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单词 acceptable
释义 acceptable adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition | phrases verbs➤be, prove, seem可以接受;证明可以接受;好像可以接受▸➤become变得可以接受▸➤make sth使⋯可以接受◆an attempt to make the reforms acceptable to both sides让双方都可以接受这些改革的尝试➤consider sth, deem sth, find sth认为⋯可以接受;觉得⋯可以接受◆we must come up with a solution that our customers will find acceptable.我们必须想出一个顾客可以接受的解决办法。adverb➤highly, very十分/非常受欢迎◆most people found the drink's taste to be highly acceptable.多数人认为这种饮料的口感很好。➤completely, entirely, fully, perfectly, quite, totally特别受欢迎;非常受欢迎◆yogurt is a perfectly acceptable substitute for cream in cooking.酸奶是烹饪时特别受欢迎的奶油替代品。➤fairly, reasonably尚受欢迎;还算可以接受▸➤(not) remotely完全不可接受;勉强可接受◆these actions cannot be considered remotely acceptable in a civilized society.这些行为在文明社会中是完全无法接受的。➤generally, universally, widely普遍接受;普遍受欢迎▸➤easily, readily容易/便于接受▸➤equally同样受欢迎◆are all political groups equally acceptable?所有的政治团体都同样受欢迎吗?➤minimally (especially name) 勉强可接受的▸➤mutually相互可以接受▸➤publicly公众可接受的▸➤commercially, culturally, environmentally, ethically, grammatically, morally, politically, socially商业上可以接受的;文化上可以接受的;环境上可以接受的;合乎伦理的;符合语法的;符合道德规范的;政治上可接受的;社会认可的◆a grammatically acceptable sentence合乎语法的句子◆socially acceptable terminology合乎社会规范的术语preposition➤to对⋯是可以接受的◆a compromise that is acceptable to both sides双方都可以接受的折衷方案phrases➤the boundaries of acceptable..., the bounds of acceptable..., the limits of acceptable...可接受的⋯的界限/范围/限度◆this crosses the boundaries of acceptable conduct.这一行为超出了可容忍的范围。 acceptablenot very good, but good enough还可以的;尚可的◆the food was acceptable, but no more.食物只能说还可以。 acceptablethat sb agrees is good enough or should be allowed可接受的;令人满意的;可容许的◆we want a solution that is acceptable to all parties.我们需要一个各方都可接受的解决方案。◆to get on this course, a pass in english at grade b is acceptable.英语成绩达到 b 级就可以学习这门课程。◆air pollution in the city has reached four times the acceptable level.这座城市的空气污染程度已高达可接受标准的四倍。opp unacceptable → unacceptable acceptable(especially of behaviour or actions) thought to be right by most people in a society(尤指行为或行动在社会上)被认同的,被认可的◆children have to learn what is acceptable behaviour and what is not.儿童必须要懂得什么是被社会认可的行为举止,什么不是。◆divorce is much more socially acceptable than it used to be.与过去相比,社会对离婚的态度宽容得多了。opp unacceptable → unacceptable acceptable/əkˈseptəbl ||; əkˈsɛptəbḷ/adj1. that can be allowed 容许的;可以接受的: ◇one or two mistakes are acceptable but no more than that. 一两个错误可以接受,再多可就不行。 2. good enough; satisfactory 够好的;令人满意的: ◇we hope that you will consider our offer acceptable. 希望你会对我们的提议感到满意。 [opp] unacceptable 反义词为 unacceptable➔acceptability /əkˌseptəˈbɪləti ||; əkˌsɛptəˈbɪlətɪ/ noun [u] ➔acceptably /əkˈseptəbli ||; əkˈsɛptəblɪ/ advacceptablesee ⇨ good enough 1 ac·cep·ta·ble /ək`sɛptəbḷ; əkˈseptəbəl/adj 1. good enough 合意的,令人满意的:◇the essay was acceptable, but it wasn't her best work. 这篇文章令人满意,但不是她最好的作品。 2. if a kind of behaviour is acceptable, people approve of it and think that it should be allowed [行为]可接受的,可允许的:◇smoking is no longer an acceptable habit. 吸烟不再是可接受的习惯。 ☞ acceptable




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