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单词 confrontation
释义 confrontation nounadjective | ... of confrontations | verb + confrontation | confrontation + verb | preposition adjective➤full-scale, major, serious全面的对抗;重大的冲突;严峻的对峙◆their demands could lead to a serious confrontation with management.他们的要求可能引发与资方的严重对抗。➤direct, face-to-face, head-on, outright直接冲突;正面冲突;公然对抗▸➤open公开的对抗➤final最后的对峙◆the final confrontation on a train is classic thriller material.火车上的最后对峙是惊险小说的经典素材。➤bitter, bloody, heated, ugly, violent激烈的对峙;血腥的对抗;白热化的对峙;令人不快的冲突;暴力对抗▸➤armed, military, nuclear武装对立;军事对抗;核对抗➤climactic, dramatic达到高潮的/戏剧化的冲突◆their climactic confrontation brings the novel to a dramatic close.他们之间的冲突达到了顶点,小说以此戏剧化地收尾。➤political政治对立➤physical, verbal身体上的对抗;语言上的交锋◆he hoped that a physical confrontation would not ensue.他希望不会接着发生肢体冲突。... of confrontations➤series一连串冲突verb + confrontation➤get into, have陷入冲突;出现对抗▸➤lead to, provoke导致冲突;引发对抗▸➤bring sb into使某人陷入对立◆his actions brought him into direct confrontation with the authorities.他的行动造成了他与当局的直接对立。➤risk冒着对抗的危险◆he would be very foolish to risk a confrontation with robert.他要是冒着与罗伯特对抗的危险,那可就太傻了。➤force强迫对抗◆he probably will have little choice but to force a confrontation sooner or later.他很可能不会有多少选择的余地,迟早都得被迫走上对抗之路。➤avoid避免对峙confrontation + verb➤arise, take place对立出现;对抗发生preposition➤confrontation about, confrontation over就⋯产生的对抗◆lewis had a confrontation about money with his stepfamily.刘易斯和他的继父在金钱问题上发生了冲突。◆she had a series of heated confrontations with her parents over homework.在家庭作业问题上,她和父母发生了一连串激烈的冲突。➤confrontation between⋯之间的对峙◆a head-on confrontation between the two governments两国政府间的正面冲突➤confrontation with与⋯的冲突◆a confrontation with the police与警方的冲突 confrontation /kɒnfrʌnteɪʃn; name kɑːnfrən-/ noun [uncountable, countable] confrontation (with sb)/(between a and b) a situation in which there is an angry disagreement between people or groups who have different opinions 对抗;对峙;冲突◆confrontation between employers and unions 资方和工会之间的对峙☞ confrontation confrontation nounconfrontation ♦︎ row ♦︎ showdown ♦︎ clashthese are all words for an unfriendly disagreement between two people or groups of people.这些词均表示对抗、对峙、冲突。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a confrontation / row / showdown / clash with / between sb / sth◆a confrontation / row / showdown / clash over sb / sth◆a major confrontation / row / clash◆a bitter confrontation / row / clash◆to cause a confrontation / row◆to avoid a confrontation / row / showdown / clash◆to face a row / showdown■ confrontation [uncountable, countable] a situation in which there is an angry disagreement between people or groups who have different opinions对抗;对峙;冲突◆confrontation between employers and unions has resulted in strike action.资方与工会之间的对峙导致罢工行动。◆she wanted to avoid another confrontation with her father.她想避免和父亲再次发生冲突。■ row /raʊ/ [countable] (especially bre, informal, journalism新闻) a serious disagreement about sth between people or groups of people严重分歧;纠纷◆a row has broken out over education.在教育问题上已经出现严重分歧。ⓘ a row can also be a noisy argument between two people about a personal matter. * row 亦可指两个人之间关于个人问题的激烈争吵。  ➡ see also row → argument 1 ■ showdown /ʃəʊdaʊn; name ʃoʊdaʊn/ [usually singular] an argument, fight or test that will settle a disagreement that has lasted for a long time决出胜负的较量;终极对决◆management are facing a showdown with union members today.今天资方准备和工会摊牌。◆fans gathered outside the stadium for the final showdown (= the game that will decide the winner of the competition).球迷聚集在体育场外等着看最后的决赛。■ clash [countable] an argument between two people or groups of people who have different beliefs or ideas争论;辩论;争执◆there has been a head-on clash between the two candidates over education policy.两位候选人一直在教育政策上针锋相对。  ➡ see also clash → conflict verb note 辨析 row or clash?both of these words are used in journalism. a row is a situation that can continue over a long period of time. a clash is an event that happens when people with different opinions argue with each other, and is likely to be about sth like policy or principle.这两个词均用于新闻媒体。row 所指的纠纷可以持续很长一段时间。clash 指持不同意见的人相互争论的情况,所争论的主题多是有关政策或原则等。 confrontation [uncountable, countable] a situation in which there is an angry disagreement between people or groups who have different opinions对抗;对峙;冲突◆confrontation between employers and unions has resulted in strike action.资方与工会之间的对峙导致罢工行动。◆she wanted to avoid another confrontation with her father.她想避免和父亲再次发生冲突。confrontation/ˌkɒnfrʌnˈteɪʃn ||; ˌkɑnfrʌnˈteʃən/noun [c,u] a fight or an argument 对抗;冲突;争执 confrontationsee ⇨ fight 5 con·fron·ta·tion /ˏkɑnfrʌn`teʃən; ˌkɒnfrənˈteɪʃən/n [c,u]a situation in which there is a lot of angry disagreement 对抗,对峙:◇stan always avoids confrontations. 斯坦总是避免对峙的情形。




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