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单词 lust
释义 lust noun¹ 1sexual desire性欲adjective | verb + lust adjective➤pure赤裸裸的性欲◆a relationship based on pure lust完全建立在性欲基础上的关系➤carnal, physical, sexual肉欲;性欲➤insatiable, unbridled, uncontrollable无法满足的/不加约束的/无法克制的肉欲➤animal, male, teenage兽欲;男性的欲望;青少年的欲望verb + lust➤feel感到有性欲◆she felt no lust whatsoever for him.她对他没有丝毫欲望。➤satisfy满足性欲◆he used her just to satisfy his lust.他只是用她来满足自己的肉欲。lust noun² 2strong desire for sth强烈欲望adjective | verb + lust | preposition adjective➤insatiable贪得无厌的欲望➤blood暴力欲verb + lust➤be driven by, have受欲望驱使;有欲望▸➤satisfy满足欲望preposition➤lust for对⋯的渴望◆she was driven by a lust for power.她受权力之欲驱使。◆he had his father's lust for life.他和父亲一样懂得享受生活。lust [uncountable] (often disapproving) very strong sexual desire, especially when love is not involved(尤指无爱的)强烈性欲;色欲;淫欲◆their affair was driven by pure lust.他们私通纯粹是受淫欲的驱使。lust¹/lʌst ||; lʌst/noun1. [u] lust (for sb) strong sexual desire 强烈的性欲 2. [c,u] (a) lust (for sth) (a) very strong desire to have or get sth (拥有或取得某物的)强烈欲望,渴望: ◇a lust for power 强烈的权力欲 [c,u] ◇(a) lust for life (= enjoyment of life) 对生活的热爱 lust²/lʌst ||; lʌst/verb [i] lust (after sb);lust (after/for sth) to feel a very strong desire for sb/sth 贪求;渴求;渴望: ◇to lust for power/success/fame 贪求权力╱成就╱名誉 lustsee ⇨ sex 9 ⇨ want/not want 6☞ lust¹☞ lust²




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