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单词 inescapable
释义 inescapable /ɪnɪskeɪpəbl/ (of a fact or situation) that you cannot avoid or ignore(现实或状况)不可避免的,逃避不了的,不能忽视的◆it is an inescapable fact that how we eat affects how we feel.我们的饮食方式会影响我们的感受 - 这是个无法忽视的事实。▸ inescapably adverb◆despite its remodelling, the building remains inescapably linked to the past.尽管这座建筑经过翻修,依然不可避免地与过去联系在一起。inescapable/ˌɪnɪˈskeɪpəbl ||; ˌɪnəˈskepəbḷ/adj (formal 正式) that cannot be avoided 无可避免的: ◇an inescapable conclusion 必然的结论 in·es·cap·a·ble /ˏɪnə`skepəbḷ; ˌɪnɪˈskeɪpəbəl◄/adjformal a fact that is inescapable cannot be ignored 【正式】 不可避免[逃避]的:◇the inescapable conclusion is that reynolds killed himself. 必然的结论就是雷诺兹是自杀的。




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