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单词 discreet
释义 discreetadjective◆he was always very discreet about his love affairs.他对两性关系一贯谨小慎微。◆you ought to make a few discreet enquiries before you sign anything.你应该审慎地询问清楚再签字。 opp indiscreet → improper discreetadjective◆he was always very discreet about his love affairs.他对两性关系一贯谨小慎微。◆you ought to make a few discreet enquiries before you sign anything.你应该审慎地询问清楚再签字。 opp indiscreet → improper discreet/dɪˈskri:t ||; dɪˈskrit/adj careful in what you say and do so as not to cause embarrassment or difficulty for sb 谨慎,慎重(以免出现尴尬局面或困难): ◇i don't want anyone to find out about our agreement, so please be discreet. 我不想让任何人知道我们的协议,因此请你谨慎点。 ➔discreetly adv ☞noun discretion 名词为discretion [opp] indiscreet 反义词为indiscreetdiscreetsee ⇨ careful 7 ⇨ polite 2 di·screet /dɪ`skrit; dɪˈskriːt/adjcareful about what you say or do so that you do not embarrass or upset people 谨慎的,考虑周到的:◇it wasn't very discreet of you to call me at the office. 你打电话到我办公室来找我是欠慎重的。




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