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单词 incurable
释义 incurable /ɪnkjʊərəbl; name ɪnkjʊrəbl/ (of an illness or disease) that cannot be cured(疾病)不能治愈的◆he's suffering from an incurable disease.他得了不治之症。 opp curable ⓘ a curable illness or disease can be cured. * curable 指疾病可医治的、可治愈的◆most skin cancers are curable if treated early.如果及早治疗,多数的皮肤癌是可以治好的。▸ incurably adverb◆incurably ill病入膏肓note 辨析 terminal or incurable?both terminal and incurable collocate with disease, condition and illness. terminal is more formal and is used in more technical medical contexts; incurable is more likely to be used in everyday english. terminal is the preferred term for talking about cancer.这两个词均可与 disease、condition 和 illness 搭配。terminal 较正式,用于较专业的医疗语境; incurable 更多用于日常英语中。描述癌症一般用 terminal。incurable/ɪnˈkjʊərəbl ||; ɪnˈkjυrəbḷ/adj that cannot be cured or made better 无法治愈的;不可救药的: ◇an incurable disease 不治之症 [opp] curable 反义词为curable➔incurably /-əbli ||; -əblɪ/ adv incurably ill 病入膏肓incurablesee ⇨ cure 3 in·cur·a·ble /ɪn`kjrəbḷ; ɪnˈkjʊərəbəl/adjimpossible to cure 无法治愈的,无可救药的:◇an incurable disease 不治之症




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