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单词 flick
释义 flick nounadjective | verb + flick | preposition | phrases adjective➤quick迅速的一动➤deft敏捷的一弹verb + flick➤give (sth)轻动一下(⋯)◆the fish gave a quick flick of its tail.那条鱼轻轻地晃动了一下尾巴。preposition➤with a flick轻轻一动▸➤flick of轻轻一动⋯◆with a flick of his wrist he removed the ash from the end of his cigarette.他手腕轻轻一抖,把烟灰从香烟头上抖了下来。phrases➤at the flick of a switch啪地一拨开关◆heat is available at the flick of a switch (= instantly).轻轻按一下开关,马上就供热了。flick verbadverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤casually随意地轻拍▸➤nervously紧张地抖动▸➤quickly迅速地轻弹▸➤away, back弹去;弹回preposition➤across拂过⋯◆his tongue flicked nervously across dry lips.他的舌头紧张地舔过干裂的嘴唇。➤from从⋯掸落◆he casually flicked away some dust from his jacket.他漫不经心地把夹克上的灰拍掉。➤off从⋯弹去◆she flicked the ash off her cigarette.她轻轻把烟灰弹去。➤over从⋯掠过◆his eyes flicked quickly over the screen.他飞快地瞟了一眼屏幕。phrases➤flick sth open啪嗒一声打开⋯◆she snatched up her briefcase and flicked it open.她抓起公文包啪嗒一声打开了。flick verb ●flick through sthadverb➤absent-mindedly, casually, idly心不在焉地翻阅;随意翻看;无所事事地翻阅◆she flicked idly through a magazine.她懒洋洋地翻着一本杂志。➤quickly快速翻阅flick/flɪk ||; flɪk/verb1. [t] flick sth (away, off, onto, etc) to hit sth lightly and quickly with your finger or hand in order to move it 急速轻拍: ◇she flicked the dust off her jacket. 她掸掉上衣上的灰尘。◇please don't flick ash on the carpet. 请不要把烟灰弹在地毯上。 2. [i,t] flick (sth) (away, off, out, etc) to move, or to make sth move, with a quick sudden movement (使)迅速而轻快地移动: ◇she flicked the switch and the light came on. 她一按开关,灯就亮了。 flick noun [c] flick/flip through sth to turn over the pages of a book, magazine, etc quickly without reading everything 迅速翻阅(书本、杂志等) flicksee ⇨ throw 3 flick /flɪk; flɪk/v 1. [t] to make something small and light go through the air with a quick movement of your hand, a whip etc [用手、鞭等]轻挥,轻弹,轻拂:◇flick sth from/off etc barry flicked the ash from his cigarette. 巴里弹去香烟上的烟灰。 2. [i,t] to move with a sudden, quick movement or to make something do this (使)晃动,颤动,拍动:◇the horse's tail flicked from side to side. 马尾巴左右晃动着。 3. especially bre to press a switch in order to start or stop electrical equipment 【尤英】 按动[电器用品的开关]:◇sandra flicked on the light. 桑德拉啪的一声开了灯。 flickn [c]:◇a flick of the wrist 手腕的一抖flick through sthbre to look at a book, magazine etc quickly 【英】 飞快地翻阅[书、杂志等]:◇i flicked through the journal looking for his article. 我飞快地翻阅杂志,寻找他的文章。




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