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单词 conserve
释义 conserve /kənsɜːv; name kənsɜːrv/ [transitive] (rather formal) to use as little of sth as possible so that it lasts a long time, especially natural resources such as water or fuel节省,节约(尤指水或燃料等自然资源)◆you can conserve heat by insulating your home.你可对住宅做隔热处理来节约暖气。◆desert rats conserve water by remaining underground by day.沙漠里的老鼠白天待在地下以保存体内水分。▸ conservation noun [uncountable] ◆to encourage the conservation of water / fuel鼓励节约用水/燃料◆energy conservation能源的节约conserve/kənˈsɜ:v ||; kənˈsɝv/verb [t] to avoid wasting sth 节约;节省: ◇to conserve water 节约用水 ☞noun conservation 名词为conservation conservesee ⇨ save 8 con·serve /kən`sɜv; kənˈsɜːv/v [t]to prevent something from being wasted, damaged, or destroyed 保存; 保护[某物]:◇we can offer advice on conserving electricity. 我们能提供节约用电的方法。




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