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单词 discrepancy
释义 discrepancy nounadjective | verb + discrepancy | discrepancy + verb | preposition adjective➤big, glaring, great, huge, large, major, marked, material (law法律, especially bre) , serious, significant, substantial, wide大的差异;明显的不符;极大的差异;巨大的出入;严重的不一致◆the glaring discrepancy between the crime and the punishment罪与罚的严重不符➤minor, slight, small轻微的出入;很小的差异▸➤apparent表面上的差异verb + discrepancy➤account for, explain解释差异的原因;说明不符的原因◆how do you explain the apparent discrepancies between the money and the receipts?你如何解释金额与收据的明显出入?➤discover, find, note, notice, observe发现不符;注意到不一致;觉察到差异◆she failed to notice the discrepancy between the name on the letter and the name on the passport.她没有注意到信上的名字与护照上的名字不符。➤point out指出不符➤reveal, show揭示/展示差异▸➤ignore忽视不一致➤reconcile, resolve化解/解决矛盾discrepancy + verb➤exist差异存在▸➤arise, occur差异出现/产生preposition➤discrepancy between⋯之间的不一致◆discrepancies occurred between the written and electronic records.书面记录与电子记录出现了不一致。➤discrepancy in⋯中的差异◆there were wide discrepancies in the evidence.证据中有很大出入。 discrepancy /dɪskrepənsi/ noun [countable, uncountable] (plural discrepancies) a difference between two or more numbers or amounts that should be the same 差异;不一致◆the investigation uncovered numerous discrepancies in the company's accounts. 这项调查发现公司账目中有很多不一致的情况。◆why is there a discrepancy between these two figures? 这两个数字之间为甚么存在差异?⨁ a growing / large / minor / small discrepancy日益扩大的/大的/次要的/小的差异 ⨁ accounting / price discrepancies会计/价格差异 ☞ discrepancydiscrepancy/dɪsˈkrepənsi ||; dɪˈskrɛpənsɪ/noun [c,u] (plural discrepancies) a difference between two things that should be the same 差异,出入(指不应该有的): ◇something is wrong here. there is a discrepancy between these two sets of figures. 这里出了些问题。两组数字有出入。 discrepancysee ⇨ different 12 di·screp·an·cy /dɪ`skrɛpənsɪ; dɪˈskrepənsi/n [c,u]a difference between two things that should be the same [二物应相同却存在的]差异,不同之处:◇+ between if there is any discrepancy between the two reports, make a note of it. 这两份报告如有不同之处请记下。




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