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单词 elegant
释义 elegant adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, feel, look优雅;感觉优美;看上去优雅adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常优雅➤particularly特别优雅▸➤beautifully既美丽又优雅◆the beautifully elegant spire of the church教堂那座漂亮雅致的尖塔➤casually, quietly随意但优雅;文静而优雅◆the quietly elegant wives of the directors董事们既文静又优雅的夫人➤classically典雅◆a classically elegant hotel一家典雅的旅馆➤surprisingly令人惊讶地雅致▸➤supremely (especially bre) 极为雅致◆the artist's supremely elegant portraits of society beauties艺术家所作的极为雅致的社交名媛画像elegant adjective  ➡ see also the entry for fashionable另见 fashionable 条elegant ♦︎ smart ♦︎ stylish ♦︎ graceful ♦︎ classic ♦︎ well dressedthese words all describe the look of people and things that are attractive and have a good style.这些词均表示优美的、高雅的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆an elegant / a smart / a stylish / a graceful / a well-dressed woman◆an elegant / a smart / a well-dressed man◆smart / stylish / well-dressed people◆an elegant / a smart / a stylish / a classic suit / dress◆an elegant / a stylish / a classic cut / design◆an elegant / a smart / a classic style◆an elegant / a smart / a stylish restaurant◆an elegant / a graceful movement◆elegant / graceful / classic lines■ elegant (approving) (of people) attractive and showing a good sense of style; (of clothes, places and things) attractive and designed well(人)美丽的,高雅的;(衣服、场所和物品)漂亮雅致的,精美的◆she was tall, slim and elegant.她身材修长,优雅大方。◆she was looking for something cool and elegant to wear.她想找件时髦雅致的衣服穿。◆guests can dine and relax in comfortable elegant surroundings.客人可以在舒适高雅的环境中用餐和休息。 ➡ see also elegance → style ▸ elegantly adverb◆elegantly dressed women穿着考究的女子■ smart (especially bre, approving) (of people) looking clean and neat; wearing fashionable and/or formal clothes; (of clothes, etc.) clean, neat and looking new and attractive(人)衣冠楚楚的,衣着讲究的;(衣服等)整洁漂亮的,光鲜靓丽的◆you look very smart in that suit.你穿上这身套装显得很精神。◆they wear smart blue uniforms.他们身穿漂亮的蓝色制服。opp scruffy → scruffy ▸ smartly adverb◆smartly dressed衣着光鲜靓丽■ stylish (approving) fashionable, elegant and attractive时髦的;新潮的;高雅的◆his pale grey suit was stylish.他那浅灰色的套装很入时。◆it was a stylish performance by both artists.那是两位艺术家共同演出的一场高雅节目。  ➡ see also style → style , style → fashion ▸ stylishly adverb◆stylishly cut hair时髦的发型■ graceful moving in a controlled, attractive way; having a smooth, attractive form(动作)优美的;(形态)优雅的,雅致的◆he gave a graceful bow to the audience.他优雅地向观众鞠了一躬。◆the flowers have graceful, arching stems.那些花的茎呈优雅的拱形。 ➡ see also grace → style ▸ gracefully adverb◆he bowed gracefully.他优雅地鞠了一躬。■ classic (especially written) elegant, but simple and traditional in style or design; not affected by changes in fashion(风格或设计)典雅的,古朴的,传统的;经典不衰的◆she was wearing a classic little black dress.她穿着一条典雅小巧的黑色连衣裙。◆the shop specializes in classic english style.这家商店专营英格兰传统风格的服饰。  ➡ see also class → style ▸ classically adverb◆classically beautiful具有古典美的■ well dressed (especially written) wearing attractive clothes that look good on you, especially clothes that are fashionable and expensive衣着入时的;穿着讲究的◆it's what today's well-dressed man is wearing.这是当今时髦男子的穿着。◆she was always well dressed.她向来衣着入时。 elegant (approving) (of people) attractive and showing a good sense of style; (of clothes, places and things) attractive and designed well(人)美丽的,高雅的;(衣服、场所和物品)漂亮雅致的,精美的◆she was tall, slim and elegant.她身材修长,优雅大方。◆she was looking for something cool and elegant to wear.她想找件时髦雅致的衣服穿。◆guests can dine and relax in comfortable elegant surroundings.客人可以在舒适高雅的环境中用餐和休息。 ➡ see also elegance → style ▸ elegantly adverb◆elegantly dressed women穿着考究的女子elegant/ˈelɪgənt ||; ˈɛləgənt/adj having a good or attractive style 优雅的;漂亮的: ◇she looked very elegant in her new dress. 她穿上新的连衣裙,显得雍容华贵。◇an elegant coat 优雅的大衣 ➔elegance /ˈelɪgəns ||; ˈɛləgəns/ noun [u] ➔elegantly adv elegantsee ⇨ beautiful 1,5 ⇨ graceful 1 ⇨ style/elegance 2 el·e·gant /`ɛləgənt; ˈelɪɡənt/adjhaving a graceful and attractive style or appearance 高雅的,优美的:◇a tall, elegant woman 身材高挑、举止优雅的女子




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