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单词 bother¹
释义 both·er¹ /`bɑðə; ˈbɒðə/v 1. [t] to annoy someone, especially by interrupting what they are doing 烦扰,打扰[某人]:◇"why didn't you ask me for help?" "i didn't want to bother you." “你为什么不叫我帮忙呢?”“我不想打扰你。” 2. [i,t] to make someone feel slightly worried or upset (使)苦恼; (使)不安:◇mandy hates walking home alone at night but it doesn't bother me. 曼迪讨厌晚上独自走回家,但我无所谓。 3. [i,t] to make the effort to do something 尽力[做某事],费心:◇tom failed mainly because he did not bother to complete his course work. 汤姆不及格主要是因为他没有尽力完成课业。 4. can't be bothered (to do sth) bre used to say that you do not have enough interest or energy to do something 【英】 不想费神(做某事):◇i ought to clean the car, but i can't be bothered. 我应该去洗车,但我就是没心思干。 5. not bothered spoken, especially bre if you are not bothered about something, it is not important to you 【口,尤英】无所谓,随便:◇"what time do you want to leave?" "i'm not bothered — you decide." “你想什么时候走?”“我无所谓 — 你决定吧。”




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