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单词 invade
释义 invade verb  ➡ see also the entry for attack verb 2另见 attack 动词词条第 2 义invade ♦︎ occupy ♦︎ seize ♦︎ capture ♦︎ annex ♦︎ take ♦︎ conquerthese words all mean to take control of a place using military force.这些词均表示用武力侵占、夺取、攻占。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to invade / occupy / seize / annex / conquer a country / region◆to invade / occupy / seize / capture / take / conquer a town / city◆to occupy / seize / capture / take a building◆to seize / take control of a place◆troops / soldiers invade / occupy / seize / capture / take a place◆a country invades / occupies / annexes / conquers a place■ invade [intransitive, transitive] to use military force to enter a place, especially a country武装入侵,侵略,侵犯(尤指国家)◆troops invaded on august 9th that year.军队是在那年的 8 月 9 日入侵的。◆when did the romans invade britain?古罗马人是何时入侵不列颠的?  ➡ see also invasion → attack noun 1 ■ occupy [transitive] to enter a place in a large group, stay there and take control of it侵占;占领;占据◆the capital has been occupied by the rebel army.首都已被叛军占领。◆protesting students occupied the tv station.抗议的学生占领了电视台。▸ occupation noun [uncountable] ◆the military occupation has created anger and resentment.军事占领激起了人们的愤怒和怨恨。■ seize /siːz/ [transitive] to take control of a place or situation, often suddenly and violently(常通过暴力突然)夺取,攻占,控制◆they seized the airport in a surprise attack.他们突袭攻占了机场。◆the army has seized control of the country.军队已控制全国。◆he seized power in a military coup.他在军事政变中夺取了政权。▸ seizure /siːʒə(r)/ noun [uncountable] ◆the invasion began with the seizure of the country's largest southern city.入侵的第一步是占领该国南部最大的城市。■ capture [transitive] to take control of sth from the enemy in a war by using military force用武力夺取;攻取;攻占◆the city was captured in 1941.这座城市于 1941 年被攻占。◆he led the party that captured the enemy's flag.夺取敌方旗帜的那队人是他领导的。▸ capture noun [uncountable] ◆the capture of enemy territory followed the defeat of their air force.击败敌人的空军后随即开始了对其领土的占领。■ annex /əneks/ [transitive] to take possession of a country or part of a country, especially one that is next to your own, and claim it as part of your own country强占,吞并(尤指临近的国家或地区)◆germany annexed austria in 1938.1938 年德国吞并了奥地利。▸ annexation /ænekseɪʃn/ noun [uncountable, countable] ◆the annexation of texas was one of the causes of the mexican war.吞并得克萨斯是墨西哥战争的起因之一。■ take (took, taken) [transitive] to capture a place in war; to get control of sth(在战争中)夺取,攻占;控制◆the rebels succeeded in taking the town.反叛者攻占了那个城镇。◆the state has taken control of the company.政府已接管了这家公司。■ conquer /kɒŋkə(r); name kɑːŋkər/ [transitive](especially in the past) to take possession of a country or city and its people using military force(尤指旧时)占领,攻克,征服◆in 330 bc persia was conquered by alexander the great.亚历山大大帝于公元前 330 年征服了波斯。▸ conquest noun◆the norman conquest of england in 1066 led to changes in the system of government.1066 年诺曼人征服了英格兰,导致政体发生了很多变化。invade [transitive] (written, usually disapproving) to have a noticeable effect on sth in an unpleasant or annoying way侵扰;干扰◆does the press have the right to invade her privacy in this way?新闻界有权以这种方式干扰她的私生活吗?◆consumerism now invades every aspect of our lives.消费主义如今侵入到我们生活的方方面面。▸ invasion /ɪnveɪʒn/ noun [countable, uncountable] ◆the actress described the photographs as an invasion of privacy.那个女演员认为这些照片侵犯了隐私权。invade [intransitive, transitive] to use military force to enter a place, especially a country武装入侵,侵略,侵犯(尤指国家)◆troops invaded on august 9th that year.军队是在那年的 8 月 9 日入侵的。◆when did the romans invade britain?古罗马人是何时入侵不列颠的?  ➡ see also invasion → attack noun 1 invade/ɪnˈveɪd ||; ɪnˈved/verb1. [i,t] to enter a country with an army in order to attack and take control of it 侵略;入侵;侵犯 · ◇when did the romans invade britain? 罗马人是何时入侵英国的? 2. [t] to enter in large numbers, often where sb/sth is not wanted 大批进入,涌入(常指不受欢迎的): ◇the whole area has been invaded by tourists. 这地区到处都是成群结队的游客。 ☞noun invasion 名词为invasion ➔invader noun [c]invadesee ⇨ attack 3 in·vade /ɪn`ved; ɪnˈveɪd/v 1. [i,t] to enter a country using military force in order to take control 入侵,侵占,侵略:◇the romans invaded britain in 54 bc. 罗马人在公元前 54 年入侵不列颠。 2. [t] to go into a place in large numbers 大量涌入:◇overjoyed fans invaded the sports field. 欣喜若狂的球迷涌进了运动场。 ☞ invade




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