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单词 invalidate
释义 invalidate /ɪnvælɪdeɪt/ verb [transitive] to make a document, contract, etc. no longer legally or officially valid 使无效;使作废◆putting the tv channel up for sale would invalidate this contract. 出售电视频道会导致合同无效。 syn nullify opp validate ▸ invalidation /ɪnˌvælɪdeɪʃn/ noun [uncountable]☞ invalidateinvalidate /ɪnvælɪdeɪt/ [transitive] (rather formal) to have the effect of making a document or contract no longer legally or officially valid使无效;使作废◆misuse of the mattress will invalidate the guarantee.床垫因使用不当造成的损坏不予保修。ⓘ things are usually invalidated as a result of sth that happens or that sb does, but not because sb intends or decides to invalidate them. * invalidate 通常是因为某事发生或某人行为所导致的,而非某人意图或决定废除的。 opp validate ⓘ to validate sth is to make it legally valid. * validate 指使具有法律效力◆an official stamp was used to validate the voting papers.加盖公章使选票具有法律效力。invalidate /ɪnvælɪdeɪt/ [transitive] to prove that an idea, story or argument is wrong, especially by showing it has mistakes in it证明⋯错误;使站不住脚◆this new piece of evidence invalidates his version of events.这条新证据推翻了他对事件经过的说法。◆flawed research methods may invalidate the study's conclusions.错误的研究方法可能会使得研究结论站不住脚。ⓘ an idea, story, etc. is invalidated by evidence or circumstances, not by a person trying to disprove it. * invalidate 指某个观点或说法被证据或客观环境证明有错误,而非被试图驳斥它的人所驳倒◆she tried to think how to invalidate the argument on moral grounds. invalidate/ɪnˈvælɪdeɪt ||; ɪnˈvæləˌdet/verb[t] 1. to show that an idea, a story, an argument, etc is wrong 表明(想法、说法、论点等)是错的: ◇this new piece of evidence invalidates his version of events. 这件新证据表明他的说法是错的。 2. if you invalidate a document, contract, election, etc, you make it no longer legally or officially valid or acceptable 使(文件、合约、选举等)无效、作废 [opp] validate 反义词为validate➔invalidation /ɪnˌvælɪˈdeɪʃn ||; ɪnˌvæləˈdeʃən/ noun [u]invalidatesee ⇨ prove 2




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