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单词 hazard
释义 hazard nounadjective | verb + hazard | preposition | phrases adjective➤big, great, major, real, serious极大的危害;严重的危害▸➤constant长期的危害▸➤possible, potential潜在的危害▸➤hidden, unexpected, unseen隐患;意料之外的危险;无形的危险▸➤environmental, industrial, natural, occupational环境危害;工业危害;自然危害;职业风险◆industrial hazards such as excessive noise and pollution诸如过量噪声和污染等工业危害。◆loneliness is one of the occupational hazards of being a writer.孤寂是作家所面临的一大职业危险。➤health健康隐患◆other people's smoke is now seen as a health hazard.吸烟现在已被视为对他人健康的一种危害。➤fire火灾隐患◆those piles of newspapers are a serious fire hazard.那一堆堆的报纸是严重的火灾隐患。verb + hazard➤cause, create, pose, present导致/造成/构成/带来危险◆production of these chemicals poses serious environmental hazards.生产这些化学品会严重危害环境。➤be exposed to, encounter, face遭遇危险;面临危险◆the worst hazard we faced was having our money stolen.我们遇到的最糟糕的事就是钱被盗。➤avoid避免危险◆go in september if you want to avoid the hazard of extreme heat.如果想避开高温酷暑,那就 9 月份去。➤eliminate, minimize排除危险;使危险降到最低▸➤cope with, deal with, negotiate (especially bre) 处理危险◆companies should have systems for dealing with work hazards.公司应该有职业风险应对系统。preposition➤hazard for对⋯构成的危险◆stairs are a hazard for young children.楼梯对小孩子是一个危险之源。➤hazard to对⋯的危害◆the burning of industrial waste is a major hazard to human health.焚烧工业垃圾是对人类健康的严重危害。phrases➤exposure to a hazard面临危害◆try and reduce your exposure to hazards such as poor quality air.尽量减少接触诸如污浊空气之类的险患。 hazard /hæzəd; name -ərd/ noun [countable] a thing that can be dangerous or cause damage 危险;危害◆this would not pose a safety hazard. 这不会成为安全隐患。◆the aim is to make employees aware of potential hazards. 目标是使员工了解潜在的危险。 moral hazard ◇ occupational hazard ☞ hazardhazard /hæzəd; name hæzərd/ [transitive, intransitive] to make a suggestion or guess that you know may be wrong冒失地提出;冒险猜测◆would you like to hazard a guess?你想猜猜看吗?◆'is it tom you're going with?' she hazarded.“你是要和汤姆一起去吗?”她冒失地问。hazard /hæzəd; name hæzərd/ a thing that can be dangerous or cause damage危险;危害◆avoid foam-filled sofas-they are a serious fire hazard.避免使用填充泡沫塑料的沙发 - 它们是严重的火灾隐患。◆getting injured is an occupational hazard for athletes (= a hazard caused by their job).受伤是运动员的职业危害。 ➡ see also hazardous → dangerous note 辨析 threat, risk, danger or hazard?a threat is usually a probability; a risk, danger or hazard is a possibility. threat is most often used in the phrase a threat to sth; the threat itself may be important ( a major threat to the fabric of society) or less important ( a real threat to the spanish player). a hazard is the possibility of physical harm, especially to sb's health or safety; it is a thing, not a person. a danger is the possibility of physical or moral harm ( a danger to health/society) and may be a thing or a person. risk is often used in a similar way to hazard, especially in compounds: a health/fire/safety risk, but has a wider range that includes the risk to national/personal security or a security risk, which may be a person, group, thing or activity. * threat 通常为一种可能性; risk、danger 和 hazard 的可能性要低些。threat 最常用在短语 a threat to sth 中;这种威胁从本质上来说可能很严重(如 a major threat to the fabric of society),也可能不那么严重(如 a real threat to the spanish player)。hazard 是对身体,尤其是对某人的健康或安全造成伤害的可能,是某种事物,而不是人。danger 是对身体或道义的危害(如 a danger to health/society),可能是某种事物,也可能是人。risk 的用法常与 hazard 相似,尤用于 a health/fire/safety risk 等复合词中,但 risk 比 hazard 有更多的句型和搭配用法,如 risk to national/personal security 或 security risk,risk 可能是某个人、某个团体、某种东西或某项活动。hazard¹/ˈhæzəd ||; ˈhæzɚd/noun [c] a danger or risk 危险;风险: ◇smoking is a serious health hazard. 吸烟会严重危害健康。 hazard²/ˈhæzəd ||; ˈhæzɚd/verb [t] to make a guess or to suggest sth even though you know it may be wrong 试猜: ◇i don't know what he paid for the house but i could hazard a guess. 这座房子我不知道他花了多少钱买下来的,不过我可以猜一猜。 hazardsee ⇨ dangerous 6 ⇨ risk 1     • • •• ⇨ be a hazard☞ hazard¹☞ hazard²




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