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单词 descendant
释义 descendant nounadjective➤direct, lineal直接派生的事物;直系后裔◆quechua, the lineal descendant of the inca language克丘亚语 - 印加语的直系派生语言➤immediate直接后代▸➤distant远亲后代◆he was an o'conor and a distant descendant of the last high king of ireland.他姓奥康纳,是爱尔兰最后一位国王的远亲后代。➤living, modern在世的后人;现代的后裔▸➤spiritual精神传人◆he is brecht's spiritual descendant.他是布莱希特的精神传人。descendant /dɪsendənt/ [countable] a person who is related to sb who lived in the past后裔;后代;子孙◆he was an o'conor and a direct descendant of the last high king of ireland.他属于奥康纳家族,是爱尔兰最后一位君王的嫡系后裔。ⓘ descendant refers to adults as well as children. * descendant 兼指成人和儿童。 opp ancestor → family 3 descendant/dɪˈsendənt ||; dɪˈsɛndənt/noun [c] a person who belongs to the same family as sb who lived a long time ago 后裔;后代;子孙: ◇her family are descendants of one of the first englishmen to arrive in america. 她的家族是首批来到美洲的英国人之一的后裔。 ☞look at ancestor. 参看ancestor。 descendantsee ⇨ family 6 de·scen·dant /dɪ`sɛndənt; dɪˈsendənt/n [c]someone who is related to a person who lived long ago 子孙,后代,后裔:◇a descendant of an african king 非洲国王的后裔→ compare 比较 ancestor




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