously harms you, especially by saying something stupid or making plans that go badly wrong 搬起石头砸自己的脚;自讨苦吃[尤指说了蠢话或做了很错的计划] once again, the government has shot itself in the foot -- this time by reducing widows’ pensions. 政府又一次搬起石头砸了自己的脚—这回是削减遗孀的补助金。 cut off your nose to spite your face /ˌkʌt ɒf jɔːʳ ˌnəʊz tə ˌspaɪt jɔːʳ ˈfeɪs/ [verb phrase] to deliberately not do something that would make an unpleasant situation better for you, because you are too angry or proud to do it 拿自己出气[因为太生气或太骄傲而故意不去做某事] if you love him, ask him to stay. otherwise you'll be cutting off your nose to spite your face. 如果你爱他,就叫他别走,否则你是自讨苦吃。3. harming something or someone 对某事物或某人有害的 harmful /ˈhɑːʳmfəl/ [adjective] pushing kids so hard from such an early age is likely to have some harmful results. 从这么小就开始对孩子施加很大的压力,可能会产生不良的后果。 scientists tend to agree that most diets don't work and can be harmful. 科学家一般都认为大多数节食方法都不起作用,而且是有害的。 the destruction of the ozone layer will have a very harmful effect on the environment. 臭氧层的破坏将对环境产生非常不利的影响。harmful to 80% of americans think that television is harmful to society and especially to children. 80%的美国人认为电视对社会有害,对儿童尤其如此。 damaging /ˈdæmɪdʒɪŋ/ [adjective] harmful and usually having a permanent effect 破坏性的 up to 1500 patients suffered damaging side-effects after taking the drug. 多达1,500名病人服用该药后出现严重的副作用。 the publicity that followed the scandal has been extremely damaging. 丑闻之后的媒体宣传产生了巨大的破坏力。damaging to the british beef crisis was damaging to the livelihoods of thousands of people in the industry. 英国的牛肉危机危害了该行业中成千上万人的生计。 negative /ˈnegətɪv/ [adjective] likely to harm someone or something, especially in a way that is not too serious - use this especially about something that could also have a good effect if the situation was different 不好的,有害的,负面的[尤用于指在不同的情况下可能也会出现好的作用] doctors have a duty to inform patients of the possible negative side-effects of the drug. 医生有责任告诉病人药品可能会产生的不良副作用。 the school environment can be a negative force as well as a positive one. 学校环境既能产生正面的作用,也可能会有负面的影响。 be bad for /biː ˈbæd fɔːʳ/ [verb phrase] to have a harmful effect on something such as an activity, organization, or type of work 对…不利 when companies close down, it's bad for the town and bad for the local economy. 多家公司关门,不利于全镇,也不利于当地的经济。 a bad marriage is bad for the kids. 婚姻不幸福对孩子不利。 reading without good lighting is bad for your eyes. 在照明不充足的条件下阅读对眼睛不好。4. likely to harm people's health or the environment 可能危害人们的健康或环境 harmful /ˈhɑːʳmfəl/ [adjective] scientists have recommended that new technology be used to target harmful bacteria. 科学家建议使用新科技对付有害的细菌。 many of the products that we have around our homes are harmful if swallowed. 我们家里的许多物品如果吞食下去是对身体有害的。 the protests were aimed at ending the dumping of harmful industrial waste at sea. 这些抗议行动的目的是为了阻止向海里倾倒有害的工业废料。harmful to the sun's rays can be very harmful to the skin. 太阳光能对皮肤造成极大的伤害。 poisonous /ˈpɔɪzənəs/ [adjective] something that is poisonous contains a chemical that makes people, animals, or plants etc very ill or could kill them if they breathe it, swallow it, or touch it etc 有毒的 don't drink that -- it's poisonous! 不要喝那东西—有毒的! the adder is the only poisonous snake in britain. 蜂蛇是英国唯一的一种毒蛇。highly poisonous carbon monoxide is a highly poisonous gas, mostly produced by cars. 一氧化碳是一种有剧毒的气体,主要由汽车产生。 hazardous /ˈhæzəʳdəs/ [adjective usually before noun] hazardous chemicals/waste/substances etc substances that are poisonous and will harm people, animals, or the environment if they are not dealt with or got rid of carefully 有害的化学物/废料/物质等 lead is one of the most hazardous substances known, causing cancer and nerve damage. 铅是已知的最毒的物质之一,会致癌,也会造成神经系统损伤。 the building is now unoccupied, and all radioactive or hazardous materials have been removed. 这幢楼现在空着,所有放射性物质和有害物质都清除了。 we need better regulations regarding the transportation of hazardous waste along public roads. 在公共道路上运输有害垃圾,需要有更完善的条例监管。 toxic /ˈtɒksɪkǁˈtɑːk-/ [adjective] chemicals, gases, or waste products that are poisonous and harmful to people, animals, or the environment - used especially in technical or scientific contexts 有毒的[尤用于科技方面] research has found that the drug contains a toxic chemical that can cause respiratory problems. 研究发现,这种药品中含有一种有毒化学物质,可引起呼吸系统的毛病。toxic waste from factories etc 有毒废物 we need more installations for the disposal of toxic waste. 我们需要更多的设备来处理有毒废料。highly toxic highly toxic radioactive waste products 毒性很强的放射性废弃物toxic to carbon dioxide is not highly toxic to animals or humans in small amounts. 少量的二氧化碳对动物和人体的危害并不大。 noxious /ˈnɒkʃəsǁˈnɑːk-/ [adjective] formal a noxious chemical or gas harms your health and is very unpleasant 【正式】[化学品或气体]有毒的;有害的 residents have to put up with noxious fumes from the nearby factory. 居民们不得不忍受着从附近工厂排出的有毒烟雾。 increasing tax on petrol would encourage people to drive smaller cars with fewer noxious emissions. 提高汽油税会促使人们驾驶有毒废气排放量较少的小型汽车。5. not harming anything or anyone 不对任何事物或任何人造成损害的 harmless /ˈhɑːʳmləs/ [adjective] i don't know why you're so upset -- it was only a harmless bit of fun. 我不知道为什么你如此生气—这只是个没有恶意的玩笑罢了。 radioactive waste needs to be stored for 25,000 years before it is harmless. 放射性废料需要存放25,000年以后才不会有害。harmless enough used to say that someone or something that may seem harmful, is in fact not harmful 没有危险的 he's a little crazy, i know, but he's harmless enough. 我知道他有点不正常,但是他没有恶意的。 harmlessly [adverb] fortunately the knife missed me and landed harmlessly on the floor. 幸好小刀没有扎在我身上,而是安全地落到了地板上。 innocuous /ɪˈnɒkjuəsǁɪˈnɑːk-/ [adjective] not harmful - use this especially when people have said or believe that something or someone is harmful 无害的[尤用于人们曾说过或相信某物或某人有害时] the producer dismissed the comment as quite innocuous. 生产商认为这种说法根本无关紧要而不予考虑。 the murder suspect was an innocuous-looking man with wire-framed glasses. 该凶杀案的嫌疑犯戴着一副金丝边眼镜,是一个看上去根本不像是会杀人的男子。seemingly/apparently innocuous seeming harmless, but actually intended to be harmful 表面上无恶意的 someone stood up and asked the professor an apparently innocuous question about his laboratory work. 有个人站起来,向教授提了一个看似没有恶意的问题,是关于他的实验方面的。 do no harm/not do any harm /ˌduː nəʊ ˈhɑːʳm, ˌnɒt duː eni ˈhɑːʳm/ [verb phrase] if an action, activity, experience etc does no harm, it does not harm someone or something and may even help 没有害处[甚至有帮助] learning how to live on your own for a while will do you no harm at all. 学习过一段时间的独立生活对你没有任何坏处。it would do no harm to do something i expect they've sold all the tickets, but it won't do any harm to ask. 我猜想他们已经卖光了票,但问问也无妨。 friendly /ˈfrendli/ [adjective] environment-friendly/ozone-friendly etc used especially about products in shops, meaning that they do not harm the environment etc 对环境/臭氧层等无害的 look for aerosols which say ‘ozone-friendly’ on the can. 要找罐子上写着“不破坏臭氧层”的喷雾剂。 tighter laws are needed to prevent manufacturers from falsely claiming their products are environment friendly. 需要有更严厉的法规来阻止生产商冒称自己的产品是环保的。☞ harm¹☞ harm²




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