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单词 about/approximately
释义 about/approximately1 approximately a number or amount2 approximately a large number or amount3 at approximately a particular time or date4 approximately correct5 a number or amount that is approximately rightrelated wordsoppositeexact/not exact,see alsoguess,1. approximately a number or amount 大约为某个数量 about /əˈbaʊt/ [adverb] a little more or a little less than a number, amount, distance, or time 大约[某个数量、距离或时间] it should cost about $1500. 这得花1,500美元左右。 the church is about a mile away. 教堂离这里大约有一英里。 it's been about five years since i've seen linda. 我有大概五年没见到琳达了。 the chance of men being born colourblind is about 1 in 12. 男性生来色盲的可能性大概十二个里面有一个。 approximately /əˈprɒksɪmətli, əˈprɒksəmətliǁəˈprɑːk-/ [adverb] a little more or a little less than a number, amount, distance, or time. approximately is a little more formal than about and is used especially in written english 大约,大概[比about正式一些,尤用于书面英语] approximately 30% of the community is polish. 该社区大约有30%的成员为波兰人。 each disk stores approximately 144 pages of text. 每张磁盘大约可以储存144页文本。 roughly /ˈrʌfli/ [adverb] approximately - used especially when you are trying to give someone a general idea of the number or amount 粗略地,大致地[尤用于向某人表述一个大概的数量] a new kitchen would cost roughly $6,000. 一个新的厨房大概要花6,000美元。 the man was roughly my own age. 那人大概和我一般年纪。 there were roughly 50 people there. 那里大约有50个人。 or so /ɔːʳ ˈsəʊ/ [adverb] 3 days/a minute/fifteen people etc or so approximately 3 days, a minute etc, or perhaps even more 三天/一分钟/十五人等左右 the baby usually sleeps for an hour or so after breakfast. 这婴孩通常在早餐后要睡一小时左右。 he suggested that i take a week or so off work. 他建议我休假一星期左右。 there must be thirty people or so in the class. 班上肯定有三十人左右。 odd /ɒdǁɑːd/ [adverb] informal spoken a hundred/forty/thirty etc odd use this after numbers in tens, hundreds, or thousands 【非正式,口】一百/四十/三十等多一点[用于十、百、千等整数后] ‘how old do you think he is?’ ‘oh, i don't know. seventy odd.’ “你觉得他多大年纪了?”“噢,我不知道,七十多岁吧。” it's been 30 odd years since i last saw him. 自从我上次见过他之后,已经有三十多年没见面了。 give or take /ˌgɪv ɔːʳ ˈteɪk/ [adverb] spoken give or take a few miles/a couple of minutes/a pound etc use this when saying approximately what a number or amount is, when it may be a few miles more or less, a few minutes more or less etc 【口】上下相差不了几英里/几分钟/一英镑等,或多或少[用于指数量] the village is about fifty miles north of here, give or take a few miles. 该村庄位于从这里往北大约五十英里的地方,上下相差不了几英里。 he's said to be worth $26 million, give or take a few million. 据说他的身价为2,600万美元左右。 ‘how long will the meeting last?’ ‘a couple of hours, give or take.’ “会议要开多长时间?”“几个小时左右吧。” at a guess /ət ə ˈges/ [adverb] spoken approximately, especially when you do not know the correct number or amount and are guessing what it is 【口】凭估计,依猜测 at a guess, i'd say around 3000 people took part in the demonstration. 我估计大约有3,000人参加了游行示威。 it was a cold night. about two or three degrees at a guess. 那是一个寒冷的夜晚,气温估计只有两三度。 ‘how much will it cost?’ ‘a hundred and twenty pounds, at a guess.’ “这要多少钱?”“估计要120英镑。”2. approximately a large number or amount 大约为某个很大的数量 something/somewhere in the region of /ˌsʌmθɪŋ, ˌsʌmweər ɪn ðə ˈriːdʒən ɒv/ [adverb] the business is worth something in the region of $25m. 这笔生意价值2,500万美元左右。 the universe is estimated to be somewhere in the region of eleven billion years old. 宇宙估计有大约110亿年的历史了。 a typical price would be somewhere in the region of £2,500 per person. 价格通常为每人2,500英镑左右。 something like /ˈsʌmθɪŋ laɪk/ spoken smith is already something like $10,000 in debt. 史密斯已欠了约莫一万美元的债务。 in the usa something like 4000 such accidents occur each year. 这样的事故在美国每年要发生大约4,000起。 an estimated /ən ˈestə̇meɪtə̇d/ [adjective phrase] an estimated 3000 people/one million pounds/90% of profits etc approximately that number or amount - use this when you have no exact or detailed figures on which to calculate the exact number 估计有3,000人/100万英镑/90%的利润等[用于表示没有确切或详细的数据可以计算] the event was seen on television by an estimated 250 million people worldwide. 估计全世界有两亿五千万人通过电视看到了这一事件。 an estimated 10% of new mothers suffer from severe depression. 估计有10%的新妈妈患有严重的抑郁症。 by the end of the month an estimated 1000 people had been killed and 42,000 left homeless. 到月底估计有1,000人丧生,42,000人无家可归。 some /səm, strong sʌm/ [adverb] some 100 people/50 years/2000 establishments etc approximately that number or amount - use this especially when you think it is impressive or surprising 大约100人/50年/2,000家机构等[尤指令人印象深刻或出人意料的数字] among the 11 factory sites across europe, some 2,600 jobs are to be eliminated this year. 欧洲境内的11家工厂今年将减少大约2,600个职位。 he lectured at the institut pasteur for some 50 years. 他在巴斯德研究所讲了50年左右的学。 or more /ɔːʳ ˈmɔːʳ/ [adverb] 5000 people/20%/9 days etc or more use this when the total may be a lot more, and you want to emphasize that this is a large number or amount 多于5,000人/20%/九天等[用于强调数量很大] how can you be tired? you slept for ten hours or more last night. 你怎么会累呢?昨晚你可睡了十多个小时。 there were a thousand or more fans at the airport to welcome the band. 有一千多名歌迷在机场迎接该乐队。3. at approximately a particular time or date 大约在某个时间或日期 about also around /əˈbaʊt, əˈraʊnd/ [adverb] especially american a little later or a little earlier than a particular time or date 【尤美】大约[在某时间或日期] it's two-thirty. they should be arriving about now. 2点半了,现在他们差不多该到了。 the cathedral was completed in about the middle of the 16th century. 大教堂于16世纪中叶前后建成。 about six months ago he suffered a major heart attack. 大约六个月以前他心脏病严重发作了一次。 i picked sue up around eight o' clock. 我是大约8点钟去接休的。 i don't remember the exact date of the party, but it must have been around the first of december. 我记不得聚会的确切日期,但肯定是在12月1日前后。round about especially british he left the house round about four o'clock. 他4点钟左右离开那房子。 the job should be finished round about march next year. 这项工作要在明年3月份左右完成。 approximately /əˈprɒksɪmətli, əˈprɒksəmətliǁəˈprɑːk-/ [adverb] a little later or a little earlier than a particular time or date. approximately is a little more formal than about or around and is used especially in written english 大约[即在某个时间或日期前后,比about或around稍正式,尤用于书面英语] the gate will close approximately two minutes before the train leaves. 检票口在火车发车前两分钟左右关闭。 tours start approximately every 15-20 minutes in summer. 夏季大约每15至20分钟就有观光团出发。 some time /ˌsʌm ˈtaɪm/ [adverb] some time after/before/around/between/in etc at a time in the past - use this when you do not know exactly when or it is not important exactly when [在过去的]某个时间之后/之前/左右/之间/之内等 the burglary must have happened some time after 8:00 p.m. 入室盗窃案一定是在晚上8点以后的某个时间发生的。 his third symphony was written some time between 1750 and 1753. 他的第三交响曲大约于1750至1753年间写成。 the clinic was closed some time in the early nineties. 这个诊所在90年代初停业了。 or thereabouts /ɔːʳ ˌðeərəˈbaʊts/ at 10 o'clock or thereabouts/in the 1950s or thereabouts etc use this after a time, date etc that is not exact, especially when it is not important to know the exact time, date etc 在10时/20世纪50年代左右[尤指没有必要知道确切的时间、日期等] they're old apartments, built in the 1930s or thereabouts. 这些是旧公寓,建于20世纪30年代左右。 the book will be published in may or thereabouts. 这本书将在5月份前后出版。 circa /ˈsɜːʳkə/ [preposition] circa 1920/1850/1492 etc use this when you are saying when something happened in history 大约在1920/1850/1492年等[用于表明历史上所发生的事情的时间] the manuscripts date from circa 400 b.c. 这手稿可以追溯到大约公元前400年左右。 a robert adam mansion, built circa 1778 罗伯特·亚当设计的宅第,约建于1778年 the picture shows tsar nicholas, circa 1914. 画上是沙皇尼古拉,时间约在1914年。4. approximately correct 大致正确 roughly /ˈrʌfli/ [adverb] yes, that's roughly the right answer. 对,那样回答大致正确。 as long as you know roughly how to do it, that's fine. 只要你大体上知道怎么做就行了。 more or less /ˌmɔːr ɔːʳ ˈles◂/ [adverb] if something is more or less correct, it is good or correct enough to be accepted even if it is not perfect 大体上,大致上[可以被接受] what she says is more or less true. 她说的大致都是真的。 ‘did they have what you were looking for at the hardware store?’ ‘yes, more or less.’ “五金店有你要买的东西吗?”“有,差不多都有吧。” kind of/sort of /ˈkaɪnd əv,ˈsɔːʳt əv/ informal spoken said when you think something is approximately right or true, but not exactly 【非正式,口】有点 it's kind of circular-shaped, but not exactly. 形状有点圆,但又不完全是圆的。 ‘did you finish your homework?’ ‘well, sort of.’ “你做完功课了吗?”“嗯,差不多吧。 be in the right ballpark /biː ɪn ðə ˌraɪt ˈbɔːlpɑːk/ [verb phrase] informal if you are in the right ballpark, what you have guessed is not exactly correct, but is close to being correct 【非正式】大致正确 ‘i'd think a project like this would take at least five years to complete.’ ‘not quite as long as that, but you're in the right ballpark.’ “我想这样一个项目至少要五年才能完成吧。”“没那么长,不过也差不多吧。”5. a number or amount that is approximately right 大致正确的数量 approximate /əˈprɒksɪmət, əˈprɒksəmətǁəˈprɑːk-/ [adjective] the measurements are approximate, but i think they'll do. 这是个大概的尺寸,但是我想可以了。 an expert could give you the approximate value of the painting. 专家会给你这幅画作出大概的估价。 approximate journey time to london is four hours. 去伦敦的行程大约是四小时。 rough /rʌf/ [adjective only before noun] rough guess/calculation/estimate/indication approximately correct, and therefore not to be used for detailed or important work 大概的猜测/计算/估计/指示 the report should give you a rough indication of the company's stock market performance over the past year. 报告大概反映了公司过去一年里的股市表现。 i'd say that the whole thing would cost you around $1000, but that's just a rough estimate. 我说全部加起来可能要1,000美元左右,不过这只是个大概的估计。 ballpark figure /ˈbɔːlpɑːʳk ˌfɪgəʳǁ-ˌfɪgjər/ [countable noun] a number or amount that is approximately correct - used especially in business 大致正确的数字[尤用于商业上] a ballpark figure for the cost of the construction is $4.5 million. 建筑成本大概是450万美元。 a firm price hasn't been set yet, but the ballpark figure under discussion is $3 million. 价格尚未确定,但在讨论的大概是300万美元。give somebody a ballpark figure could you give me a ballpark figure? 你能给我一个大概的数字吗? approximation /əˌprɒksɪˈmeɪʃən, əˌprɒksəˈmeɪʃənǁəˌprɑːk-/ [countable noun] formal a number or amount that is approximately correct 【正式】近似值;估算 a reasonable approximation five thousand dollars seems to be a reasonable approximation of the actual cost. 5,000美元看来是对实际费用比较合理的估计。




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