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单词 cloud¹
释义 cloud¹ /klad; klaʊd/n 1. [c,u] a white or grey mass in the sky that consists of very small drops of water 云:◇storm clouds moved closer overhead. 雷雨云聚集在上空。 2. [c] a mass of smoke or dust, or a large number of things all moving together in the air 烟雾; 尘土; [空中移动的]云状物:◇he drove out of the driveway in a cloud of dust. 他驶离私家车道时扬起了一片尘土。 3. be under a cloud to be in a situation in which a lot of people disapprove of you 受怀疑; 受反对:◇ryder resigned under a cloud of suspicion. 赖德由于受到猜疑而辞职。 4. on cloud nine informal very happy 【非正式】 极其高兴




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