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单词 elderly
释义 elderly (rather formal) (of people) used as a polite word for 'old'(人)年纪较大的,上了年纪的(old 的委婉语)◆she is very busy caring for two elderly relatives.她在忙着照料两名上了年纪的亲戚。opp young → young ▸ the elderly noun [plural] ◆caring for the elderly照顾老人elderly/ˈeldəli ||; ˈɛldɚlɪ/adj1. (used about a person) old (指人)年老的 ☞this is a polite way of saying ‘old’. 这是形容人年老的委婉语。 2. the elderly noun [pl] old people in general 老年人(泛称): ◇the elderly need special care in winter. 老年人在冬天需要特别照顾。 ☞look at old. 参看 old。 elderlysee ⇨ old 1     • • •• ⇨ the elderly el·der·ly /`ɛldəlɪ; ˈeldəli/adj 1. old or becoming old [人]渐老的,变老的:◇an elderly woman with white hair 头发花白的老妇人 2. the elderly people who are old 上年纪的人,老年人:◇a home that provides care for the elderly 为老年人提供照顾的养老院→ compare 比较 old, ancient




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