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单词 gland
释义 gland nounadjective | gland + verb adjective➤enlarged, swollen肿胀的腺体◆she's gone to bed with swollen glands and a temperature.她因腺体发炎和发烧上床休息了。➤adrenal, pineal, pituitary, thyroid, etc.肾上腺、松果腺、垂体腺、甲状腺等▸➤lymph, salivary, sweat, etc.淋巴腺、涎腺、汗腺等◆female ants release pheromones from their scent glands.雌蚁的臭腺中能释放出信息素。gland + verb➤release sth, secrete sth腺体释放⋯/分泌⋯gland/glænd ||; glænd/noun [c] any of the small parts(organs)inside your body that produce chemical substances for your body to use 腺(人体内的器官,能产生供身体使用的化学物质): ◇sweat glands 汗腺 ➔glandular /ˈglændjʊlə(r) ||; ˈglændʒəlɚ/ adj gland /glænd; ɡlænd/n [c]an organ in the body that produces a liquid substance, such as sweat or saliva 腺




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