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单词 discredit
释义 discredit nounverb + discredit | preposition verb + discredit➤bring, reflect败坏名誉;带来耻辱◆by telling lies he brought discredit upon the army.他说谎话,败坏了军队的名声。◆your failure reflects no discredit upon you-you did your best.你的失败不会有损你的声望 - 你已经尽力了。➤bring sth into, do sb (both bre) 使⋯名誉受损;使某人受辱◆she brought the whole system into discredit.她让整个系统名声扫地。◆it does us great discredit to treat foreigners so badly.如此恶劣地对待外国人使我们大为丢脸。preposition➤to sb's discredit败坏某人的名誉◆his selfish decision is greatly to his discredit.他那自私的决定严重影响他的声誉。➤discredit to⋯的耻辱◆they were a discredit to their country.他们让祖国蒙羞。 discredit verbdiscredit ♦︎ libel ♦︎ slander ♦︎ defame ♦︎ vilify ♦︎ malign ♦︎ smearthese words all mean to say, write or do things that damage sb/sth's reputation.这些词均表示诋毁、诽谤、中伤。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to be discredited / vilified / maligned for / as sth◆to discredit / smear the government■ discredit /dɪskredɪt/ [transitive] to cause people to stop respecting sb/sth败坏⋯的名声;使丢脸◆the photos were deliberately taken to discredit the president.这些照片是为了败坏总统的名声而蓄意拍摄的。 ➡ see also discredit → disgrace noun 2 ■ libel /laɪbl/ [transitive] to publish a printed statement about sb/sth that is not true and is likely to damage their reputation; to commit the legal offence of making this kind of statement(以文字)诽谤,中伤;触犯诽谤(罪)◆he claimed he had been libelled in an article the magazine had published.他声称自己受到那本杂志发表的一篇文章的诽谤。▸ libel noun [uncountable, countable] ◆he sued the newspaper for libel.他起诉那家报社犯有诽谤罪。◆in a libel action a newspaper must prove that any comments it printed are true.在诽谤诉讼中,报社必须证明自己发表的任何评论都是真实的。▸ libellous /laɪbələs/ adjective◆there have been several libellous statements posted on a website in the uk.英国一家网站上已经出现了一些诽谤性声明。■ slander /slɑːndə(r); name slændər/ [transitive] to make a spoken statement about sb/sth that is not true and is likely to damage their reputation; to commit the legal offence of making this kind of statement(口头)诽谤,诋毁,中伤;触犯诽谤(罪)◆he angrily accused the investigators of slandering both him and his family.他气愤地指责调查者诋毁他和他的家人。▸ slander noun [countable, uncountable] ◆she regarded his comments as a vicious slander on her reputation.她认为他的评论对她的声誉是一种恶意中伤。◆he's suing them for slander.他控告他们口头诽谤。▸ slanderous /slɑːndərəs/ adjective◆you have no right to make such slanderous, evil accusations.你没有权利作出这种诽谤性的恶意指责。■ defame /dɪfeɪm/ [transitive] (formal) to libel or slander sb诬蔑;诽谤;诋毁◆the newspaper denies any intention to defame the senator's reputation.该报社否认故意诋毁那名参议员的声誉。▸ defamation /defəmeɪʃn/ noun [uncountable, countable] ◆he brought a legal action against the magazine for defamation of character.他起诉该杂志社诋毁他的人格。▸ defamatory /dɪfæmətri; name dɪfæmətɔːri/ adjective◆he claims that defamatory comments were made about him.他声称遭到蓄意诽谤。■ vilify /vɪlɪfaɪ/ [transitive] (formal) to say or write things that show hatred for sb/sth and make them seem evil恶意丑化;中伤◆they were vilified by the press as 'international terrorists'.他们被新闻界诬蔑为“国际恐怖分子”。ⓘ a person or thing is usually vilified by a group of people over a period of time. * vilify 用于被动语态通常指某人或某事在一段时间内受到一伙人的诋毁。▸ vilification /vɪlɪfɪkeɪʃn/ noun [uncountable] ◆the vilification of single parents by right-wing politicians右翼政客对单亲家长的诋毁■ malign /məlaɪn/ [transitive] (written) to say or write things about sb/sth that are unfair and damage their reputation诽谤;诋毁;中伤◆she feels she has been much maligned by the press.她觉得自己遭到了新闻界的恣意诽谤。■ smear /smɪə(r); name smɪr/ [transitive] (rather informal) to make claims about sb/sth that are intended to damage their reputation, especially in politics(尤指在政治上)诽谤,诋毁,抹黑◆the story was an attempt to smear the party leader.这篇报道企图破坏该党领袖的声誉。▸ smear noun [countable] ◆the prime minister has called for an end to smears and personal attacks in the run-up to the election.首相呼吁在选举前停止相互诋毁和人身攻击。◆he was a victim of a smear campaign.他受到对方大肆造谣中伤。discredit /dɪskredɪt/ [transitive] to cause people to stop respecting sb/sth败坏⋯的名声;使丢脸◆the photos were deliberately taken to discredit the president.这些照片是为了败坏总统的名声而蓄意拍摄的。 ➡ see also discredit → disgrace noun 2 discredit /dɪskredɪt/ [uncountable] (formal) public disgrace, especially for a group or organization(尤指群体或组织的)不名誉,耻辱,丢脸◆britain, to its discredit, did not speak out against these atrocities.英国没有公开反对这些残暴行为,使自己名誉扫地。◆my brother's behaviour did great discredit to the family.我弟弟的行为大大败坏了家族的名誉。 ➡ see also discredit → discredit verb note 辨析 disgrace, shame, dishonour or discredit?in some cases you can use any of these words.在有些情况下这四个词可以通用◆her behaviour has brought disgrace / shame / dishonour / discredit on her family.她的行为败坏了家族的名誉。 disgrace is the most frequent of these words and has the widest range of collocates.其中 disgrace 使用频率最高,搭配词也最广泛◆the swimmer was sent home in shame/dishonour/discredit. ◆sam was in shame/dishonour/discredit with his parents. disgrace can be a public loss of respect or the loss of respect of people you are close to. shame, dishonour and discredit are all used to talk about a public loss of respect. shame and dishonour are both used especially in the phrases bring shame/dishonour on sb/sth and there is no shame/dishonour in (doing) sth. there is no real difference in meaning, but dishonour is more formal. discredit is used especially to talk about the loss of respect for a family, group, organization or country, caused by the behaviour of its members or representatives; it is used especially in the phrases to sb/sth's discredit and do discredit to sb/sth. * disgrace 可指在公众场合丢脸或遭亲朋好友唾弃,shame、dishonour 和 discredit 都表示在公众场合丢脸。shame 和 dishonour 尤用于 bring shame/dishonour on sb/sth 和 there is no shame/dishonour in (doing) sth 结构,二者在含义上没有实质差别,只是 dishonour 比较正式。discredit 尤指家族、团体、组织或国家因其成员或代表的不良行为而蒙羞,尤用于短语 to sb/sth's discredit 和 do discredit to sb/sth。discredit /dɪskredɪt/ [transitive] to make people stop believing that sth is true; to make sth appear unlikely to be true使不相信;使⋯受到质疑◆these theories are now largely discredited among linguists.现在这些理论大多受到语言学家的质疑。◆this new evidence discredits earlier findings.这个新证据推翻了早期的研究结果。discredit/dɪsˈkredɪt ||; dɪsˈkrɛdɪt/verb [t] to make people stop respecting or believing sb/sth 诽谤;败坏…的名声: ◇journalists are trying to discredit the president by inventing stories about his love life. 记者在编造关于总统爱情生活的故事,试图诋毁他的名声。 ➔discredit noun [u] discreditsee ⇨ spoil 5 dis·cred·it /dɪs`krɛdɪt; dɪsˈkredɪt/v [t]to make people stop trusting or respecting someone or something 使不相信,使丧失信誉:◇the defense lawyer will try to discredit our witnesses. 辩方律师会想方设法让大家不相信我方的证人。 discreditn [u]




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