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单词 despot
释义 despot /despɒt; name despɑːt/ [countable] (disapproving, rather formal) a ruler who has complete power, especially one who uses it in a cruel way专制统治者;暴君◆it is the story of a military coup which brings a brutal despot to power.这就是那次军事政变的来龙去脉,它把一个残暴的专制统治者扶上了台。◆he was seen by many as an enlightened despot (= one who tries to use his power in a good way).在许多人眼里他是个开明的专制君主。despot/ˈdespɒt ||; ˈdɛspɑt/noun [c] a ruler with great power, especially one who uses it in a cruel way 统治者,掌大权的人(尤指专制的) ☞look at autocrat. 参看autocrat。 ➔despotic /dɪˈspɒtɪk ||; dɪˈspɑtɪk/ adj despotic power/rule 绝对的权力;专制统治 des·pot /`dɛspət; ˈdespɒt/n [c]someone, especially the ruler of a country, who uses power in a cruel and unfair way 专制统治者,暴君




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