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单词 intend
释义 intend verbadverb | preposition adverb➤fully一心打算◆she fully intends to continue her sporting career once she has recovered from her injuries.她一心打算一旦伤愈就继续自己的运动生涯。➤clearly明确计划▸➤originally原来打算◆he had originally intended to stay in the country for only a year or two.他原本只打算在这个国家待一两年。➤never从不打算◆i never intended to hurt you.我从来都没想伤害你。preposition➤for目的在于⋯◆the bomb was probably intended for a well-known human rights campaigner.那颗炸弹很可能是要炸一位著名的人权活动家。 intend verbintend ♦︎ mean ♦︎ plan ♦︎ aim ♦︎ have sb/sth in mind ♦︎ proposethese words all mean to have a plan, result or purpose in your mind when you do sth.这些词均表示打算、计划、想要做。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to intend / mean / plan / aim / have in mind / propose to do sth◆to intend / propose doing sth◆sb originally intended / meant / planned sth◆to clearly / directly intend / aim to do sth■ intend [intransitive, transitive] to have a plan, result or purpose in your mind when you do sth打算;计划;想要做◆we finished later than intended.我们完成的时间比原定的晚。◆i fully intended (= definitely intended) to pay for the damage.我确实诚心想赔偿损失。◆the writer clearly intends his readers to identify with the main character.作者显然想使读者能与主人公产生共鸣。◆ (bre) i don't intend staying long.我不打算长期逗留。◆it is intended that production will start at the end of the month.计划月底将开始生产。◆the company intends a slow-down in expansion.公司准备放慢扩张速度。ⓘ intend is often used in the present to talk about future plans. * intend 常用于现在时指将来的计划◆he intends to retire at the end of this year.他打算今年年底退休。◆what do you intend to do now?你现在想做什么?when intend is used to talk about past events, it often describes sth which was planned or wanted but which did not happen. * intend 指过去的事件时,常表示计划或希望的事没有发生◆they stayed much longer than they'd originally intended.他们逗留的时间比原定的长得多。◆she didn't intend to kill him (= but she did).她本来没打算杀死他。  ➡ see also intended → deliberate , intention → purpose ■ mean (meant, meant) [transitive] (especially spoken) to have sth as a purpose or intention in your mind when you do sth打算;意欲;有⋯目的◆i've been meaning to call her, but i've been so busy lately.我一直想给她打电话,但我最近太忙了。◆i'm sorry i hurt you. i didn't mean to.对不起,弄疼你了。我不是故意的。◆ (especially bre) you're meant to (= you are supposed to) pay before you go in.你要先交钱才能进去。◆don't be upset-i'm sure he meant it as a compliment.别生气,我肯定他本意是要称赞你的。◆don't laugh! i mean it (= i am serious).别笑!我是认真的。◆he means what he says (= is not joking, exaggerating, etc.).他说话是当真的。◆he means trouble (= to cause trouble).他存心捣乱。◆the chair was clearly meant for a child.这椅子显然是专为儿童预备的。ⓘ mean is often used when sb does not in fact succeed in doing what they intended to do, or sth does not happen the way they intended. * mean 常用以表示某人实际上没有做成原打算做的事,或某事没有按某人希望的那样发生。■ plan (-nn-) [intransitive, transitive] to have a clear idea in your mind about what you hope or expect to do, often when you have decided in detail how you will do it打算;计划;精心安排◆we hadn't planned on going anywhere this evening.我们今晚没打算外出。◆they plan to arrive some time after three.他们预计在 3 点钟以后到达。◆we're planning a trip to france in the spring.我们计划春天去法国旅游。 ➡ see also plan → purpose ■ aim [intransitive, transitive] to try or plan to achieve a particular goal力求达到;力争做到◆the government is aiming at a 50% reduction in unemployment.政府正力争减少 50% 的失业人数。◆we should aim for a bigger share of the market.我们应努力争取更大的市场份额。◆we aim to be there around six.我们力争 6 点钟左右到那里。 ➡ see also aim → purpose ■ have sb/sth in mind -->idiom(had, had)to be thinking of sb/sth, especially for a particular purpose, job or activity心中有适当人选(或想做的事情)◆do you have anyone in mind for the job?你有没有想好什么人可以做这项工作?◆watching tv all evening wasn't exactly what i had in mind!我才不想整个晚上看电视呢!◆i had (it) in mind to give you an overview first of all.我想首先给你们概述一下。■ propose [intransitive] (rather formal) to intend to do sth in the future打算;希冀;计划◆what do you propose to do now?你现在打算做什么?◆how do you propose getting home?你打算怎么回家?intend [intransitive, transitive] to have a plan, result or purpose in your mind when you do sth打算;计划;想要做◆we finished later than intended.我们完成的时间比原定的晚。◆i fully intended (= definitely intended) to pay for the damage.我确实诚心想赔偿损失。◆the writer clearly intends his readers to identify with the main character.作者显然想使读者能与主人公产生共鸣。◆ (bre) i don't intend staying long.我不打算长期逗留。◆it is intended that production will start at the end of the month.计划月底将开始生产。◆the company intends a slow-down in expansion.公司准备放慢扩张速度。ⓘ intend is often used in the present to talk about future plans. * intend 常用于现在时指将来的计划◆he intends to retire at the end of this year.他打算今年年底退休。◆what do you intend to do now?你现在想做什么?when intend is used to talk about past events, it often describes sth which was planned or wanted but which did not happen. * intend 指过去的事件时,常表示计划或希望的事没有发生◆they stayed much longer than they'd originally intended.他们逗留的时间比原定的长得多。◆she didn't intend to kill him (= but she did).她本来没打算杀死他。  ➡ see also intended → deliberate , intention → purpose intend [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) (rather formal) to plan that sth should have a particular meaning意指◆what exactly did you intend by that remark?你那句话到底想说什么?◆he intended it as a joke.他只想开个玩笑。intend/ɪnˈtend ||; ɪnˈtɛnd/verb[t] 1. intend to do sth/doing sth to plan or mean to do sth 计划;打算: ◇i'm afraid i spent more money than i had intended. 我的开支恐怕超出了预算。◇i certainly don't intend to wait here all day! 我当然不打算在这儿等一整天!◇they had intended staying in wales for two weeks but the weather was so bad that they left after one. 他们本来打算在威尔士逗留两个星期,可是天气太差,只待一个星期便离开了。 ☞noun intention 名词为intention 2. intend sth for sb/sth;intend sb to do sth to plan, mean or make sth for a particular person or purpose 为…而准备;预定;打算使…: ◇you shouldn't have read that letter -- it wasn't intended for you. 你不该看那封信,它不是给你的。◇i didn't intend you to have all the work. 我没有想让你把所有工作都包揽下来。 ☞ intend/not intend in·tend /ɪn`tɛnd; ɪnˈtend/v 1. [t] to have something in your mind as a plan or purpose 打算,意欲:◇intend to do sth hughes intends to resign soon. 休斯打算很快就辞职。◇intend doing sth i intend contacting them as soon as possible. 我想尽快与他们联络。 2. be intended for to be provided or designed for someone or something 专为某人[某物]提供[设计]的:◇the facilities are intended solely for the use of company employees. 这些设施仅供公司的员工使用。 ☞ intend




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