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单词 immerse
释义 immerse verb¹ 1put sth in liquid置于液体中adverb | preposition adverb➤completely, fully, totally完全浸没;充分浸没▸➤partially部份浸没preposition➤in浸没于◆the seeds need to be completely immersed in water.种子需要完全浸没在水中。immerse verb² 2concentrate completely on sth专注adverb➤deeply深深沉浸于◆clare and phil were deeply immersed in conversation.克莱尔和菲尔聊得十分投入。➤completely, fully, thoroughly, totally全神贯注;专注于➤immediately立刻沉浸于◆i immediately immersed myself in the task.我立即专心投入工作。➤in潜心于◆for six months i totally immersed myself in my work.6 个月来我完全埋头于工作。immerse /ɪmɜːs; name ɪmɜːrs/ [transitive] (formal) to put sb/sth into a liquid so that they or it are completely covered使浸没于◆the seeds will swell when immersed in water.这些种子浸泡在水里就会膨胀。▸ immersion /ɪmɜːʃn; name ɪmɜːrʃn, ɪmɜːrʒn/ noun [uncountable] ◆immersion in cold water resulted in a rapid loss of heat.浸泡在冷水中导致热量迅速流失。immerse/ɪˈmɜ:s ||; ɪˈmɝs/verb[t] 1. immerse sth (in sth) to put sth into a liquid so that it is covered 浸,泡(在液体中): ◇make sure the spaghetti is fully immersed in the boiling water. 意大利面条要全部泡在沸水里煮。 2. immerse yourself (in sth) to involve yourself completely in sth so that you give it all your attention 醉心于,沉浸于,沉迷于(某事物): ◇rachel's usually immersed in a book. 雷切尔常常手不释卷。 im·merse /ɪ`mɜs; ɪˈmɜːs/v [t] 1. be immersed in/immerse yourself in to be completely involved in something 埋头于,全神贯注于:◇grant is completely immersed in his work. 格兰特将全副身心投入到工作中去了。 2. to put something completely in a liquid (使)浸没[于液体中]




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