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单词 odds
释义 odds nounadjective | verb + odds | odds + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤considerable, great, impossible, incredible, insurmountable, overwhelming, terrible相当大的/巨大的/无法想像的/难以置信的/无法克服的/令人不知所措的/可怕的困境◆she struggled against terrible odds to overcome her illness.她奋力与可怕的困境抗争去战胜疾病。➤good几率大➤high, low可能性大;可能性小▸➤long, short (especially bre) 高赔率;低赔率◆sometimes an outsider will win at long odds, but not often.有时不被看好的赛马也会爆冷获胜,但这种情况并不经常发生。◆the bookmakers are offering only short odds on the favourite. (bre) 赛马博彩经纪人只给热门马很低的赔率。verb + odds➤offer, quote开出赔率▸➤lay打赌◆i'll lay odds we never see him again.我打赌我们再也不会见到他了。➤reduce, shorten降低可能性;减少几率➤improve, increase提高几率;增加可能性▸➤beat, defy, overcome排除可能性;克服困难◆she defied the odds to beat the clear favourite / favorite.她克服困难击败了最有希望的夺冠者。➤calculate预测赔率odds + verb➤fall, go down, lengthen (especially bre) 赔率下降;可能性增加▸➤go up, increase, shorten (especially bre) 赔率上升;可能性减小➤favour/favor sb情形对某人有利preposition➤against the odds尽管困难重重◆the movie is a heart-warming tale of triumph against the odds.电影讲述了一个克服重重困难获得成功的感人故事。➤odds against对⋯不利的因素◆the odds against making a profit in this business are huge.在这一行业要实现盈利有巨大的困难。➤odds of⋯的赔率◆they were offering odds of ten to one.他们提出以 10 比 1 的赔率打赌。➤odds on在⋯方面的赔率◆the odds on the outsider were 100-1.冷门马的赔率是 100 比 1。phrases➤against all odds, against all the odds克服重重困难◆against all the odds, we managed to get through to the final.我们克服重重困难进入了决赛。➤face impossible odds, face insurmountable odds遭遇几乎想像不到的/遭遇无法逾越的困难➤the odds are stacked against sb, the odds are stacked in favour/favor of sb情况对某人不利/有利◆he will try hard to win, although he knows the odds are stacked against him.尽管知道困难重重,他仍将尽力争取获胜。odds (usually the odds 通常作 the odds) [plural] how likely sth is to happen; something that makes it seem impossible to do or achieve sth(事物发生的)可能性,概率;不利条件◆the odds are very much in our favour (= we are likely to succeed).我方胜算的几率极大。◆the odds are heavily against him (= he is not likely to succeed).他成功的几率很小。◆what are the odds (= how likely is it) he won't turn up?他不露面的可能性有多大?◆against all (the) odds, he made a full recovery.原本是凶多吉少,他却完全康复了。ⓘ in betting odds are the connection between two numbers that shows how much money sb will receive if they win a bet.赌博中,odds 指投注赔率◆i put £10 on middlesbrough to beat manchester at odds of three to one (= three times the amount of money that has been bet by sb will be paid to them if they win).我押 10 英镑赌米德尔斯伯勒赢曼彻斯特,赔率三比一。◆they are offering long / short odds (= the winnings will be high / low because there is a high / low risk of losing) on the defending champion.他们为卫冕者开出了高/低赔率。odds/ɒdz ||; ɑdz/noun [pl] the odds (on/against sth/sb) the degree to which sth is likely to happen; the probability of sth happening 可能性;机会: ◇the odds on him surviving are very slim (= he will probably die). 他存活的可能性很渺小。◇the odds are against you (= you are not likely to succeed). 你成功的可能性很小。◇the odds are in your favour (= you are likely to succeed). 你有可能成功。 against (all) the odds happening although it seemed impossible 好像不可能但却发生了 be at odds (with sb) (over sth) to disagree with sb about sth 跟…不和或意见不一 be at odds (with sth) to be different from sth, when the two things should be the same 跟…不和谐或不相称 odds and ends (brit 英) (informal 非正式) small things of little value or importance 零碎的东西;琐碎杂物 oddssee ⇨ probably 7     • • •• ⇨ be at odds• ⇨ be at odds with• ⇨ the odds are stacked (heavily) against you• ⇨ the odds are stacked in sb's favour odds /ɑdz; ɒdz/n [plural 复数] 1. how likely it is that something will or will not happen, often expressed as a number [事情发生的]可能性[常用数字表示]:◇the odds of winning the lottery are about 14 million to 1. 这种彩票的中奖机会大约是 1 比 1,400 万。 2. at odds (with sb) disagreeing with someone (与某人)意见不合:◇britain was at odds with france on the subject of nuclear testing. 英国与法国在核试问题上意见不合。 3. difficulties that make a good result seem very unlikely 困难,不利因素:◇against all the odds (=in spite of it seeming very unlikely) 尽管看似不大可能: he recovered from his injury against all the odds. 他的伤好了,好得很不容易。




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