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单词 dress
释义 dress noun¹ 1piece of clothing衣服adjective | verb + dress | dress + noun | preposition adjective➤beautiful, elegant, gorgeous漂亮的/优雅的/华丽的衣服➤plain, simple朴素的衣服◆she looked elegant in a simple black dress.她穿着一条简洁的黑裙,看起来很优雅。➤ankle-length, floor-length, full-length, knee-length, long长及脚踝的裙装;及地长裙;齐膝裙;长连衣裙▸➤short短连衣裙▸➤skimpy短小暴露的连衣裙▸➤clinging, figure-hugging, skintight, tight, tight-fitting紧身连衣裙▸➤loose-fitting, shapeless宽松的连衣裙;无定形的连衣裙➤backless, halter, low-cut, off-the-shoulder, revealing, sleeveless, strapless露背/吊颈低胸/露肩/暴露的/无袖/裹胸连衣裙▸➤flowing, silky, slinky飘逸的/丝质/紧身连衣裙➤floral, flowered, flowery, frilly, sequinned/sequined, sparkly碎花连衣裙;褶边连衣裙;亮片连衣裙▸➤cotton, silk, etc.棉质、丝绸等连衣裙➤designer, fancy (name) 设计师标名裙装;化装舞会服▸➤ball, cocktail, evening, party, prom (name) 舞会服;酒会礼服;晚礼服;宴会(礼)服;舞会(礼)服➤bridesmaid, bridesmaid's, wedding伴娘装;婚纱➤communion女童圣餐礼服➤easter复活节服装➤maternity孕妇装verb + dress➤unzip, zip, zip up拉开连衣裙拉链;拉上连衣裙拉链➤hitch up, lift, pull up拉起连衣裙;提起连衣裙◆she hitched up her long dress so it wouldn't drag in the mud.她拉起长裙以免拖在烂泥里。➤pull down放下连衣裙▸➤smooth, straighten把连衣裙弄平◆she sat down and smoothed her dress over her legs.她坐下来,把腿上的裙子抻平。➤go with, match与衣服很搭◆the hat went with her new dress wonderfully.这顶帽子与她的新连衣裙非常相配。➤rip, ruin, tear撕开/毁掉/撕破衣服dress + noun➤shop连衣裙店▸➤designer连衣裙设计师▸➤size连衣裙尺寸preposition➤in a/the dress穿着连衣裙◆she appeared in a slinky satin dress.她穿着修身缎纹连衣裙出场。  ➡ topic at clothes dress noun² 2clothes for either men or women服装adjective | dress + noun | preposition adjective➤ceremonial, formal礼服;正装▸➤casual, informal休闲服;便装➤evening晚礼服▸➤modern现代服装▸➤period具有时代特色的服装▸➤national, traditional民族/传统服装◆he was wearing traditional scottish dress.他穿着传统的苏格兰裙。➤fancy (= clothes that make you appear to be a different character) (bre) 化装舞会服◆the costumes worn at the fancy-dress ball在化装舞会上穿的服装◆a fancy-dress shop化装服装店➤battle, military作战服;军装▸➤civilian便服dress + noun➤code着装规定◆the club has a strict dress code.俱乐部有严格的着装要求。➤sense衣着品位◆he has poor dress sense.他的穿着品位很差。➤coat, pants, shirt, shoes, suit燕尾服;正装长裤;礼服衬衫;礼服鞋;夜礼服▸➤uniform军礼服◆in full dress uniform穿着全套军礼服preposition➤in... dress穿着⋯◆a performance of 'hamlet' in modern dress穿现代服装演出的《哈姆雷特》dress verb¹ 1put on clothes穿上衣服adverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤hurriedly, quickly匆忙穿衣;迅速穿衣▸➤slowly慢慢地穿衣▸➤carefully小心地穿衣preposition➤in穿着◆he dressed carefully in the brown suit he had been married in.他认真地穿上了他结婚时穿的那套棕色西服。phrases➤be fully dressed穿着全套衣服◆she lay down on her bed, fully dressed.她和衣躺到床上。➤get dressed穿好衣服◆she got dressed quickly.她迅速穿好了衣服。dress verb² 2wear clothes穿着衣服adverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤beautifully, elegantly, fashionably, immaculately, impeccably, nattily (old-fashioned) , neatly, nicely, smartly, stylishly, well穿着漂亮;着装雅致;穿着时尚;着装整洁;着装得体;着装时髦;着装庄重◆susan always dresses very elegantly.苏珊总是穿得很雅致。◆she was determined to be the best dressed woman at the wedding.她决心要做婚礼上着装最漂亮的女士。➤badly, poorly, shabbily着装不好;着装不得体;衣衫褴褛▸➤appropriately, suitably着装合适▸➤inappropriately着装不合适➤decently, modestly, properly穿着体面;穿着得体➤conservatively, plainly, simply, soberly衣着保守;着装朴素;穿着简朴➤professionally (especially name) 着职业装◆she was dressed professionally in a business suit.她穿着职业套装。➤formally穿着正式▸➤casually着装休闲▸➤expensively穿着华贵▸➤flamboyantly, ostentatiously, richly着装招摇;穿着奢华;衣着华丽➤provocatively, scantily穿着很挑逗;衣着暴露▸➤warmly穿着温暖▸➤alike, identically, similarly衣着类似;着装完全相同◆the twins were dressed identically.这对双胞胎的穿着一模一样。➤differently穿着不同◆she began to act and dress differently.她的行为和着装都开始变样了。preposition➤as打扮成◆the waiters were dressed as clowns.服务员都打扮成小丑的样子。➤for为⋯的穿着◆i have to dress smartly for work.我上班必须着装整洁利落。➤in穿着⋯的衣服◆the women were all dressed in blue skirts and white blouses.女士全都穿着蓝裙白衬衫。➤like穿得像⋯◆why does she always dress like a boy?为何她总穿得像个男孩似的?phrases➤dress to the nines, dress up to the nines (bre) 穿着考究华丽◆she always dresses (up) to the nines.她的穿着始终很考究。 dress /dres/ noun [uncountable] clothes for men or women 服装;衣服◆we have a policy of casual dress in the office. 我们规定在办公室穿便装。◆formal business dress 正式的职业装 dress /dres/ verb ●dress down (often used as an adjective 常用作形容词) to wear clothes that are more informal than those you usually wear 着便装;穿着随便◆staff are allowed to dress down on fridays. 职员可在周五着便装。◆the company has a dress-down friday. 这家公司的员工周五可着便装。☞ dress☞ dressdress [uncountable] clothes, especially when worn in a particular style or for a particular occasion(尤指某种款式或为某种场合穿的)衣服◆all the guests were in evening dress.所有宾客都穿了晚礼服。◆he has no dress sense (= no idea of how to dress well).他毫无服装品味。◆the company has a strict dress code-all male employees are expected to wear suits.这家公司有严格的着装规定,所有男员工都要穿西装。dress [intransitive, transitive] to put clothes on yourself/sb; to wear a particular type or style of clothes; to put on formal clothes穿衣服;给(某人)穿衣;穿⋯的服装;穿正式服装◆i dressed quickly.我迅速穿好衣服。◆she dressed herself and the children in their best clothes.她给自己和孩子们都穿上了最好的衣服。◆to dress well / badly / fashionably / comfortably穿得好/不好/时髦/舒适◆you should dress for cold weather today.你今天要穿防寒的衣服。◆she always dressed entirely in black.她一向全身黑色装束。ⓘ to dress up is to wear clothes that are more formal than those you usually wear, or to put on special clothes, especially to pretend to be sb/sth different. * dress up 指穿上较平时正式的衣服,或穿上特别的衣服,尤指装扮成其他的人或物◆there's no need to dress up-come as you are.不必特意打扮 - 就这样来就行。◆the kids love dressing up.孩子们喜欢装扮成别人玩儿。◆the boys were all dressed up as pirates.男孩子都装扮成了海盗。to dress down is to wear clothes that are more informal than those you usually wear, for example in an office. * dress down 指在办公室等场合穿上较平时随便的衣服◆everyone dresses down on fridays.周五所有人衣着都很随便。 opp undress → take sth off dressverb [transitive] ◆the nurse will dress that cut for you.护士会为你包扎那个伤口。dressverb [transitive] ◆the nurse will dress that cut for you.护士会为你包扎那个伤口。dress¹/dres ||; drɛs/noun1. [c] a piece of clothing worn by a girl or a woman. it covers the body from the shoulders to the knees or below. 连衣裙 ☞picture on page c6 见c6页插图 2. [u] clothes for either men or women (男人或女人的)衣服: ◇formal/casual dress 礼服;便服◇he was wearing bulgarian national dress. 他穿着保加利亚的民族服装。 dress²/dres ||; drɛs/verb1. [i,t] to put clothes on sb or yourself 穿衣服: ◇he dressed quickly and left the house. 他很快穿上衣服出了门。◇my husband dressed the children while i got breakfast ready. 我准备早餐,我丈夫替孩子穿衣服。◇hurry up, simon! aren't you dressed yet? 西蒙,快点吧!怎么,你还没穿好衣服? [opp] undress 反义词为undress ☞it is more common to say get dressed than dress. get dressed这说法较dress常用。 2. [i] to put or have clothes on, in the way or style mentioned (以某种方式)穿衣服: ◇to dress well/badly/casually 穿得漂亮╱难看╱随便◇to be well dressed/badly dressed/casually dressed 穿得漂亮╱难看╱随便 3. [t] to put a clean covering on the place on sb's body where he/she has been hurt 包扎(伤口): ◇to dress a wound 包扎伤口 (be) dressed in sth wearing sth 穿着…: ◇the people at the funeral were all dressed in black. 参加丧礼的人都穿着黑色衣服。 dress up 1. to put on special clothes, especially in order to look like sb/sth else 打扮成…: ◇the children decided to dress up as pirates. 孩子们决定扮成海盗。 2. to put on formal clothes, usually for a special occasion 穿上礼服: ◇you don't need to dress up for the party. 你用不着穿礼服去参加这次聚会。 ☞ dress¹☞ dress²




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