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单词 collateral
释义 collateral /kəlætərəl/ noun [uncountable] (finance 金融) property or sth valuable that you promise to give sb if you cannot pay back money that you borrow 抵押品;担保物◆the company cannot sell its assets as they act as collateral for its loans. 公司已将资产作抵押来贷款,所以不能出售其资产。 2.(marketing 营销) (name) = collateral material ☞ collateralcollateral¹/kəˈlætərəl ||; kəˈlætərəl/noun [u] property or sth valuable that you agree to give to sb if you cannot pay back money that you have borrowed (贷款的)担保物,抵押品 collateral²/kəˈlætərəl ||; kəˈlætərəl/adj (formal 正式) connected with sth else, but in addition to it and less important 伴随的;附带的 col·lat·e·ral /kə`lætərəl; kəˈlætərəl/n [u]technical property or money that you promise to give to someone if you cannot pay back a debt 【术语】 抵押品,担保物:◇he offered his house as collateral for the loan. 他把房子作为这笔借款的抵押。




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