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单词 effective/not effective
释义 effective/not effective1 method/plan/system2 medicine/treatment3 always effective4 not effective5 to prevent something from being effectiverelated wordssee alsosucceed/successful,fail,useless,purpose,effect/affect,1. method/plan/system 方法/计划/体系 effective /ɪˈfektɪv/ [adjective] a method, system etc that is effective succeeds in achieving the result that you want [方法、体系等]产生预期效果的;有效的 the advertisement was simple but remarkably effective. 这则广告很简单,但是效果显著。 our training programme covers a range of effective management techniques. 我们的培训计划包括一系列有效的管理技巧。an effective way of doing something/to do something there are many effective ways of using videos in language teaching. 有许多有效的办法可以将录像用于语言教学。highly effective the new system has proved to be a highly effective way of extending trading hours. 这个新的系统已被证明可以非常有效地延长交易时间。 effectively [adverb] children have to learn how to communicate effectively. 小孩子必须学会如何有效地进行交流。 effectiveness [uncountable noun] surveys were conducted in eight cities to determine the effectiveness of this approach. 在八个城市进行调查,以确定这种方法的有效性。 work /wɜːʳk/ [intransitive verb] if a plan or method works, it produces the result that you want [计划或方法]起作用,有效 ‘i can't open the jar.’ ‘try putting it in hot water. that sometimes works.’ “我打不开那罐子。”“放在热水里试试看,有时候管用。”work well the recipe works just as well if you cook the fish in the microwave. 如果把鱼放在微波炉里烧,也能用这种烧法。work with somebody make someone react in the way you want 对某人起作用 that type of sales talk doesn't work with me. 那种推销的话对我不起作用。work like magic/like a charm/like a dream have exactly the result that you want, especially when this is surprising [尤指出奇地]非常灵验/非常有效 i bought a bottle of stain remover, and it worked like magic. 我买了一瓶去渍液,非常有效。 have/achieve the desired effect /ˌhæv, əˌtʃiːv ðə dɪˌzaɪəʳd ɪˈfekt/ [verb phrase] to produce the result or effect that is intended 取得预期的效果 you may have to take two pills in order to achieve the desired effect. 你可能得服用两颗药才能取得预期的效果。have the desired effect of doing something the meetings had the desired effect of driving home the urgent need for change. 会议取得了预期的效果,阐明了变革的迫切需要。 successful /səkˈsesfəl/ [adjective] an action, or piece of work that is successful produces very good results [行动或工作]成功的 their new advertising campaign has been very successful. 他们新的广告活动非常成功。 did you have a successful shopping trip? 你的购物之旅成功吗? it was one of the president's most successful speeches. 那是总统最成功的演说之一。highly successful freire introduced highly successful literacy programs in brazil. 弗莱雷在巴西推行了非常成功的扫盲计划。 do the job/do the trick /ˌduː ðə ˈdʒɒbǁˈ-dʒɑːb, duː ðə ˈtrɪk/ [verb phrase] spoken say this about a tool or method you think will be effective 【口】[工具或方法]管用,奏效 an electric saw will do the job at twice the speed. 电锯能有这两倍的速度。 exercise and a low-calorie diet should do the trick. 运动和低卡路里的饮食应该管用。 work wonders /ˌwɜʳk ˈwʌndəʳz/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to be extremely effective in dealing with a difficult problem or situation 创造奇迹,有奇效 many elderly people need to get out more, and often a new hobby works wonders. 许多老人需要多出去走走,有一个新的爱好往往有意想不到的效果。work wonders for the team's recent successes have worked wonders for their morale. 球队近期的胜利对振奋士气产生了奇效。 make a difference /ˌmeɪk ə ˈdɪfərəns/ [verb phrase] if the way you do something or the methods or people you use make a difference, they make something much more effective and successful 产生作用,产生影响 if you're a young energetic college graduate who wants to make a difference in the world of media, this is the job for you! 如果你是一个年轻而充满活力的大学毕业生,又想在新闻界干一番事业,那么这份工作很适合你!make all the difference the kind of technology you choose will make all the difference to the success of your business. 你选择的这种技术将会使你的公司取得更大的成就。2. medicine/treatment 药品/治疗方式 effective /ɪˈfektɪv/ [adjective] if a medicine, treatment etc is effective, it achieves the result that you want 有效的,有作用的 antibiotics are only effective if you finish the whole course of treatment. 抗生素只有在完成一整个疗程后才有效。effective in doing something doctors soon realized that this drug was also effective in relieving the symptoms of arthritis. 医生不久就意识到,这种药对缓解关节炎的症状也有效。effective against penicillin can be taken in various forms and is effective against a wide range of infections. 青霉素有多种使用方式,对许多种类的感染都有效。highly effective malarone is a new drug that has already proved highly effective. 马拉隆是一种新药,已经证明非常有用。 effectiveness [uncountable noun] recent studies have questioned the effectiveness of current aids treatments. 最近的研究对目前艾滋病治疗的有效性提出了质疑。 work /wɜːʳk/ [intransitive verb] if a medicine, treatment etc works, it has the effect that you want it to have 产生预期的效果;有作用 i've tried several different diets, but none of them seem to work. 我尝试过多种不同的节食方法,但是好像没有一种见效。 it's too late for surgery, but chemotherapy might just work. 做手术太迟了,不过化疗也许还行。 powerful/potent /ˈpaʊəʳfəl, ˈpəʊtənt/ [adjective] a medicine or drug that is powerful or potent is very strong and works very quickly so that it should be used very carefully [药物]强效的[故而需谨慎使用] little is known about the long-term effects of powerful drugs such as duromine. 对苯丁胺等强效药物的长期作用现在还知之甚少。 nicotine is a powerful appetite suppressant. 尼古丁是一种强效的食欲抑制剂。 alcohol is much less potent than opium, because it works in an entirely different way. 酒的效力远不如鸦片,因为它所起的作用完全不同。 miracle drug/cure /ˈmɪrəkəl ˌdrʌg, ˌkjʊəʳ/ [countable noun] a drug or type of treatment that will completely cure a painful or serious illness - use this especially when you do not really think that such a drug or treatment exists 灵丹妙药,有奇效的药物/疗法[尤指认为这是不存在的] unfortunately there's no miracle cure for a hangover. 遗憾的是,酒后不适是没有灵丹妙药的。 some alternative practitioners seem to regard the herb as some kind of miracle drug, but conventional doctors are warning them to be careful. 一些非传统医学的医生似乎把那草药当成是一种灵丹妙药,然而传统医生却告诫他们要小心使用。3. always effective 总是有效的 reliable /rɪˈlaɪəbəl/ [adjective] the system is new, but so far it seems to be reliable. 这套系统是新的,但是到目前为止似乎都很可靠。a reliable way/method etc of doing something eating sensibly and taking regular exercise is a fairly reliable method of losing weight. 注意饮食和经常锻炼是一种比较可靠的减肥方法。 in africa, cellular phones are often the only reliable way of communicating. 在非洲,手机往往是唯一可靠的通讯方式。 reliability /rɪˌlaɪəˈbɪlɪti, rɪˌlaɪəˈbɪləti/ [uncountable noun] the advantages of the computerized process are speed and reliability. 电脑化工序的优点是速度快、可靠性强。 surefire /ˈʃʊəʳfaɪəʳ/ [adjective only before noun] certain to be effective or successful 肯定有效的;一定能成功的 thursday night's line-up includes such surefire attractions as ‘the simpsons’ and ‘friends’. 星期四晚上的节目有《辛普森一家》和《老友记》等这些必定大受欢迎的电视剧。a surefire way to do something/of doing something i know a surefire way to get a car started on a freezing winter morning. 我有一个一定能在冬天寒冷的早上把汽车发动起来的办法。a surefire solution to something there's no surefire solution to the problem of improving the company's performance. 对于改善公司业绩这个问题没有一定能行之有效的解决办法。a surefire recipe for success/disaster something that is certain to be successful or not successful 必定成功/失败的原因 going on holiday with my parents would be a surefire recipe for disaster. 和我父母一起去度假准保倒霉。 foolproof /ˈfuːlpruːf/ [adjective] a method, system, or plan that is foolproof is always effective, because it is simple to understand and operate, and cannot go wrong [办法、系统或计划]万无一失的 i thought this method was foolproof until four customer orders went missing. 要不是有四张顾客订单遗失了,我还以为这个办法万无一失呢。 each article goes through a foolproof system of checking which ensures that there are no mistakes in the final text. 每篇文章都要经过一套万无一失的检查系统,这样就保证在最后的文本中没有错误。a foolproof way to do something/of doing something there's no foolproof way to judge whether someone is the right person for the job. 判断一个人是否适合某个职位,是没有万无一失的办法的。 infallible /ɪnˈfælɪbəl, ɪnˈfæləbəl/ [adjective] a method or system that is infallible always produces the right result and never goes wrong [办法或系统]绝对可靠的;从不出错的 banks claim their cash-dispensing computers are infallible. 银行称他们的自动提款机绝不会出错。an infallible way to do something/of doing something there is no infallible way of predicting exactly what the weather will be like. 没有一个绝对可靠的方法可以准确地预测天气情况。 infallibly [adverb] even experts were not able to distinguish infallibly between the two artists’ work. 即使是专家也不能准确无误地区分出这两位艺术家的作品。 never fails/can't fail/works every time /nevəʳ ˈfeɪlz, ˌkɑːnt ˈfeɪlǁˌkænt, ˌwɜːʳks evri ˈtaɪm/ [verb phrase] spoken use this to tell someone that a method is always effective, especially when you have used it successfully before 【口】[办法]从未失败/不会失败/每次奏效 it's a very simple technique, but it never fails. 这个方法非常简单,但是从不失灵。 if i'm having trouble sleeping, having a hot bath at night works every time. 我要是失眠,就在夜里洗个热水澡,每次都能奏效。 you should try this recipe. it's so easy that you can't fail. 你应该试试这个食谱,非常简单,不会失败的。4. not effective 无效的 not effective also ineffective /nɒt ɪˈfektɪv, ˌɪnɪˈfektɪv/ [adjective] having very little effect, so that it does not achieve what it is meant to achieve 不起作用的,无效的 studies have shown that this is not effective as a teaching technique. 研究表明这种教学技巧没什么效果。 the german tactics were so ineffective that brazil had complete control in midfield. 德国队的战术并不奏效,巴西队完全控制了中场。ineffective in doing something the government's approach has been ineffective in reducing unemployment. 政府降低失业率的方法不力。 ineffectiveness [uncountable noun] the ineffectiveness of the prison system 监狱制度的不得力 useless /ˈjuːsləs/ [adjective] informal not having any useful effect and not helping you get the result you want 【非正式】无用的,无效的 this book is useless! i can't find any of the information i need. 这本书毫无用处!我要的资料都找不到。 i reminded myself that worrying is a useless activity. 我提醒自己,担心是无济于事的。useless against antibiotics are useless against viral infections such as influenza. 抗生素对流感等病毒感染无效。it is useless to do something jenny decided to say nothing. it was useless to argue. 珍妮决定什么也不说了,争论是于事无补的。worse than useless used to emphasize that something has no useful effect and may make a situation worse 比无用更糟 of course we need to test children's ability, but some of these exams are worse than useless. 我们当然需要测验儿童的能力,但是这些考试有的不仅无用,反而有害。 be a waste of time /biː ə ˌweɪst əv ˈtaɪm/ [verb phrase] spoken say this when you have been trying to do something, but you realize that what you are doing is never likely to be effective 【口】是浪费时间 this whole project's a waste of time, if you ask me. 如果你问我的话,这整个项目都是浪费时间。be a big/complete waste of time i came to the conclusion that therapy was a complete waste of time. 我得出结论,那种疗法纯粹是浪费时间。 not work /nɒt ˈwɜːʳk/ [verb phrase] if something does not work, it does not produce the result that you want 不起作用,不见效 my doctor recommended several different creams for dry skin, but none of them worked. 医生推荐了几种适合干性皮肤使用的乳霜,但都不管用。 if stain remover doesn't work, you'd better send your dress to the dry cleaners. 如果去污剂不起作用,那你最好把衣服送到干洗店里去洗。 i tried ignoring his unpleasant remarks, but it didn't work. 我试着不去理睬他那些难听的话语,但是做不到。 have no effect /hæv ˌnəʊ ɪˈfekt/ [verb phrase] if something has no effect, it produces no results at all or is completely unsuccessful 毫无效果 the drugs had no effect. 这些药毫无效果。 paul realized that his words were having no effect; karen was not going to change her mind. 保罗意识到他的话毫无效果,卡伦是不会改变主意的。 fail /feɪl/ [intransitive verb not usually in progressive] if an attempt to do something fails, you do not achieve the result that you want [努力]失败;落空 my attempt to lose weight failed completely. 我为减肥而作的尝试完全失败了。 our plan to go into business failed when the bank refused to lend us enough money. 银行拒绝贷给我们足够的钱,于是我们经商的计划落空了。 be dead in the water /biː ˌded ɪn ðə ˈwɔːtəʳ/ [verb phrase] never likely to be effective - used especially by newspapers about political activities, plans etc 注定要失败,成功无望[尤在报纸上用于指政治活动、计划等] they're saying that the democratic campaign is dead in the water just two days after its launch. 他们在说,民主运动发起两天之后就偃旗息鼓了。 i think you should admit that the government's plans for higher education are now dead in the water. 我想你应该承认,政府的高等教育计划现在已完全失败了。5. to prevent something from being effective 使某事物无效 neutralize also neutralise british /ˈnjuːtrəlaɪzǁˈnuː-/ [transitive verb] to prevent something from being effective or stop the effect that it was having 使无效;抵消 congress can try to neutralize new legislation by modifying it or delaying it. 国会可通过修改或推迟的办法使新的立法失去效力。 recent events have done much to neutralize the influence of the right-wing. 近来发生的事件大大抵消了右翼势力的影响。 cancel out/negate /ˌkænsəl ˈaʊt, nɪˈgeɪt/ [] to prevent something from being effective by having an equal but opposite effect 抵消 increases in rent cancel out any rise in wages. 租金的上涨抵消了工资的增长。 he treated me so badly at the end, it cancelled out the good times we'd had. 他最后对我的态度非常恶劣,足以抵消我们俩曾经一起度过的美好时光。 the side effects of the drug negate any possible benefit. 这种药的副作用抵消了它可能带来的益处。cancel each other out the two arguments simply cancel each other out. 这两个论点根本就是互相矛盾。




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