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单词 fence
释义 fence nounadjective | verb + fence | fence + noun | preposition adjective➤high, tall高栅栏▸➤low低栅栏▸➤barbed-wire, chain-link, iron, mesh, metal, picket, rail, steel, stone, wire, wood, wooden, wrought-iron带刺铁丝网/铁链式/铁质/网眼/金属/尖板条/横杆/钢质/石质/金属丝/木质/木头/熟铁栅栏◆the house was surrounded by a white picket fence.这座房子四周围着白色的尖板条栅栏。➤electric, electrified (name) 电栅栏▸➤back, backyard, garden后面的栅栏;后院的栅栏;花园围篱▸➤border, boundary, perimeter, security分界的栅栏;围绕四周的栅栏;安全防护栅栏◆the airport perimeter fence机场周围的栅栏➤invisible (= to keep pets in) (name) ( 阻挡宠物的)隐形栅栏➤left-field, outfield, right-field (all in baseball均用于棒球) (棒球)左外野/外场/右外野的围栏➤privacy (name) 民用栅栏◆she walked over to the tall wooden privacy fence.她走到高高的木质私家栅栏前。➤political (figurative) 政治界限◆a proposal approved by people on both sides of the political fence政治上对立的双方均赞成的提议verb + fence➤build, erect, put up建造/竖起/搭起栅栏▸➤climb, climb over, hop, hop over, jump, jump over, scale攀越栅栏;单脚跳越栅栏;跳过栅栏;攀爬栅栏➤mend (figurative) 改善关系◆the white house already is struggling to mend fences with europe.白宫已在努力改善与欧洲的关系。fence + noun➤post栅栏桩➤line (especially name) 栅栏线◆the fence line separating the united states from mexico将美国与墨西哥隔开的栅栏线preposition➤over a/the fence在篱笆上◆she leaned over the fence.她斜靠在篱笆上。➤fence around, fence round (especially bre) 围着⋯的栅栏◆a fence around the site场地的围栏fence [countable] a structure made of wood or wire supported by posts that surrounds, divides or protects an area of land, for example to mark the limits of an area, to keep animals in or to keep people and animals out栅栏;围栏◆security guards with dogs patrolled the perimeter fence.带着警犬的保安在栅栏外围巡逻。 ➡ see also fence sth off → separate 2 fence¹/fens ||; fɛns/noun [c] a line of wooden or metal posts joined by wood, wire, metal, etc to divide land or to keep in animals 栅栏;篱笆 ☞picture on page c7 见c7页插图 sit on the fence→sitfence²/fens ||; fɛns/verb1. [t] to surround land with a fence 用栅栏或篱笆围住 2. [i] to fight with a long thin pointed weapon(a foil)as a sport 击剑 fence sb/sth in 1. to surround sb/sth with a fence 把…用栅栏或篱笆围起来: ◇they fenced in their garden to make it more private. 为免受骚扰,他们把花园用栅栏围起来。 2. to limit sb's freedom 限制某人的自由: ◇she felt fenced in by so many responsibilities. 她承担如此多的责任,觉得捆住了手脚。 fence sth off to separate one area from another with a fence 用栅栏把某范围隔开 ☞ fence¹☞ fence²




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