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单词 provocation
释义 provocation nounadjective | ... of provocation | verb + provocation | preposition | phrases adjective➤extreme极端的挑衅➤deliberate蓄意挑衅... of provocation➤element有些挑衅的成分◆the victim's conduct had involved an element of provocation.受害者的行为有些挑衅的成分。verb + provocation➤respond to对挑衅作出反应➤constitute (law法律) 构成挑衅◆words alone can constitute provocation.言语本身就能构成挑衅。preposition➤under provocation被激怒◆the crime was committed under provocation.该罪行是被激怒后犯下的。◆the defendant was not acting under provocation.被告并非是在被激怒的情况下做出此举动的。➤without provocation没有受到挑衅◆she attacked him without provocation.她无缘无故地就攻击他。phrases➤at the slightest provocation稍一招惹◆he would lose his temper at the slightest provocation.只要稍有招惹,他就大发脾气。provocation /prɒvəkeɪʃn; name prɑːvəkeɪʃn/ noun [uncountable, countable] ◆the crime was committed under provocation.这一犯罪行为乃受到挑衅所致。provocation /prɒvəkeɪʃn; name prɑːvəkeɪʃn/ noun [uncountable, countable] ◆the crime was committed under provocation.这一犯罪行为乃受到挑衅所致。provocation/ˌprɒvəˈkeɪʃn ||; ˌprɑvəˈkeʃən/noun [u] [c] doing or saying sth deliberately to try to make sb angry or upset; sth that is said or done to cause this 挑衅;触怒: ◇you should never hit children, even under extreme provocation. 就算有什么事惹得你极为恼火,也绝不该打孩子。 ☞verb provoke 动词为provoke prov·o·ca·tion /ˏprɑvə`keʃən; ˌprɒvəˈkeɪʃən/n [c,u]something that is likely to make someone angry and want to attack another person 刺激,激怒,挑衅:◇the police acted calmly, in the face of great provocation. 面对严重挑衅,警方表现得很镇定。




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