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单词 complete/not complete
释义 complete/not complete1 with all its parts included and nothing missing2 examining, considering, or including every detail or part3 to make something complete4 not completerelated wordsfinish doing something 做完某事 finish,see alsocompletely,all/everything,full,1. with all its parts included and nothing missing 全部包括在内,没有遗漏 complete /kəmˈpliːt/ [adjective] use this to say that something includes all the parts it should have, with nothing missing 完整的;完全的,全部的 scientists have unearthed a complete dinosaur skeleton in montana. 科学家在蒙大拿州出土了一具完整的恐龙骨骼化石。complete set when my grandmother died, i inherited a complete set of dresden china. 祖母去世后,我继承了一套德累斯顿细瓷器。the complete works of somebody everything that an author has written 某人的全集 we gave vicki the complete works of shakespeare. 我们送给维基一套莎士比亚全集。 full /fʊl/ [adjective only before noun] complete 完整的 please write your full name and address at the top of the form. 请在表格的上端写上你的全名和详细地址。 sidney got married in full army uniform. 西尼结婚时穿着全套军服。 connors made a full confession to the police. 康纳斯向警方完全招供了。the full story we're not being told the full story here. 我们还不知道事情的全部真相。 whole /həʊl/ [adjective only before noun] complete, especially when this is very good, impressive, or unusual 全部的;齐全的;完备的 i drank a whole bottle of wine by myself. 我一个人喝下整整一瓶葡萄酒。 after spending years piecing together fragments, we now have the whole original manuscript. 经过多年拼凑断简残篇,我们现在得到了一份完整的原始手稿。 in full /ɪn ˈfʊl/ [adverb] if something is written, described, explained etc in full, everything necessary is included and nothing is left out; if you pay an amount of money in full, you pay the full amount 完全地;全部地 the text of the president's speech will be published in full in tomorrow's papers. 明天的报纸上将全文刊登总统的演说。 the bill had been stamped "paid in full'. 账单上已盖上“付讫”的字样。 taped testimony will be heard in full at the opening of the trial. 审判开始时将聆听证词录音的全部内容。 in its entirety /ˌɪn ɪts ɪnˈtaɪərə̇ti/ [adverb] if something is read, performed, seen etc in its entirety, the whole of it is read etc, especially when it is something very big or complicated 整个地;完整地[尤指庞大或极复杂的东西] bach's great masterpiece, the mass in b minor, was never performed in its entirety during his lifetime. 巴赫的杰作《b小调弥撒曲》在他生前从未被完整地演奏过。 be all there /biː ˌɔːl ˈðeəʳ/ [verb phrase] to be complete with the parts that should be there 所有的东西都在 it's an old set, but you'll find it's all there -- the dice, cards, everything. 这套东西旧了,但一样都不少——骰子、纸牌等所有东西。 you can count it if you want to, but it's all there. 你愿意的话可以点一下数,一样都不少。2. examining, considering, or including every detail or part 检查、考虑或包括所有细节或部分 complete /kəmˈpliːt/ [adjective] police made a complete search of the area. 警方彻底搜查了该地区。 a complete safety check was performed on the aircraft prior to takeoff. 飞机起飞前作了彻底的安全检查。 this is a complete list of educational publishers in britain. 这是英国所有教育出版公司的名录。 completely [adverb] he had the engine completely rebuilt. 他把发动机完全改装过了。 completeness [uncountable noun] for the sake of completeness we should add these figures to the report. 为完整起见,我们应该把这些数字加进报告里。 thorough /ˈθʌrəǁˈθʌrəʊ, ˈθʌrə/ [adjective] a thorough search, examination, check etc includes everything that can be included [搜索、调查、检查等]彻底的,全面的 congress is demanding a thorough investigation. 国会要求进行彻底调查。 have you had a thorough medical check-up within the last year? 去年你做过全面的身体检查吗? his assessment of the situation was quite thorough. 他对形势的估计相当全面。thorough understanding the position requires a thorough understanding of web page design software. 该职位要求全面了解网页制作软件。 thoroughly [adverb] a teacher must thoroughly understand his or her subject. 老师必须全面掌握自己学科的知识。 thoroughness [uncountable noun] the study was carried out with both thoroughness and objectivity. 该项研究既全面又客观。 full /fʊl/ [adjective only before noun] including all the necessary facts, or a lot of details 详细的;详尽的 the atlas contains full statistical descriptions of each country. 这本地图册详细记述了每个国家的数据资料。 full details of the travel arrangements will be published as soon as possible. 旅行安排的全部细节将会尽快公布出来。 david wants a full report of the accident first thing in the morning. 戴维早上一上班就要那起事故的详细报告。 fully [adverb] the airline says the complaints will be fully investigated. 该航空公司称将会对这些投诉进行全面调查。 schatz pledged that the parents would be fully informed of the inquiry's findings. 沙茨保证,调查的结果将向家长详细通报。 comprehensive /ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv◂ǁˌkɑːm-/ [adjective] very thorough, especially because it is important that nothing is left out and that every possible problem is dealt with 全面的;广泛的;综合的 the factory was given a comprehensive safety inspection three months ago. 三个月前,那家工厂接受了全面的安全检查。 this is the largest and most comprehensive study ever made of the city's public transportation system. 这是有史以来对这个城市的公共交通系统规模最大、涉及面最广泛的研究。 comprehensively [adverb] the service had not been comprehensively reviewed since the seventies. 自70年代以来,该部门未接受过全面检查。 exhaustive /ɪgˈzɔːstɪv/ [adjective] so complete that not even the smallest detail or possibility is missed 全面而彻底的,详尽无遗的 as a result of exhaustive inquiries the police are at last able to issue a description of the murderer. 经过彻底调查,警方终于能够公布凶手的相貌特征。 the list shown here is by no means exhaustive. 这里列出的清单绝对说不上全面彻底。 exhaustively [adverb] the report has been exhaustively examined for errors. 这份报告已经彻底核对过了。 in-depth /ˌɪn ˈdepθ◂/ [adjective only before noun] an in-depth study, discussion, report etc is thorough and complete and considers all details [研究、讨论、报道等]彻底的;深入的 see chapter 6 for an in-depth discussion of this topic. 对此课题的深入讨论见第六章。 the study is based on in-depth interviews with a nationally representative sample of 1,500 us households. 该研究基于对全国有代表性的1,500户美国家庭的深入访问。3. to make something complete 使某物完整 complete /kəmˈpliːt/ [transitive verb] brown lace leggings and black leather shoes completed the outfit. 棕色花边紧身裤和黑皮鞋使整套衣服齐全了。 i only need one more volume to complete the collection. 只要再有一册,我这套书就齐了。 complete the sentences using either the simple past or present perfect tense of the verbs. 用动词的一般过去式或现在完成式完成这些句子。 make up /ˌmeɪk ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] to complete a group, set, or amount by adding something or someone to it 补足 we need two more players to make up the team. 我们还需要两名球员才能组队。 if you haven't got enough to pay for that, i can make up the difference. 如果你没有足够的钱付账,我会给你补足差额的。4. not complete 不完整的;不完全的 incomplete /ˌɪnkəmˈpliːt◂/ [adjective] historical records for this time are incomplete. 这个时期的历史记录不全。 an incomplete job application 不完整的求职申请 for many, a good meal is incomplete without a fine wine. 对许多人来说,没有美酒的盛餐并不完美。 partial /ˈpɑːʳʃəl/ [adjective only before noun] only containing or including part of what is necessary to be complete 部分的,不完全的 from where i was standing, i had a partial view of the house. 从我站的地方,只能看见房子的一部分。 this is only a partial solution to the problem. 这只能部分解决问题。 at best, the mission was a partial success. 这项任务最多只能说获得了部分的成功。 wade received only partial compensation for her injuries. 韦德只获得了部分损害赔偿。 patchy /ˈpætʃi/ [adjective] if something is patchy, it does not include enough information, or important details are missing 不完整的 the records are patchy and incomplete. 记录不完整。 a patchy picture began to emerge of what happened that night. 那晚事件的一鳞半爪开始浮现。 my knowledge of the subject is pretty patchy. 我对那门学科的知识相当零碎。




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