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单词 disperse
释义 disperse verbadverb | verb + disperse | preposition adverb➤quickly, rapidly使很快地消散;迅速地驱散➤widely使广泛地散布◆the population in this area is very widely dispersed.这一地区人口稀疏。➤evenly, uniformly均匀地/均衡地散布◆the bird-feeding system evenly disperses food and water.这一禽鸟喂养系统均衡地散布食物和水。➤randomly胡乱地散布▸➤geographically, spatially使地理上/空间上分散◆geographically dispersed political and economic power地理上分散分布的政治和经济力量verb + disperse➤begin to开始散开◆the crowd slowly began to disperse.人群开始慢慢散去。preposition➤around分散在⋯◆members of her family are now dispersed around the world.现在她的家人分散在世界各地。➤over散布到⋯◆the seeds are dispersed over a wide area.种子被散布到广泛的区域。➤throughout遍及各处◆warm air rises and disperses throughout the building.暖空气上升,遍及全楼。 disperse verbdisperse ♦︎ break (sth) up ♦︎ separate ♦︎ scatter ♦︎ partthese words all refer to people or things moving apart in different directions.这些词均表示向四周散开。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a crowd disperses / scatters / parts◆clouds disperse / part◆police disperse sb / break sth up■ disperse /dɪspɜːs; name dɪspɜːrs/ [intransitive, transitive] (rather formal, written) to move apart and go away in different directions; to make sb/sth do this疏散;散开;驱散◆the fog began to disperse.雾开始散去。◆the crowd dispersed quickly.人群很快便散开了。◆police dispersed the protesters with tear gas.警方用催泪弹驱散了抗议者。◆they dispersed the chemicals with a sheet of water.他们用一大滩水把那些化学剂冲走。◆the community was dispersed by the war.这个群体因战争而分散了。ⓘ disperse can be used to talk about groups of people, clouds or substances in the air. * disperse 可描述人群、云彩或空气中的物质。■ break up ■ break sth up phrasal verb(broke, broken) [intransitive](of a meeting) to finish, with the people going away in different directions; to make people leave a meeting or stop fighting, especially by using force(会议)散会;(尤指用武力)驱散,制止◆the meeting broke up at eleven o' clock.那次会议在 11 点散会。◆police broke up the demonstration.警方制止了那次示威游行。◆a woman was hurt as she tried to break up a fight.一个女人在试图制止斗殴时受了伤。note 辨析 disperse or break up?a meeting breaks up but the people, group or crowd at the meeting disperse(s).表示会议结束,break up 的主语是 meeting,disperse 的主语是与会的人(people、group、crowd 等)◆the meeting dispersed at eleven o'clock. ◆the crowd broke up quickly. you can break up a demonstration or a fight, but police disperse the crowds or protesters at the demonstration. * break up 可接 demonstration 或 fight 作宾语,disperse 可接 crowd 或 protester 作宾语◆police dispersed the demonstration. ◆police broke up the protesters with tear gas. ■ separate /sepəreɪt/ [intransitive, transitive] to stop being a group or one whole thing and move apart in different directions; to make people move apart分开;分离;使离散◆we separated into several different search parties.我们分成了几个搜索小组。◆two men separated from the others and walked towards me.两名男子与其他人分开,朝我走了过来。◆south america and africa separated 200 million years ago.2 亿年前南美洲和非洲分离。◆the war separated many families.这场战争使许多家庭离散。 ➡ see also isolate → isolate , separate → separate 1 , separation → division 1 ■ scatter [intransitive, transitive](of a group of people, animals or things) to move apart very quickly in different directions; to make people or animals do this(人群、动物或事物)迅速散开;使分散;驱散◆at the first gunshot, the crowd scattered.枪一响,人群便四散奔逃了。◆he banged his fist on the table and the chess pieces scattered over the floor.他在桌子上猛击一拳,象棋子纷纷散落到地上。◆the explosion scattered a flock of birds roosting in the trees.爆炸声把栖息在树丛中的鸟群惊飞了。■ part [intransitive, transitive] (rather formal, written) (of two things or two parts of sth) to move apart; to make two things or two parts of sth move apart(两件东西或某物的两个部份)分开;使分开;解散◆the crowds parted in front of them.人群在他们面前分开了。◆the elevator doors parted and out stepped the president.电梯门打开了,总统从里面走了出来。◆her lips were slightly parted.她的嘴唇微微张开。◆she parted the curtains a little and looked out.她把窗帘扒开个缝向外张望。disperse /dɪspɜːs; name dɪspɜːrs/ [intransitive, transitive] (rather formal, written) to move apart and go away in different directions; to make sb/sth do this疏散;散开;驱散◆the fog began to disperse.雾开始散去。◆the crowd dispersed quickly.人群很快便散开了。◆police dispersed the protesters with tear gas.警方用催泪弹驱散了抗议者。◆they dispersed the chemicals with a sheet of water.他们用一大滩水把那些化学剂冲走。◆the community was dispersed by the war.这个群体因战争而分散了。ⓘ disperse can be used to talk about groups of people, clouds or substances in the air. * disperse 可描述人群、云彩或空气中的物质。disperse/dɪˈspɜ:s ||; dɪˈspɝs/verb [i,t] to separate and go in different directions; to make sb/sth do this (使)散开;分散: ◇when the meeting was over, the group dispersed. 会议结束,大家散去。◇the police arrived and quickly dispersed the crowd. 警方到达后迅速驱散人群。 dispersesee ⇨ crowd 5,6 ⇨ leave 13 di·sperse /dɪ`spɜs; dɪˈspɜːs/v [i,t]to scatter in different directions, or to make something do this (使)散开,驱散:◇police used tear gas to disperse the crowd. 警察使用了催泪弹来驱散人群。




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