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单词 correlation
释义 correlation nounadjective | verb + correlation | correlation + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤close, good, high, remarkable, significant, strong密切相关;高度关联;显著关联▸➤clear, obvious明显的联系▸➤direct, simple直接的/简单的关联◆there is a direct correlation between exposure to sun and skin cancer.日照与皮肤癌有直接关系。➤broad, general, overall大体/普遍/总体相关▸➤low, poor, weak低相关性;弱相关性▸➤positive正相关▸➤inverse, negative逆相关;负相关▸➤statistical统计相关verb + correlation➤have有关联◆the second group of measurements had a high correlation with the first.第二组测量数据与第一组具有很强的相关性。➤discover, establish, find, observe, see发现相关性;建立关联;观察相互关联▸➤demonstrate, indicate, reveal, show证明相关;显示相关;表明相关◆the study showed a significant correlation between smoking and heart disease.研究表明吸烟与心脏病有很大关联。➤examine研究相关性correlation + verb➤exist关联存在◆a strong correlation exists between obesity in parents and in their children.父母的肥胖和子女的肥胖之间存在着密切关联。preposition➤correlation between⋯之间的相关性◆the correlation between speed and risk of accident速度和事故风险之间的相关性➤correlation with与⋯的相关性◆the correlation of height with weight身高与体重的关联性phrases➤lack of correlation没有相关性 correlation /kɒrəleɪʃn; name kɔːrəleɪʃn, kɑːrəleɪʃn/ [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) a connection between two things in which one thing changes as the other does相互关系;相关;关联◆there is a direct correlation between exposure to sun and skin cancer.暴晒与皮肤癌直接相关。◆the correlation of social power with wealth社会权力与财富的相关性  ➡ see also correlate → match 1 correlationsee ⇨ connected with/related 3 cor·re·la·tion /ˏkɔrə`leʃən; ˌkɒrɪˈleɪʃən/n [c,u]when two things are connected in some way, and one has an effect on the other [两事物的]相互关系; 关联:◇+ between there is a correlation between unemployment and crime 失业与犯罪有关联。




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