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单词 evening
释义 evening noun¹ 1part of the day晚上adjective | verb + evening | evening + verb | evening + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤this, tomorrow, yesterday今天/明天/昨天晚上▸➤friday, saturday, etc.星期五、星期六等晚上➤weekday (especially bre) 工作日的晚上◆a popular place to hang out on weekday evenings一个平日晚上聚一聚的好去处➤april, may, etc.四月、五月等的晚上▸➤spring, summer, etc.春天、夏天等的晚上▸➤long漫长的夜晚◆the long winter evenings漫长的冬夜➤dark黑沉沉的夜晚▸➤quiet安静的夜晚▸➤balmy, beautiful, fine, golden, warm气候宜人的/美丽的/美好的/金色的/温暖的夜晚➤romantic浪漫的夜晚◆the two spent a romantic evening together.两人共度了一个浪漫之夜。➤cold, cool, dry寒冷的/凉爽的/干燥的夜晚▸➤early, late黄昏;晚间◆it was early evening and very still.日暮时份,万籁俱寂。➤previous前一天晚上◆8 o'clock the previous evening前一天晚上 8 点钟➤following, next第二天晚上◆the ball would take place the following evening.舞会将在第二天晚上举行。➤entire, whole整个晚上◆he spent the entire evening chatting with friends.他整晚都在和朋友闲聊。verb + evening➤spend度过夜晚◆we spent the evening walking around the town.我们在镇上四处逛,消磨夜晚时光。➤begin, start晚上先做⋯◆we started our evening by watching tv.晚上我们先看的电视。➤end结束夜晚◆what a way to end an evening!一晚上竟然这样结束了!➤enjoy享受夜晚◆thoroughly enjoying a quiet evening at home在家彻底享受一个宁静的夜晚➤ruin, spoil毁掉/糟蹋夜晚的时光◆i don't want to ruin your evening.我不想破坏你晚间的时光。evening + verb➤progress, wear on夜渐渐变深◆as the evening wore on, phil became very drunk.夜色渐浓,菲尔变得醉醺醺的了。evening + noun➤light, sky, star, sun夜晚的灯光;夜空;昏星;落日➤air, breeze夜晚的空气/微风◆the cool evening air夜晚凉爽的空气➤meal (especially bre) 晚餐➤stroll, walk晚间散步▸➤shift晚班▸➤class, course夜校的课程▸➤entertainment, event, performance, reception, show晚间娱乐/活动/表演/招待会/演出▸➤prayer, service晚祷▸➤rush hour傍晚交通高峰时段▸➤news, newscast, newspaper, paper晚间新闻;晚间新闻播报;晚报preposition➤during the evening在晚上➤for an/the evening度过夜晚◆her parents were out for the evening.她父母亲晚上出去了。➤in the evening晚上▸➤(on) friday, etc. evening, on the evening of在星期五等晚上;在⋯晚上◆on the evening of may 15在 5 月 15 日晚上phrases➤an evening off, an evening out晚上出去◆you deserve an occasional evening out.你该偶尔晚上出去玩玩。➤good evening晚上好evening noun² 2event happening in the evening晚间活动adjective | verb + evening | evening + noun | preposition adjective➤gala, musical, social晚会;音乐晚会;社交晚会▸➤open, parents' (especially bre) ( 学校的 ) 开放之夜; ( 学校的 ) 家长晚会◆prospective students were invited to the school's open evening.有入学意向者获邀参加学校的开放晚会。➤enjoyable, fun, lovely, memorable, nice, perfect, pleasant, successful, wonderful愉快的晚会;有趣的晚会;难忘的晚会;美好的晚会;完美的晚会;愉快的晚会;成功的晚会;精彩的晚会verb + evening➤hold举行晚会◆the club will hold a social evening to welcome new members.俱乐部将举行联欢晚会来欢迎新成员。➤host主持晚会◆he hosted the evening in front of a celebrity audience.他主持了这次晚会,台下全是知名人士。➤open开始晚会◆the orchestra opened the evening with an overture.管弦乐队以一首序曲拉开了晚会的序幕。evening + noun➤clothes, dress, gown, wear晚礼服;女装晚礼服preposition➤during the evening, for the evening在晚会期间;为晚会活动evening [uncountable, countable] the part of the day between the afternoon and the time you go to bed晚上;傍晚◆i'll come and see you this evening.我今天晚上过来看你。◆the evening performance begins at 7.30.晚上的演出 7 点 30 分开始。◆we spent the long winter evenings inside by the fire.我们在室内的炉火边度过冬季漫长的夜晚。opp morning → day ▸ evenings adverb◆he works evenings (= in the evenings).他晚上工作。note 辨析 night or evening?in some cases you can use either word.在有些情况下这两个词可以通用◆let's go out on saturday night / evening.咱们星期六晚上出去吧。 evening emphasizes the earlier hours, from about six o'clock onwards; night emphasizes the later part of the evening and can include the early hours of the next day. * evening 强调晚上的早些时候,从大约 6 点钟起; night 强调晚上的晚些时候,可包括第二天的凌晨◆we were up late last night-i didn't get to bed until two o'clock.我们昨晚熬夜了 - 我直到 2 点钟才睡。 night can also mean the whole time until it gets light the next morning; only use it to mean 'evening' if the meaning is clear. * night 亦可指直到第二天早晨天亮时的完整一夜,只有意思明确时才用 night 表示 evening 之义◆i'm going to my sister's for the evening (= and coming back later in the evening).我晚上要去我妹妹那儿一趟。◆i'm going to my sister's for the night (= and not coming back until the morning).我要去我妹妹那儿过夜。evening/ˈi:vnɪŋ ||; ˈivnɪŋ/noun [c,u] the part of the day between the afternoon and the time that you go to bed 傍晚;晚上: ◇what are you doing this evening? 今晚你要做什么?◇we were out yesterday evening. 昨晚我们不在家。◇i went to the cinema on saturday evening. 星期六晚上我看电影去了。◇tom usually goes swimming on wednesday evenings. 汤姆通常在星期三晚上去游泳。◇most people watch television in the evening. 多数人晚上都看电视。◇an evening class (= a course of lessons for adults that takes place in the evening) 夜间课程 good evening used when you see sb for the first time in the evening (用于晚上首次见面时)晚上好 ☞often we just say evening ‘good evening, mrs wilson.’ ‘evening, mr mills.’ 通常只说 evening:'good evening, mrs wilson.' 'evening, mr mills.'“晚上好,威尔逊太太。” “晚上好,米尔斯先生。” evening• ⇨ morning/afternoon/evening eve·ning /`ivnɪŋ; ˈiːvnɪŋ/n 1. [c,u] the end of the day and the early part of the night 傍晚,晚上:◇i have a class on thursday evenings. 我每星期四晚上有一节课。◇we spent a very pleasant evening with ray and his girlfriend. 我们与雷伊及他的女友一起度过了一个非常愉快的晚上。 2. (good) evening spoken used to greet someone when you meet them in the evening 【口】 晚安:◇evening, rick. 晚安,里克。 ☞ evening




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