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单词 economically
释义 economically /iːkənɒmɪkli; ekə-; name -nɑːm-/ a way that is connected with the trade, industry and development of wealth of a country, an area or a society 在经济上;以经济方式◆the country is facing a crisis, both economically and socially. 国家正面临经济和社会两方面的危机。 a way that provides good value, profit or service in relation to the amount of time or money spent 经济地;实惠地◆if we can show that the project is economically viable, the bank has agreed to finance it. 如果我们能够证明这个项目在经济上可行,银行就同意提供融资。 a way that uses no more of sth than is necessary 节俭地;节省地;节约地◆the design is intended to use space as economically as possible. 这个设计方案旨在尽可能节省空间。  ➡  uneconomical ☞ economicallyeconomicallyadverb◆i'll do the job as economically as possible.我会尽可能高效率地工作。economicallyadverb◆the factory is no longer economically viable.工厂已经没有经济效益了。economicallyadverb◆she writes elegantly and economically.她的文章典雅而简炼。economicallyadverb◆i'll do the job as economically as possible.我会尽可能高效率地工作。economicallyadverb◆the factory is no longer economically viable.工厂已经没有经济效益了。economicallyadverb◆she writes elegantly and economically.她的文章典雅而简炼。 economically /-kḷɪ; -kli/adv◇an economically undeveloped area 经济不发达地区 economically /-kḷɪ; -kli/adv




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