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单词 march
释义 march noun¹ 1movement/journey行进;行程adjective | verb + march | preposition | phrases adjective➤long长途跋涉➤steady稳步的行进➤slow缓慢的行进▸➤forced强行军▸➤approach接敌行进◆they reached the enemy position after an arduous approach march.经过艰苦的接敌行进,他们终于到达了敌军阵地。➤fifty-mile, four-day, etc. * 50 英里、4 天等的行军▸➤half a day's, two hours', etc.半天、2 小时等的行程◆the camp was half a day's march away.到达营地需要走半天的时间。➤northward, southward, etc.向北、向南等的行进▸➤forward, onward (figurative) 进展◆the forward march of technology技术的进步➤inevitable, inexorable (formal) , relentless, unstoppable (all figurative) 不可阻挡的进展;无情的发展◆the inexorable march of time不可阻挡的时间的推移verb + march➤begin, set off on开始行进;踏上征程◆the army set off on a forced march north.部队开始向北急行军。preposition➤on the march在行军中;在前进中◆the army has been on the march for two weeks.部队已连续行军两周了。➤march from从⋯开始的行程◆the march from selma to montgomery从塞尔马到蒙哥马利的行程➤march of⋯的行程◆a march of over 30 miles30 多英里的行程◆the march of history / progress / science (often figurative) 历史的/发展的/科学的进程➤march to, march towards/toward (figurative) 往⋯的行程;迈向⋯的征程◆the steady march towards / toward equality稳步迈向平等的征程phrases➤line of march行军路线◆villages in the army's line of march were burned to the ground.部队途经的村子都被烧为平地。➤a... march away⋯行程之外◆the border was still a day's march away.离边境还有一天的行程。➤the march eastward, westward, etc.东进、西进等march noun² 2demonstration/parade示威游行;游行adjective | verb + march | march + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤hunger, peace, protest, victory反饥饿/反战/抗议/胜利游行➤triumphal, triumphant凯旋游行▸➤anti-racism, pro-democracy, etc.反种族主义、支持民主等的游行➤gay pride, pride同性恋大游行➤peaceful和平游行verb + march➤hold, organize, stage举行游行示威;组织游行▸➤lead带领游行队伍▸➤be on, go on, join in, take part in在游行;进行游行;加入游行;参加游行▸➤halt, stop停下游行队伍◆the farmers halted the march outside the presidential palace.农民们在总统官邸外停下了游行队伍。➤break up强行驱散游行队伍◆the march was broken up by police in riot gear.游行队伍被身穿防暴服的警察强行驱散。march + verb➤mark sth游行纪念⋯◆a march marking the thirtieth anniversary of the shootings纪念枪击事件 30 周年的游行preposition➤at a/the march, on a/the march参与游行◆there were in excess of 100 000 people at the march.参与游行的人数超过了 10 万。➤march against反对⋯的游行◆a march against racism反对种族主义的游行➤march for为⋯举行的游行◆a march for the victims of the war为战争受害者举行的游行➤march of⋯的游行◆a march of over 6 000 people6,000 多人的游行➤march from, march to自⋯的游行;向⋯的游行phrases➤a march past (bre) 分列式◆there will be a special march past of competitors.参赛者将列队走过主席台。march noun³ 3music音乐adjective | verb + march adjective➤military军队进行曲▸➤funeral, wedding葬礼/婚礼进行曲➤quick, slow欢快的/徐缓的进行曲verb + march➤compose创作进行曲▸➤play演奏进行曲march verb¹ 1walk with regular steps齐步走;行走adverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤briskly, swiftly脚步轻快地/快速地行进▸➤boldly大胆地行进▸➤determinedly, purposefully坚定地/目标明确地前进➤proudly自豪地前行◆they marched proudly onto the football field.他们自豪地步入足球场。➤stiffly僵硬地行进▸➤inexorably (figurative) 不可阻挡地前进◆time marches inexorably on and we still have not made a decision.时间不断流逝,而我们仍未作决定。➤north, south, etc.向北、向南等行进▸➤ahead, forward, on, onward走向前;向前进;继续行进◆the clock marched onward to the year 2005. (figurative) 时钟迈向 2005 年。➤away, back, off, out, over, past, up (and down)走开;走回;离开;走出去;走过;行经;走上去(走回来)◆craig marched up to the door and rang the bell.克雷格走到门口,按响了门铃。◆soldiers were marching up and down outside the government buildings.士兵们在政府大楼外来回齐步走。preposition➤on向⋯方向进发◆the invading army marched on rome.入侵的军队向罗马进发。➤out of走出⋯◆so saying, she marched boldly out of the house.说完这些话,她勇敢地走出了屋子。➤through穿过⋯➤from, into, to, towards/toward从⋯开始行进;进入⋯;向⋯进发◆they marched all the way from london to edinburgh.他们从伦敦一路行进到爱丁堡。phrases➤march in step齐步走◆conscripts learning to march in step (= in time with each other) 正在学习齐步走的应征入伍者march verb² 2walk in a large group to protest about sth游行抗议adverb | preposition adverb➤peacefully和平地游行➤triumphantly胜利地游行preposition➤against游行反对⋯◆millions of people marched against the war.数百万人游行示威反对战争。➤for为⋯游行◆they were marching for peace.他们为争取和平而游行。➤in support of游行支持⋯◆protesters marching in support of the students' demands声援学生要求的抗议游行者➤on朝⋯方向游行◆the demonstrators marched on the british embassy.示威者向英国大使馆进发。➤through游行穿过⋯◆we marched peacefully through the streets.我们的游行队伍平静地穿过一条条街道。➤to, towards/toward向⋯游行march verbmarch ♦︎ storm ♦︎ stomp ♦︎ stalk ♦︎ flouncethese words all mean to walk somewhere in an angry way.这些词均表示怒冲冲地向某地进发、气呼呼地走。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to march / storm / stomp / stalk / flounce off / away◆to march / storm / stomp / stalk / flounce in / into / out / out of (sth)■ march [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to walk somewhere quickly in a determined or angry way(坚定或愤怒地向某地)前进,进发◆she marched over to me and demanded an apology.她毅然走过来,要我向她道歉。◆he marched off, muttering something.他嘟嘟囔囔地愤然离去。 ➡ see also march → walk verb 1 ■ storm [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to go somewhere suddenly and quickly in an angry, noisy way气呼呼地疾走;闯;冲◆apparently she stormed out of the meeting after only 15 minutes.显然,她在会议开始仅 15 分钟后就愤然离场。◆he thumped the table and then stormed off.他猛捶桌子,然后气呼呼地走了。■ stomp [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) (rather informal) to walk somewhere with heavy steps, especially because you are annoyed(尤指因恼怒)迈着重重的步子走◆she stomped angrily up the stairs.她气鼓鼓地踏着重步走上楼梯。■ stalk /stɔːk/ [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to walk in an angry or proud way, especially away from sb/sth怒冲冲地走(开);趾高气扬地走(开)◆he stalked off without a word.他一言未发,怒冲冲地走了。■ flounce /flaʊns/ [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) (written) to go somewhere in a way that draws attention to yourself, especially because you are angry or upset(尤指因愤怒或烦躁)急动,骤动,猛动◆with that, she flounced out of the room.她随即愤然冲出房间。ⓘ flounce is usually used about women or girls. * flounce 通常是成年女子或女孩的动作。march [countable] an organized walk by a large group of people from one place to another, in order to protest about sth, or to express their opinions示威游行;抗议游行◆thousands of people from all over the country attended the march.数以千计来自全国各地的人参加了这次示威游行。▸ march verb [intransitive] ◆hundreds of people marched in support of the teachers' pay claim.数百人游行示威,支持教师们的加薪要求。march [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to walk somewhere quickly in a determined or angry way(坚定或愤怒地向某地)前进,进发◆she marched over to me and demanded an apology.她毅然走过来,要我向她道歉。◆he marched off, muttering something.他嘟嘟囔囔地愤然离去。 ➡ see also march → walk verb 1 march [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) (of a group of people, especially soldiers) to walk with stiff regular steps at the same speed(人群,尤指士兵)齐步走,行进◆guards were marching up and down outside the building.卫兵在大楼外来回队列行进。◆they marched 20 miles to reach the capital.他们行军 20 英里来到了首都。◆troops marched on the town.部队向城里开进。ⓘ march can also be used about an individual person, meaning 'to walk somewhere quickly in a determined way'. * march 还可指单个人坚定地快步行进。  ➡ see also march → march marchverb [intransitive] ◆hundreds of people marched in support of the teachers' pay claim.数百人游行示威,支持教师们的加薪要求。marchverb [intransitive] ◆hundreds of people marched in support of the teachers' pay claim.数百人游行示威,支持教师们的加薪要求。march¹/mɑ:tʃ ||; mɑrtʃ/verb1. [i] to walk with regular steps (like a soldier) (如士兵般)齐步走,前进,行进: ◇the president saluted as the troops marched past. 军队齐步走过时,总统向他们敬礼。 2. [i] to walk in a determined way 毅然、决然地走: ◇she marched up to the manager and demanded an apology. 她径直走到经理那里,要求道歉。 3. [t] to make sb walk or march somewhere 使行进;使齐步前进: ◇the prisoner was marched away. 囚犯被押走了。 4. [i] to walk in a large group to protest about sth 游行抗议: ◇the demonstrators marched through the centre of town. 示威群众穿过市中心游行抗议。 march²/mɑ:tʃ ||; mɑrtʃ/noun[c] 1. an organized walk by a large group of people who are protesting about sth 抗议游行: ◇a peace march 反战游行 ☞ look at demonstration. 参看demonstration。 2. a journey made by marching 行军;行进: ◇the soldiers were tired after their long march. 经过长途行军,士兵们都累了。 march/mɑ:tʃ ||; mɑrtʃ/noun [u] [c] (abbr mar.) the third month of the year, coming after february 三月 ☞to see how the months are used in sentences, look at the examples and the note at january. 有关句子中月份的用法,参看january的示例及注释。 marchsee ⇨ protest 1,2 ⇨ walk 2,13 marchwritten abbreviation 缩写为 mar. n [c,u]the third month of the year 三月→ see usage note at 见 month 用法说明 ☞ march¹☞ march²☞ march




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