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单词 else
释义 else/els ||; ɛls/adv (used after words formed with any-, no-, some- and after question words (用于含 any-、no-、some- 等词缀的词之后,也用于疑问词之后)) another, different person, thing or place 另一个(人、事物或地方): ◇this isn't mine. it must be someone else's. 这不是我的,肯定是别人的。◇was it you who phoned me, or somebody else ? 是你给我打的电话,还是别人?◇ everybody else is allowed to stay up late. 别人都可以晚睡觉。◇you'll have to pay. nobody else will. 你得付钱。别人都不会付的。◇ what else would you like? 你还要别的吗?◇i'm tired of that cafe -- shall we go somewhere else for a change? 我已经对那家咖啡馆感到厌倦─我们去别一家换换口味,好吗? or else otherwise; if not 要不然;否则: ◇you'd better go to bed now or else you'll be tired in the morning. 你去睡吧,要不然明早就没有精神了。◇he's either forgotten or else he's decided not to come. 他不是忘了就是决定不来了。 elsesee ⇨ different 5     • • •• ⇨ nothing else• ⇨ or else• ⇨ somewhere else else /ɛls; els/adv 1. a word meaning "in addition", used after words beginning with "any-", "no-", "some-", and after question words 此外,另外[用于 any-, no-, some- 开头的代名词及疑问词之后]:◇clayton needs someone else to help him. 克莱顿需要别人帮帮他。◇what else can i get you? 另外还需要我帮你拿什么吗? 2. a word meaning "different" or "other", used after words beginning with "any-", "no-", "some-", "every-" and after question words 其他,另外[用于 any-, no-, some, every 开头的代名词及疑问词之后]:◇everyone else (=all the others) 所有其他人◇is there anything else to eat? 还有别的什么东西可吃吗?◇she was wearing someone else's coat. 她穿着别人的外套。 3. or else used to say that if something does not happen, another thing will happen, usually something bad 否则,不然:◇she'd have to pay, or else she'd go to prison. 她必须付钱,否则她就得去坐牢。 ☞ else




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