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单词 provoke
释义 provoke verbadverb | verb + provoke | preposition | phrases adverb➤deliberately故意激起▸➤inevitably (especially bre) 不可避免地引起◆the suggestion inevitably provoked outrage from student leaders.这一建议不可避免地激起了学生领袖的愤慨。➤immediately立即激起▸➤eventually, finally终于激起verb + provoke➤try to想方设法激起▸➤be likely to很可能激起◆the report is likely to provoke discussion of this issue.报告很有可能引起对该问题的讨论。➤be designed to, be intended to意在引起preposition➤into挑起◆she had been trying to provoke her sister into an argument.她一直在想方设法惹姐姐来吵一架。➤to激起⋯◆their laughter provoked him to anger.他们的大笑激怒了他。phrases➤easily provoked容易被激怒◆he was sensitive and easily provoked.他很敏感,容易被激怒。 provoke verbprovoke ♦︎ goad ♦︎ prod ♦︎ stingthese words all mean to make sb react or do sth by doing or saying sth that you know will annoy them or make them angry.这些词均表示挑衅、刺激。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to provoke / goad / prod / sting sb into sth◆to provoke / goad / prod / sting sb into doing sth◆to provoke / goad / prod sb to do sth◆to provoke / goad / prod / sting sb into action◆to deliberately provoke / goad sb■ provoke /prəvəʊk; name prəvoʊk/ [transitive] to say or do sth that you know will annoy sb so that they react in an angry way向⋯挑衅;激怒;刺激◆she had been trying to provoke her sister into an argument.她一直设法激怒她妹妹跟她吵。◆she laughed aloud, which provoked him to fury.她大笑起来,这让他火冒三丈。◆be careful what you say-he's easily provoked.说话要小心 - 他这个人粘火就着。▸ provocation /prɒvəkeɪʃn; name prɑːvəkeɪʃn/ noun [uncountable, countable] ◆the crime was committed under provocation.这一犯罪行为乃受到挑衅所致。■ goad /gəʊd; name goʊd/ [transitive] (especially written) to deliberately keep annoying sb/sth until they react(故意地)招惹,激怒,刺激◆goaded beyond endurance, she turned on him and hit out.她气得忍无可忍,转身向他猛击。◆he goaded her into saying more than she intended.他刺激她说了本不想说的话。■ prod (-dd-) [transitive] (rather informal) to try to make sb do sth, especially when they are unwilling, often by deliberately annoying them or asking them sth repeatedly(常通过故意烦扰或反复要求)催促,鼓动,督促(某人,尤指做不情愿做的事)◆she finally prodded him into action.她终于鼓动他行动起来。◆he kept very quiet until she prodded him to say what he was looking for.他一直沉默不语,后来她软磨硬泡地让他说出了他想找什么。■ sting (stung, stung) [transitive] to make sb do sth that they are unwilling to do by making them feel so angry or upset that they react激怒,使不安(以致去做不愿做的事)◆he was stung into making a cheap retort.他被激怒了才反唇相讥。◆their cruel remarks stung her into action.他们残酷无情的话激得她只好采取行动。provoke /prəvəʊk; name prəvoʊk/ [transitive] to cause a particular feeling or reaction, especially a negative one, sometimes deliberately(有时是故意地)激起,引起,引发(尤指负面情绪或反应)◆the announcement provoked a storm of protest.这个声明激起了抗议的风潮。◆the article was intended to provoke discussion.本文旨在引发讨论。provoke /prəvəʊk; name prəvoʊk/ [transitive] to say or do sth that you know will annoy sb so that they react in an angry way向⋯挑衅;激怒;刺激◆she had been trying to provoke her sister into an argument.她一直设法激怒她妹妹跟她吵。◆she laughed aloud, which provoked him to fury.她大笑起来,这让他火冒三丈。◆be careful what you say-he's easily provoked.说话要小心 - 他这个人粘火就着。▸ provocation /prɒvəkeɪʃn; name prɑːvəkeɪʃn/ noun [uncountable, countable] ◆the crime was committed under provocation.这一犯罪行为乃受到挑衅所致。provoke/prəˈvəʊk ||; prəˈvok/verb[t] 1. to cause a particular feeling or reaction 激起,引起(感觉或反应): ◇an article intended to provoke discussion 一篇旨在引起讨论的文章 2. provoke sb (into sth/into doing sth) to say or do sth that you know will make a person angry or upset 挑衅;激怒: ◇the lawyer claimed his client was provoked into acts of violence. 那位律师声称,他的当事人是受到挑衅才动粗的。 ☞noun provocation 名词为provocation provokesee ⇨ angry 8 ⇨ cause 7 pro·voke /prə`vok; prəˈvəʊk/v [t] 1. to deliberately make someone angry and make them behave in a violent way 激怒,使恼火:◇she hit him, but he provoked her into it. 她打了他,不过是他把她惹成这样的。 2. to cause a feeling or reaction 激起,引起:◇the article provoked a heated discussion. 这篇文章引起了激烈讨论。




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